• expired

AmEx Platinum Edge - $195 Annual Fee: Bonus 10,000 Points & Free Flight



I doubt there are many ozbargainers out there without one of these cards. They are brilliant for points earn at supermarkets & the low annual fee is easily offset by the free flight. - The free flight is with Virgin and is Basically a 'Saver' level fare. So wherever you see saver availability on the Virgin web site, you should be able to book that flight if it's an approved route. The flight includes baggage.

I will post the standard deal details, but I need to point out that where this deal shines is if the the applicant uses a referral link. Using a referral link increases the points bonus by 5000 & reduces the first year annual fee to $0 (fee has gone up to $195 since am 4 July) That is pretty much in line with the old priceline platinum edge, except I believe this is better as the points on offer are more (15,000 vs 13,500), and to trigger the bonus points, you don't have to spend at priceline (which was restrictive for many).
So if using the referral link, the referee will receive 30,000 points and you will receive the extra 5000 Points. (It is easy to set up a referral link and add it to the wiki once you have your card)

Any regular Ozbargainer will know of the value of Statement credits, and this card is a great way to take advantage of them. There are usually a slew every month, and then there's also shop small every year.
See below for some recent (albeit expired) examples.

Standard Platinum Edge Deal

  • $50k Min Income
  • $195 Annual Fee
  • 10,000 Bonus Points after initial $750 spend
  • Free Domestic Flight (routes here - http://www.americanexpress.com/australia/campaigns/platinum_…)
  • Apple pay compatible
  • 3 Points per $ at Supermarkets
  • 2 Points per $ at Petrol Stations
  • 1 Point per $ on most other spend
  • 0.5 Points per $ on Utilities, Insurance & Government bodies
  • 0% p.a. on balance transfers for the first 12 months
  • Complimentary enrolment in the Membership Rewards Ascent program4 saving you $80 per year
  • Overseas Medical Emergency Expenses Cover up to $2,500,000
  • Personal Liability Cover up to $1,000,000
  • Baggage, Money and Documentation Cover up to $10,000
  • Travel Cancellation Cover up to $10,000
  • Travel Inconvenience Cover- may even cover you for flight delays, missed connections or luggage delays

Bonuses using referral link

  • Bonus points increased to 15,000 after initial $750 spend
  • $200 travel credit INSTEAD of the free flight

The terms of this deal specify that to receive bonus points, you can't have owned an AmEx card in the last 12 months (bank issues Amex's not included). However there are many reports both on Ozbargain & elsewhere of this not being strictly adhered to (i.e. -getting bonus points even if you already have another AmEx card, or have done in the last 12 months)

Ozbargain Referral Wiki
You can also use any fellow OzBargainer's link from this referral wiki page: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/american_express_referrals

My Referral Link
Thanks in advance to anyone who is kind enough to use my link. http://amex.com.au/refer/claudfYXKS

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +3
    • +19

      Hey sorry hope you don't mind me hijacking your top comment. Just hijacking this to share some info about the flight which will hopefully answer some commonly asked questions:

      • You get a free flight per card anniversary year. The flight only needs to be booked by the anniversary date, but doesn't need to be flown in the card anniversary year. See destinations here
      • I think you can book for travel up to 330 calendar days in advance, like with point redemption tickets [Source: Finder]. If it's not 330 days, then I assume it would be a whole calendar year.
      • This means you can "book" two flights around the overlap period of your anniversary year. Book one seat for yourself first just before the card anniversary date for something like a month away, then another one for your travel companion just after the anniversary year for the same flight. The risk here is that a seat may no longer be available.
      • There are some reports of AMEX allowing you a "buffer" period of up to a month after your card anniversary date has passed to use your free flight from the previous year [Source: From reading Point Hacks a while ago. I recall reading about this]
      • The flight does not have to be booked in your name - This is not even like Qantas/Velocity points transfers where you have to pretend someone's your step brother. This is great because if you do not fly, you can book it in a friend's name, or even sell it on Ozbargain Classifieds section (although be aware that receiving "compensation" for the free flight is technically against their T&Cs).
      • The flight can be cancelled/amended within the same calendar day without penalty, as long as you call before the AMEX hotline closes. At present, this is 6pm Sydney time. This means to maximise this period of flexibility, it's best you book early in the day. If you know you're going to travel, then of course this doesn't matter. [Source: Personal experience]
      • You are not supposed to be able to earn any status credits or velocity points on this, however there are some reports of some people earning points on these flights [Source: Point Hacks]
      • You cannot upgrade the free flight using points (i.e. cannot upgrade to business class)
      • The free flight comes with 23kg of check-in luggage and Virgin Australia's standard food inclusions
      • You can add an infant (that sits in your lap, i.e. not having a dedicated seat) for free. [Source: Personal experience]
      • The best way to check for availability is to check on Virgin Australia's website for any Saver fare availability. If they are selling, then it is likely that you can use your free AMEX flight. However, this is not always the case and the only way to know for sure is to call up.
      • The flight and the card itself does not give you any lounge access, but you should be able to access a Virgin Australia lounge if you already have status with them
      • Of particular significance is the inclusion of Perth to East coast return flights. These often retail for $600+
      • This cannot be booked in the other direction (i.e. you cannot book a flight originating in one of the major East Coast cities to Perth return)
      • You cannot book open jaw tickets with this free flight. This means you cannot book something like MEL-HBA, LST-MEL [Source: Personal experience]. You must fly into and return from the same city.

      A card with a very similar free flight benefit is the Virgin Velocity Platinum AMEX. The key differences between that card and this one are the following:

      • Destinations for the free flight differ slightly. Of particular significance is originating in Perth, the only East Coast city you can book to is Sydney (unlike Platinum Edge)
      • Earn rates for points are different. You get 3pts/$ at restaurants (including Delivery Hero/Menulog/Eatnow - I've tried!), 2pts/$ at accommodation places/websites and airlines (think AirBNB, booking.com, hotels.com, Qantas, Virgin, Cathay), 1pt everywhere else
      • The points you earn are direct earn into Velocity points, so they are not flexible points unlike the Membership Rewards points with the Platinum Edge.
      • However, Velocity points can be transferred to KrisFlyer (Singapore Airlines) at a rate of 1.35:1
      • There is an annual fee of $349 vs $195 for the Platinum Edge
      • The Travel Insurance included on the Velocity Platinum is superior - it does not require the trip to start and end in Australia, and it does not need to be a return airfare
      • The card gives you two VA lounge access passes per calendar year
      • There is currently a sign up bonus for this card, giving you 50,000pts (100,000pts if using referral link) upon meeting the spend criteria. - this is a really great bonus which is only 10,000pts less than the equivalent deal last year
      • It is hypothetially not possible to pick up the bonus points of both the Platinum Edge and Velocity Platinum Edge (as per T&Cs, the bonus points are only for new AMEX customers), however, I can personally confirm (myself and my partner) were both able to obtain the bonus on both cards. Many on the Australian Frequent Flyer forum also report being awarded the sign up bonuses on both sets of cards.
      • Personally speaking, I would recommend signing up for the Velocity Platinum AMEX first (the sign up bonus on that is much larger) and then signing up for the Platinum Edge. This is the order that both me and my partner applied in. Reason being, even if you do not get the bonus on the Platinum Edge and are charged an annual fee, the card is still worth paying an annual fee for and is worth keeping ongoing.

      Hope this helps answer some questions!

      • +4

        Hi can confirm for Amex Platinum Edge there's a two week "Buffer period" at least after the annual renewal date when you can do double redemption (i.e use prior year's quota and new year's quota at the same time). Useful if you want to bring someone along with you on the flight.

        Was informed this by the operator when redeeming my ticket in Apr this year. Cheers.

        • +1

          That's pretty awesome!! Thanks for that. Were you specifically told it was a two week period?

        • @illumination: Yep 2 weeks

      • I've just applied the card using your referal link illumination :)

        • Thanks :)

        • @illumination:
          Silly question. What exactly can I do with AMEX points? I signed up before clarifying. haha

        • +1

          The true ozbargain way :P

          most people will transfer them over to airline miles.

        • @chansthename: thanks chansthename. Would you happen to know if there's a list of airlines which accept amex point transfer?
          What else can you do apart from airline miles?

        • @sol3x:
          to quote them:
          Redeem your points for flights with any of our 9 leading airline partner programs or online for Gift Cards or even credit on your account

        • @sol3x: To be specific:

          • Asia Miles (Cathay)
          • Thai Airways
          • Air New Zealand
          • Enrich Miles (Malaysia Airlines)
          • Etihad Guest
          • Emirates Skywards
          • Virgin Velocity
          • Virgin Atlantic Flying Club (not sure if US or UK one)
          • KrisFlyer (Singapore Airlines)

          You can use your points to do quite a lot of things. For starters, it is the most flexible rewards program in Australia (in terms of transfers to air miles). You can also use it to buy toasters, vacuum cleaners just like with QFF/Velocity points (although it would be a real waste of points to do that). In terms of more "cash like" rewards, you can get gift cards, use the points towards your annual fee, use the points towards your expenses, and you can also use the points to exchange for cash to get foreign currency (at a better rate than the other "cash" equivalent rewards).

      • Hi, i have three questions which i hope can be answered by my fellow ozbargainers

        1. Have you ever tried/heard of anyone applying for the card 2x in the same promo.
          eg. this week i apply and get approved and get the bonus points. cancel the card and repeat in a months time.

        2. you mention that the flight does not need to be booked under your name - is this the same for all complimentary flights that come with amex or only the platinum edge?

        3. when you already own a card, and apply for a new one - do you create a new login and leave out the details of owning an existing credit card or do you provide details of your current amex card and login too?


        • 1) You mean 2x Platinum Edges? Nope, never heard of it personally and never thought of doing that to be honest. Not sure if it would be allowed..
          2) It's definitely the case for the Platinum Edge & the other card I mentioned, the Velocity Platinum AMEX, but not sure about the Qantas AMEX cards.
          3) Nope. I provided my details and said that I am an existing customer, and once the card gets approved, I link it to my existing login. You can have the same login as long as you are a primary card holder. If you are a supplementary card holder, you'll need a separate login for those cards.

      • How do we redeem the complimentary domestic return flight after receiving the card?

        • Phone and book.

    • Just wondering how is this a new or unique deal? Standard price for a standard deal; it was posted several times before here on OZB. I think the OP just wanted to get as many referrals as possible…

    • +1

      Just a heads up. Might be a good idea to mention who's link you use as its a Max of 7 referrals per user and an abundance of ozbargainers applying for this card

  • +3

    Great deal for referees

  • +4

    There's already a list of available referrer's below for all AMEX cards.

    Please also consider using the list below


    • Indeed. I had included that in my deal.

    • I have received an email that they are doubling up the referral points for this month, require application approved before 15 Aug 2016.

  • +1

    Ah cool, first year free is great. Now that the good Priceline deal is over, this is most likely the best deal available for this card. Great overall card.

    • Hey illumination I noticed you haven't got your referrals for this card.

    • +3

      As an aside, for the past few weeks I've been trying to set up a referral link and couldn't as a result of having a Priceline "Affiliate" card. Support told me they'd enable support at some time but had no ETA. The Priceline deal had expired and I was keen to sign someone up.

      Lo and behold, checked this morning and it looks like if you have an affiliate card such as the Priceline one (which is no longer offered), you can now create referral links for a standard Platinum Edge cards. Might help anyone who took part in the previous deal and would like to refer family or friends.

  • +8

    I forgot to add into the deal listing (and I'm not sure if it's appropriate even) about how points earn can be boosted by using 'local champion', which is a feature on Amex's mobile app. It allows you to boost your points earn by another 1 point per $ up to a limit (10,000 bonus points?). I usually run a few small transactions through the self checkout to ensure I have local champion status before doing any big shops.

    So based on a $300 weekly shopping bill (high for some, but low for others also -eg families), a person should be able to earn 900 points per week ($300x3points), 46,800 points per year (900 x 52), plus 10,000 bonus points if you used local champion efficiently. So 56,800 points per year ongoing is entirely within reason if a family's shopping spend is put through this card. Thats enough points for 6 Sydney to Melbourne reward flights (if you opt to pay the $17 co-pay).

    Don't forget also that buying gift vouchers at the supermarket can earn you 3 points per dollar on a wide range of things (e.g. bunnings, Fuel cards etc), so it's pretty easy to boost ones point balance.

    Also note that Membership rewards points transfer to the following list of partners
    Asia Miles
    Etihad Guest
    Emirates Skywards
    Malaysia Airline
    Qantas Frequent flyer
    Singapore Airlines Krisflyer
    SPG (can transfer to many other programs from here)
    Thai Royal Orchid
    Virgin Australia Velocity
    Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

    • Isn't there extra conditions to transfer to Qantas?

      • correct. Qantas is only available for Ascent Premium (Platinum Charge)- no Qantas points transfer available for this one.

    • +1

      SPG is not 1:1 thought, it's 1:0.5, so while the transfer rate from SPG is great, the transfer rate TO SPG isn't.

      • +1

        Correct. I honestly haven't even looked into all the transfer rates. I've only ever used SPG & Krisflyer.
        When you transfer out of SPG (mostly to my knowledge - which is limited), you get 25,000 points for 20,000 transferred, so as you suggest you win a little there. In the past, I've moved points across to American Airlines for cheap flights from Perth to New Zealand.

        • If I had a reason to, then yes it makes sense like that - but I would rather just put down coin on AA points during sales or SPG point sales.

          Because, if I had 100k Reward points, that's 50k SPG, which converts to 60k for any airline. Not the greatest return. But good for a quick top up only.

    • Seems a bit pointless buying gift cards to boost your points balance seeing as you can just use your amex card to pay at most places and earn the points anyway!(google play, itunes, bunnings etc.) With the exception of petrol which is 2 points instead of the 3.

      • +1

        If you purchase a Bunnings gift card at Coles you get 3 points per dollar (4 if Local Champion). If you purchase directly from Bunnings you get 1 point per dollar. Depends on how much you value those extra points and if its worth the time and effort to do so…

        • Ahh. I assumed it was more like the bank issued cards! 3 points per $$ anywhere. With the couple of exceptions. So you can only earn 3 points at specifically supermarkets?

        • @Soluble: have a read of the original post. In summary though it's 3 points at supermarkets, 2 for petrol and one elsewhere other than a few rates and Bill based things that are 0.5.

        • -1

          Seems worse than bank issued cards which are 3 points on anything including supermarkets/bills and petrol… and $0 annual fee for life with a home loan… I originally misread the post now I'm questioning why bother? $3000 spent on anything anywhere else with a bank issued card and you've covered your 10,000 points… and again $195 after the first year which is what 40,000 points equivalent?

        • +2

          @Soluble: Bank issued cards that issue you with 3 bank points… you need to consider how much those bank points are actually worth. A lot of them convert to airline miles at a rate of 2:1, so you're actually earning 1.5 "miles" per dollar and not 3 despite what you're thinking. If you're comparing gift cards, then again you'd need to compare the amount of points you require to get gift cards.

          In addition to this, you're getting a free domestic flight (this is actually free - doesn't require paying taxes unlike when making point redemptions), which for most people offset (or in some cases, more than offset) the annual fee.

          Also, which bank are you referring to? Westpac Black, ANZ Rewards Black are two examples I can think of off the top of my head that issue you with 3 points per dollar, but like I said, look at the conversion rate. It matters.

          And finally. Just get both cards? If you can get a free premium credit card through your bank because you have a home loan with them, yes it's probably worth it, but so is this. It's not like you're limited to one card..

        • @Soluble: as illumination mentioned, you need to compare conversion rates too. Amex is 1:1 to flyer miles where many banks are 1:2 or 1:3. Additionally, a return flight is likely going to set you back more than $199, and the first years is free with no obligation to keep the card. Recently there was a promo where conversion to Virgin points gave a bonus 15%, so it was actually better than a 1:1 conversion.

          There's also the frequent promotions for shopping at places, which can get you a good 10%, 20% or more back depending on the store and the conditions of the specific deal. Some of those apply to bank issued Amex cards, but not all.

          If you did nothing but take advantage of those promos and use the return flight, the cards still likely worth it.

        • Yes but it's almost not worth it if you need to make big purchases. Like JB hi-fi I only found $50 cards. If i need to buy a tv, i'd rather just pay the $3000, rather than 20 gift cards - if that makes sense.

          Small purchases - no brainer on the gift cards.

    • +1

      The Gift Card thing is a great idea that I've always thought of, but something important I thought I'd add in relation to this is two important things that you may be foregoing:

      • The Platinum Edge card includes complimentary extended manufacturer's warranty. By making a purchase of gift cards at Coles/Woolies for additional points and paying with gift cards, you will be foregoing this benefit + the other card specific benefits. I think the others are to do with the item being broken/stolen within 90 days. I would arguably say the extended warranty and other benefits may be worth foregoing the additional points for.
      • By making a purchase from a store using gift cards, if you change your mind (or if you need to due to product being defective) and wish to obtain a refund, you will most likely be refunded in gift cards. This can be somewhat annoying, unless you know you're definitely going to be using up the cards some time in the future.

      Just something to consider!

    • Please also add "Credit Card" as a tag to this deal

  • +1

    What the dollar value of 10,000 points? Also how do we know which referee links are used (or can they be used again?)

    • +1

      On everyday spend it's $7 for every 1000 points. So $70 for 10,000 points or $105 for 15,000.

      All referee links will be good. There's just a limit to how many points the referee can earn. So even if the referee capps out, you'll still get the deal.
      - For my part, if I do reach my limit I will obviously pull my referral link so as to share the love. But to be honest, I'll be ecstatic if I only get a couple of referrals. :)

      • Is there a way to know if you've reached your referral limit ? Where can I see this ? Thank you.

        • -1

          Referers would be able to track only by no. of successful applications, as we get the referral credit once you'e got the card.

          Your safest bet would be to jump onto the referral wiki page and use the code of someone in the middle of the page who likely hasn't been used before <hint hint> ;)

        • I'm not expert here, so forgive me if I'm a little off target, but if you log onto your amex connect online and click on 'Your points balance' you'll see a list of your points earn.

          It will look something like the attached image, and from what I hear (and was in my case when referring my partner for her Platinum Velocity card), it shows up within a couple of days


        • @keithality: Maybe someone 6 down ? ;) Haha I already have one though !

        • @Bunnycat: Got it ! Looks like you have to wait to get the points to truly 'know'. Cheers !

        • -1


          nah pretty much everyone has been hit. best to start near the end :)

    • +1

      10,000 MR points = around $74 based on gift card redemption.

      At the moment there is no way to tell who has used the referral links. Note that the links can be used multiple times up to a cap up 200,000 for the referrer.

    • +2

      My favourite way of using the points is for foreign currency before travelling - it's 12,000 points for $100 worth, and get a good exchange rate. Plus, depending on your card, no fees. (https://www.americanexpress.com/australia/campaigns/mrforeig…)

  • Hi OP, do you know if the annual fee will be waived if one has a new AMEX issued AMEX in the last 12 months? To the best of my knowledge, the annual fee is never waived if a new card is obtained within the 12 month period but I see that it's linked to referral this time so could be different??

    • Just wondering what this means as I just received a second Amex platinum edge in the post the other day. I applied 6 months ago and the browser froze. So just did the application again. Received the card 1 week later in January. Now 6 months later another new card arrived. Need to book a flight, thinking of using it for this. But if there is a straight up annual fee I'll just call and cancel.

  • How do i get my referral link?

    • +2

      Click on the "Refer a friend" link on the bottom of the AMEX homepage (amex.com.au)

  • Does the offer include complementary Priority pass membership? I'm travelling overseas would prefer a card that offers such feature. Any suggestions?

    • No priority pass. Doesn't get you into the Amex lounge either

      Similar level card like Citibank signature and Westpac black only gets u 2 visits a year on priority pass.

      • Citibank signature looks good to me, previous deals on ozb suggest they sometimes do a $0 lifetime deal. Hopefully that deal comes on again

    • I think the Platinum Charge gets you unlimited PriorityPass, but keep in mind the $1200 annual fee. No typo there!!

      It is actually a really good card though, and there is an offer on it at the moment. However, it's only worth it if it suits your personal circumstances (i.e. you have to be a frequent traveller).

  • "Excluded if you held any Amex in the past 12 months" arrrrgh

    • I won't encourage anyone to break the terms and conditions of the application, but what I will say is that I received my bonus points for my Velocity platinum Card despite owning a Platinum Edge card at the time. There'll be many people who would attest to similar experiences. Indeed, I've not heard of anyone being denied the points on the basis of them already owning an Amex card

    • +1

      AmEx issued. Not bank issued.

  • How many Amex issued creadit card can we apply /have ? I have already had two . lol

    • two credit cards and twp charge cards max.

    • I've got a Platinum card and the white card. I wouldn't mind this though.

  • So we still get the free flight even for the first year with $0 annual fee? I've never had an Amex before so this is interesting.

    • +2

      Correct. Free return flight & 10,000 points (or 15,000) which is nearly another free one way flight.

      See attached image to see how far 15,000 points will get you on Virgin should you choose to transfer to them.

      Remember also that Velocity also occasionally have a transfer bonus of around 15% meaning your 15,000 points become 17,250 velocity points.
      I think the last bonus period was around May https://www.velocityfrequentflyer.com/transfers/

      My personal preference is to transfer to Krisflyer as that's a 1:1 ratio. As an example, first class in Suites from Singapore to Hong Kong will set you back 31,875 plus $34 in taxes. Not bad for a flight that retails for $2,800. But I digress - not everyone is into flying.. :)

    • I redeemed the free flight one week after activating the card, which would have cost $700 in cash.

      Paid zero, no fees or taxes, oh and in my partners name.

  • +1

    At first I thought this surely must be a repost, but I stand corrected. This is a great card for anyone who does any sort of domestic travel. Do check the locations you can fly to on the travel map though.

  • -4

    Users should be aware that credit card users spend more money than they would have if they had not paid using a credit card and so called rewards or loyalty schemes only compounds the effect.

    People paying cash spend the least.

    And the biggest misconception amongst credit card users is that although this is the case it doesn't apply to them for various reasons.

    • +1

      Makes sense, because there's always the "oh I'm getting points for this" reason to justify purchasing something you probably don't need. Also ozbargain doesn't help.

    • +8

      It does not apply to me. Reason: Ozbargainer. I don't spend unless I either save or make money in the long term. Credit card companies hate me.

    • +1

      Unless you get the card, make the minimum purchases, redeem the points and stop using it…

  • +1

    Minimum income of $50k - unhelpful! How do they check.

    • +5

      "I think I made $50k this year but I left my moneys and paperwork in one of my many yachts, parked in Nice. I'd fly over there but my helicopter pilot is on vacation and my butler is still lost in our garden maze."

    • +1

      they can ask for a recent notice of assessment from the ATO or payslips.

  • +1

    I'm totally confused with what flights are available.

    I can fly Sydney -> Gold Coast return but not Gold Coast -> Sydney return?

    Lots of destinations fly to the Gold Coast but not flights starting from the Gold Coast ?

    Thanks :)

    • +3

      I can't see Gold Coast on the map - Is it coolangatta? (sorry for my ignorance - I'm from perth) If so, it seems like you're correct.
      I guess it could be like how I'm able to redeem a flight to the east coast, yet east coast people can't fly to Perth (not that there's that much to do in Perth).

      • +1

        Gold Coast is Coolangatta :)
        Thanks for the clarification :)

      • -1

        Youre not ignorant if you're from Perth, only if you're from Perth and bag the shit out of it.

  • If the person has a supplementary card, he should be treated as a new customer right?

    • +1

      Correct. So if your partner or whoever has a sup card with your name on it, You'll be treated like a new customer

      • Thanks buddy

  • +8

    Just thought I would give my thoughts on the Platinum Edge as a current user of the card. In the past 18 months, i've gone through several different Visa and Amex cards and this is by far my favorite. The supermarket earn of 3 points per dollar is what makes this card so great. We do most of our shopping at supermarkets and even purchase gift cards to other retailers to get the increased point earn (eg Bunnings, Village Cinemas, Rebel Sport, etc). Can purchase Wish cards through Entertainment Book getting 5% off and that still qualifies for the 3 points per dollar.

    One other thing I use which I rarely see mentioned in the Amex deals is the Points Champion program. The Android and Apple app have a 'Local Champion' program. This gives an extra point per dollar spent when you become the local champion. This means having the most transactions at that particular retailer of those enrolled in the program. I am local champion at my coles so get 4 points per dollar. Only need to spend $18,750 at my Coles to get one way trip to Europe if I was to transfer points to Velocity.

    First year annual free and flight included makes this a no brainer! Hope this helps someone..

    • I couldn't agree more, this is definitely one of the best rewards card out there. I use it everyday for petrols and supermarket. I need to start planning ahead and buy gift cards too when shopping at other places.

      The Amex offers and free flight make this card well worth it for the fee.

    • How can you get Coles as your local champion? I seared for local champion locations in my android app, and no supermarkets ever come up, even though they're in my vicinity, only small businesses. How did you add Coles?

      • When I click Add a new Place, it shows some Visited and some Places Nearby. Places nearby are the small business places. I had Coles and Woolworths show under the visited section and was able to add it that way. It looks to me like only places the primary cardholder has shopped up show under the visited section, and even then not all of them do.

    • Do you use the self serve checkout and split payment like a hundred times to get the most transactions?

      • Once you have the required transactions to become local champion you are fine. It could anywhere from 2 transactions to 10-15. Split tender and self checkout makes it a lot quicker to become local champion

        • +1

          These local champions are quickly going to become those annoying people infront of you in the self checkout line.
          "He split his purchase into 5 transactions! Very well then, I shall split mine into 6!"
          Meanwhile, face palms for everyone behind you.

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