This is a great deal for mid level fishing spin combo.
Normally $115 down to $69 with a further 20% brings it down to $55.20 with free pick up or add $7.95 for delivery.
Penn Defiance Spin Combo - 6'6 3-6kg 2p (40% off + Further 20% off) $55.20 @ BCF eBay

Last edited 18/05/2016 - 18:14 by 1 other user
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Title mate
Expired for me at 2350 :-(
EDIT: And 4217……hate the BCF Ebay site, takes you through to the payment section and at the last confirmation says "These items are not available. They may have been purchased already, or the listings have expired."
Worked for me again without problems got one for my fishing mate as well!
My dad and I are beginners at fishing at we basically have no idea what we're doing. We've gone fishing so many times and we've never caught a thing (the line usually snaps or the hook gets caught on something). So far we've just been using rods from k-mart and I really want to get him a nice rod. Would this be suitable for a beginner? What's the difference between the 7', 6'6, 10' and 12' rods?
I've been fishing using a cheap combo from Kmart for years now and it's done the job, biggest fish so far was a 49cm Yellowbelly on the stock line, but the reel could definitely use some improvement so something like this might be a good upgrade if you were on a budget.
Someone might correct me on this, but the length depends on what kind of fishing you are doing, from a boat, a wharf/dock/shore, etc - I've been really happy with 6.6 as an all rounder!
Hope that helps.
Thankyou GreyGargoyle:) That did help. I think I'll wait until we can catch something first before upgrading. I hoped that our lack of fish was because of bad equipment but I guess we're just plain shit at fishing hahaha.
Yes 6'6 is good for just about everything. Just be aware you need to put line onto this rod/reel combo, any fishing store can do this for you!
Just take the whole thing into the store and ask them to spool the line with mono (or superior braid line if your budget allows).Tie a… to the end of the line with a Clinch knot.
Then just put one of these premade fishing rigs on the end your local tackle shop what bait to use in your area when buying it.
If you aren't having much success, try finding a local fishing club, you really only need to change up a few things and start catching fish, although sometimes no matter what you do or how hard you try they just aren't biting!
I pretty much gave up on fishing when I lived in Australia. Hours and hours for the occasional flathead, blackfish, mullet or whiting…
Thought I was pretty 'shit' at it too…
Then I moved to an island. I've now caught more fish in the last couple of years than most of the commercial charters and hardcore fisherman will catch in a lifetime.
Wahoo, kingfish, tuna, giant trevally, amberjack, sweet lip emperor,snapper, mahi mahi… The list goes on and on…
Just this Saturday, three of us caught 4 crates of fish in about 4 hours, including a couple of solid kingies
Some of those fish I was catching 5 or 6 at a time on some solid multi hook traces.
I now really really like fishing.
My advice - move to an island!! :)
@gummibear: not even that far - Norfolk Island!
Fishing here can only be described as ludicrously good!
Simple plane trip from Sydney, Brisbane or Auckland!There's some great video footage out there of the fishing here, but here's one I took myself:
Shimano stuff is great in my experience.
Don't bother with piers IMO. Find a good spot near an inlet then don't tell anyone about it :)
RE: gear
The very short ones are usually just for a boat.
The long ones are really just for the beach.
The very light ones are for river/boat fishing for smaller fish like bream.I'd go a 7' rod for versatility if you are land based (often you need the extra distance to get to the channel). Been using something like this for years and have been very happy with it. I use a bigger version of the same for the beach.…
Thanks for all the advice guys :) The fishing club seems like a good idea @GreyGargoyle. Thanks for the link to the premade fishing rigs @fincky! They should come in handy. Not sure about moving to an island @lightningben, don't think I'm that dedicated haha. Sounds amazing though! Next time I visit an island I'll be sure to bring my fishing gear! :)
First thing is, if you want to do sinker fishing, you have to be prepared to re-rig, snagging is quite common in rocky areas. Next thing is, start small and simple. Start with lighter leader line, sinker depends on what kind of weather it is, stronger the waves bigger the sinker. Try 1m of 12lb flurocarbon or even 8lb flurocarbon leader. Like anything, you slowly move up to heavier gear and bigger baits. If you need some help gimme a pm. i have been learning for the last 8 months and have gotten a pretty solid grasp of most types of fishing and theory.
Even try to find someone with a boat you can join to go fishing. Offer to pay half the share of petrol/launch fees/food. You would be surprised how many experienced fishermen have boats and don't take them out because they have no one to go with! And they will generally know spots guarenteed to catch fish.
Try fishing club, gumtree, local tackle/bait shop.yeh, try Sydney Angler or fish raider. People post about going on trips but need more people. But to be honest.. i'd avoid boats until you grasp off the rocks, the fishing style is slightly different and you will need bigger gear. The spots they know are usually locations where you can't really fish without a boat. Unless you have a boat.. then you should definitely do that.