Deal is available again for anyone that missed out, great headphones and I honestly forget they're even on when not in use.
First post.
These new model LG tone infinim+ headsets that was released about 2 month ago(RRP $150USD) is going for $102.69USD + $10 shipping on (155AUD total). We always miss out on good deals from Amazon cause they don't ship internationally but these do!
I wanted something to use during tea/lunch break without it being too much of a hassle but also providing outstanding sound quality and have been eyeing on these.
I don't know how long this deal is going to last for but from what I can see on ebay, there aren't any fakes yet and you'd still have to pay an extra $25+ just for shipping.
Only silver is available, good luck!
Try this alternative link if it's sold out, it seems Amazon is just price matching the other seller "Fireball" but they also have seperate stock and ship internationally.…
All stock has been exhausted and is now on a 2-4 week back order.
New price is now $106USD+shipping but it may go back up tomorrow.
Fireball is no longer shipping internationally nor do any of the other stores.
Will put the deal as expired if it goes back up to 120USD tomorrow.
Silver 114USD - 2-4 Weeks
Black 119USD - 1-2 Months
Rose Gold 119USD - 1-2 months
All stock sold out and prices have gone back up, deal has expired.
Silver available again for $102USD as of 18 May. Will tick expire again once it's gone.
Just received mine today and was one of the best purchases I've made so far this year, I could sleep and move around with these no probs.
$91USD now!
Silver $91USD
Black $100USD
I wished I could bump this instead…
I try posting new but keep saying duplicate ;_;
These are so good and even cheaper than original post!
Had to look this up. Thought it was some muscle toner device they sell on Danoz direct.