Xbox 360 Kinect Sports $2 at Target Edwardstown SA
There was a heap of stock on the shelves
Most likely clearance stock, not sure if it's nationwide?
Xbox 360 Kinect Sports $2 at Target Edwardstown SA
There was a heap of stock on the shelves
Most likely clearance stock, not sure if it's nationwide?
I had something similar with Big W as well. I got 2 copies of Forza Horizon for $0.01 each! (and yes, I paid with cash)
ew shovelware
edit: nm, old news it seems
Lots of clearance stuff. Saw XB1 1tb Halo coloured console for $389 today at Target today
Kinect what a flop! I remember running to the shops and buying it day one imagining I could wake up and have one on one brawls with a mate online, real lightsaber fights etc
Anyone remember Kinect Milo the fraudulent AI that never showed up
Huh? I paid $5 for it at Burwood on Thursday! :/
Might be leftover "bundled" stock - I saw a drawer full of such games at Broadway when the current sale started. They wouldn't sell me them that day, but last week they had them out on display (along with other leftover "bundled" games: Dineyland Adventures, Viva Pinata / Forza 2, and a few others).
I took a bunch to the desk, curious about how much they would be selling such stock for - none of them would scan but the envelope in the drawer had a barcode at $2 attached so they offered me each title for that price.