HD movie to own - was $9.99 down to $0.99.
Independence Day in HD $0.99 (90% off) at Google Play

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ditto, thanks
That's the beauty of using Telstra prepaid on an android
I have no idea why you've been negged.
I have no idea why you've been negged. Must be the ios lovers in action :)
I'm an IOS lover…shut up or I'll neg you
What's the link between the two? Or more precisely how does being on Telstra prepaid help with this?
Use the credit to buy things from Play Store.
Y'know, this was supposed to be my weekend off, but noooo. You got me out here draggin' your heavy ass through the burnin' desert with your dreadlocks stickin' out the back of my parachute.
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?
"You know what the difference is between you and me?.. I make this look good!"
Oh wait, that was the other Will Smith comedy alien movie :P
And that the hell is that smell!?
My bad.
thanks op
What do they consider "HD"? 720p or 1080p? I don't understand why there's still so many digital stores that give little to no information about quality/bitrate/resolution. It's the main reason I get put off giving them a go. Obviously in this case, for 99c it's not that big of an issue, but in general it just baffles me.
HD = 720p
FHD = 1080p
UHD = 2160pRight, those are the typical definitions, but not always true when it comes to digital stores. On further investigation (which shouldn't be required) it appears the most common answer to my question is it's an "either/or" situation between 720p and 1080p. The information I found through their help files suggests it could be either.
Bought with my free Google credit!
With so many cities destroyed, this really is a Block buster of a movie. Tee hee, I'm so witty.
I'm going to buy 10 copies of this movie for $10.00. Thanks OP.
It will be $9.90 sir.
Does it download onto my android device? Cuz streaming sux on my connection.
You can download it yes.
You can download it on your android device, but try getting it of that device onto your computer..
Yeh; that isn't necessary.
Sorry, but If I own a movie then I like to watch it on what device I want to.
I Don't want to stream it from my phone to my TV.
I want to download it onto my computer and watch it via iTunes/Plex etcLast time i bought a movie from Google it was almost impossible to get off my phone and when i did it was not HD, the file was only about 180MB
I know this..
I was only curious if there was a way of directly downloading a HD version directly to my computer.
If not then of course I will purchase movies from somewhere else.I want to know this too. I much prefer to have my media library on a hard drive attached to my media pc. I haven't been able to find a way to do it with any site that you can legally purchase digital content from.
Eh, never mind. I've got 3 payment methods set up in my google account and it's not taking any of them. No time to futz with it right now.
Any movie or music content from Google Play can be downloaded for offline viewing.
Watch HD on your laptop, Chromecast, Roku, iOS, and most Android devices. Elsewhere, HD purchases play in SD.
So, SD on a desktop?????
PS. Looking forward to ID: Resurgence
Welcome to Earf
"Now that's what I call a close encounter!"
Moral of the story - nuclear bombs fix everything.
A chilling tale showing how Mac computers CAN get viruses.
Cool movie up to the point where "Computer Virus" is first mentioned.
apparently there's a commentary or directors cut or something where they explain that all our computer tech is supposed to be based on the alien's tech, hence some compatibility between the 2 making the massive stretch a slightly smaller stretch. was cut from the movie :\
Ooh I'm a google Play Music subscriber and got an extra 10% off.
89 cents well spent!
How do people find bargain deals like this?
Through luck, boredom, desire, connections or searching.
I would of bought this if I had not discovered EXODUDS on KODI… Every movie/show is on there.
If you want to pirate, fine, but then the least you could do would be to throw a bit of money in a legitimate direction from time to time.
Anyone else having payment issues? I now have have 2 paypal accounts (US and AUS) and 2 credit cards (also US and AUS) loaded to Google Play and none seem to work. Whichever one I select it says "Invalid payment method", then clicking again to select another it says "Purchase currency is not supported".
I've bought stuff there before, but not lately. The latest one was in 2014.
I had a similar problem. But after 2 or 3 attempts it went through. That was earlier today too.
Why would anyone want this nonsense movie anyway ?
I'd buy that for a dollar! Of wait, wrong movie…
It only costs 89c if you are a Google Play Music subscriber!
It's not even FHD, what's the point?
Awesome find. Thanks op.