• expired

CocoBiotoc 2 Bottle Special Offer - $46 + Free Shipping (Save $27.20) @ Your Digestion


I normally pay over $70 for this but I was emailed a code "healthyBUM" which took the price $46… Winning! I have been drinking probiotic drinks for about a year and I swear that they have helped me in so many areas! Essentially, they say that it helps you absorb the food you eat, so you have a happy digestive tract and a boost of energy. Great for certain ailments, hangovers, sugar cravings and overall health!

It is a very different taste but you'll get used to it pretty quickly. I started on a just a small dose of a shot per day and gradually built this up to a 1 X shot, 3 X per day. I sometimes add mineral water, water or juice depending on my tastebuds.

I am unsure when the deal ends. They normally run for a week or two.

ABOUT COCOBIOTIC: Details(yourdigestion.com.au)

Questions I asked the business a while back:

What results should I start to see or how will it make me feel?

Your body may start to detoxify and push out the bad bacteria - there may be looser bowel motions while this happens. 'Like a spring clean for the digestive tract!’

But afterwards, expect to feel more energised and vital after the good gut biome kicks in and repopulates. In this way Cocobiotic may help your body digest and absorb the vital nutrition from food, remineralise, rehydrate and clear any further toxins from your system.

Why Is that Important?

Our body needs all the help it can get to receive optimum nutrition, clear toxins and fight infection. Without the good gut biome we simply can’t obtain vital nutrients from our foods and we have a hard time clearing toxins and shielding our body from virus' and infections. Cocobiotic, which is 100% fermented with organic probiotic ingredients is the best way to help our body do this!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    giving the price, if this doesnt scream rep i dont know what is, also probiotic (aka the good baterias like yakult) is heavily debated on their benefit plus sugar content, seeing as theres no ingredients listed.

    • Your body may start to detoxify and push out the bad bacteria

      That's all I needed to hear.

    • +1

      This is nothing like yakult mate. The bacteria feeds off the sugar from my understanding. The fizz is the by product. You may not be keen on it but I am also sure from your statement you know little about it. I do not work for this business also.

      • +1

        Judging by the below ingredient list, with the exception of the list of 'seeds'\beans, its exactly like Yakult.

        • +1

          Ummm minus the artificial ingredients, high sugar content, non natural just about everything, it is not dairy, is not sweetened. I could go on.

        • @w3b3d1g1: Fair cop, but I thought we were advertising the beneficial additives\ingrediants, not discussing whats NOT in it.

          If you're sensitive to sugar, or milk, then you have a point, but I'm more interested in the 'positive ingredients' than what they leave out.

        • @MasterScythe: fair call. Understand. There is a fair bit of reading you can do on it. All I know is that my personal experience has been a good one and a number of the negative comments here are innacurate.

    • Found the ingredients for you:
      Probiotic Blend 4 billion CFU*
      —-Lactobacillus acidophilus
      —-Lactobacillus delbreukii
      Other Ingredients: filtered water, young coconut juice, mung beans, brown rice, chick peas, red lentils, linseed, alfalfa seed, millet, quinoa.
      Contains NO: gluten, GMOs, dairy, soy, artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives.

  • Price in title

  • huh? what do you mean. Should I take the sales price/shipping price out of the title? Sorry guys this is only my 3rd deal posted but do like to find good ones.

    • +1

      It's been fixed by a mod, you didn't have the actual price of the item ($46) in the title, just the discount.

      • Ahh ok. Thanks!

  • $70 soft drink - nice

  • for a minute there I read the O as a K …

  • Seems like a reasonable price for putting Coconut juice and some bacteria away for a few weeks then bottling it. Lol.

  • -2

    How many snakes died to make this stuff?

  • +2

    Honestly just make your own coconut water kefir or milk kefir. Costs like $2 a litre is fresh and probably has 1000 times more active probiotics in it.

    Youre getting ripped on this.

    • Thinking the same thing, people can buy grains online and make their own depending if they want milk, water or coconut water.

    • Thanks, this seems like something I may be interested in trying and I'd rather make it myself if it's as simple as it sounds.

      • Ita very simple. As easy as putting the grains in milk, shaking the bottle and waiting for a day or 2 for fresh kefir

        • Have you done it yourself? If so, can you recommend a good place to source the grains besides eBay?

        • @tranqme:
          Yeah i do it quite often. Sorrg i got my grains off ebay as well. They are about $6. But once you buy them they can be used indefinitely as each time you make it the grains grow. Ive also tried freeze dried kefir


          Check that out. Its pretty good too. Each pack does 2 litres of milk. So its dirt cheap.

        • @tonytone:

          Just purchased some live grains off eBay, thanks for the advice!

        • +1

          No worries. All the best in your kefir making adventures

  • +1

    Promotes healthy intestinal microflora
    May help to increase energy and improve digestion
    May help to maintain proper digestion and immune function

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