These are usually more than $200 each. They are collectors quality, and not for kids. Only fault is that the blades are not removable like the old Master Replicas line. Free shipping.
Hasbro Vader/Yoda FX Lightsabers, $179, Plus Get 2nd Half Price. $268.50 for Two. Target Online
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Limited edition. Can sell in future for investment…
It's not that limited. It's mass produced. And I'm going to wager that if they discontinue the Black Series, they'd bring out another one that's similar to replace it with. Like they discontinued the Signature Series then moved onto the Black Series etc.
bit the wife doesn't need to know that ;)
Just get one for her too then. 2nd one is half price ;)
@ryolo: Shut up, stop talking sense
Give yourself to the Dark Side.
Dup with this post: these real ones or just toys?
Real enough to not be fun if belted in the head with them. [Source: Experience]
These are the good replica type ones. Not the cheap toy version. The hilt are made of metal and actually light up like a real one does (progressively) and has swinging, idle and clashing sound. Very cool "toy". I've got the previous version and absolutely love mine. But mine has detachable blades unlike these ones where the blades are fixed.
The blades on these are improved light and sound wisevfrom earlier versions, but the blades do not detach. Note that Yodas blade…obviously…is smaller than Vaders. So if you have size concerns maybe go with the Darkside.
Size matters not. Judge them by their size, do you? Hmmmmm?
Sir you have my attention, know I just need a compelling reason to tell my wife why I need this.