This was posted 9 years 1 month 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

6 Months Free on Presto


Found this in Gumtree this morning and it works - Looks like its a leaked test code (and longer than any of the ones currently on here). Added the code to the signup page, and it worked for me when I registered just now. Looks like they have some decent shows - Mr Robot, Walking Dead, Parks and Rec etc.

Now if they could just launch an Apple TV app…

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Yeah bring on the Apple TV app!!!

    • Is this only for the newer generation apple tv? what about the previous generation?

      • +3

        Airplay works well with the previous Gen.

        • +1

          Thanks, thought the presto app was available :)

        • @Ivan Krazy:
          Presto App for the new Gen is in development so they say but I've been hearing that story since October I do not think they will make it compatible with the old gen models. Airplay does NOT work with the new AppleTv 4 so there is no way of viewing if you have one of those rendering my account useless but airplay does work surprisingly well with the old models.

        • +2

          @melmac77: One step forward, two steps back.

  • +9

    Treat Yo'self!

    • +8

      Hide Yo wife!

      • +2

        Huh? Don't remember that from Parks and Rec…

        • +2

          Antoine dodson, youtube it.

        • @leighm:

          We gonna find Yo

        • So take that! Homeboy.

    • +1

      Tommy Timberlake

      • +1

        I miss Parks and Rec :(

        • +1

          Don't try to bond with me.

  • +3

    Can potentially combo with virgin mobile's presto promo (+2gb data per month)?

    • Don't know - You tried it?

      • +1

        Edit: They are asking for CC details but I'm worried I might forget to discontinue my sub in 6 months time :S

        • +2

          Just set a reminder in your calander and cancel the day before like I did with my last presto sub lol

        • +1

          You can probably do it anytime on the last month.

        • +4

          @pakon29: or just keep finding new 6 month codes to add on

          i havent paid for this thing in the last 9 months…though…the player is terribad

        • +4

          Get yourself a prepaid credit card, and just leave a few dollars on it.
          Perfect for this sort of thing.
          If the card is compromised, just throw it away.

        • @Stripes:
          you can even cancel on the first day of the last month..
          you'll still be able to use it till end of month..

    • +4

      I really wanted this to work. But looks like Virgin tracks the referral code it sends out to users and checks if that user account is still valid. This code has the first month free and expects you to start paying up after.

      OP's code is good but in my attempts, I cannot put both codes in for the same account at the same time. This means we cannot keep getting the 2gb for the next 6 months. Sad I know :(

      • +1

        Thanks for the confirmation, I was about to head out to grab a prepaid visa like how subscriber suggested but I guess it doesn't work.

  • +14

    it's alright for free but it's not worth paying for. find it doesn't keep my place in shows on the mobile app which is really annoying.

    • I agree - I've had Presto pretty much since it launched, and only ever used free trial offers so far. It's simply not good enough to be worth paying for. I have probably only spent 10 hours on it total in the last year.

      They have a couple good shows, and a few decent movies, but the picture quality is poor and the player is buggy as hell in Edge and Chrome. I only open it up once a week or so to see if anything worth watching has been added. Generally the answer is no.

      Both Stan and Netflix are better services which are also cheaper, and have better apps and web players.

      Oh well, it's free and might be handy one day. Just added an entry in my calendar to cancel the service in September, before the first billing date.

  • anyone had any luck? I got the following;

    "Promo Code Error

    An error occurred when applying the promo code. Please review the troubleshooting guide to ensure you are applying the code correctly. If you continue to have further issues, please contact customer support at [email protected]"

    • I addded it in the signup page and it worked. Did you alreayd have an account?

    • +2

      I got the same error but I already had an account. I created a new account and it worked.

      • +6

        more like "You created a new account and PRESTO! It worked!"

    • +1

      It seems to be for new signup only. I received the same error with my existing account (with expired trial subscription). The code worked with a new signup using another e-mail address. You can use the same credit card.

      • +14

        And remember the [email protected] is the same as [email protected] or [email protected] to GMail, so you don`t really need another email account - just add a . somewhere in your GMail address. :)

        • Didn't know that. Thanks!
          Don't suppose it is the same with @live?

        • @subscriber: Sorry don`t have a @live address - but should be easy to test. Just send yourself an email…

        • +1


          Should've just done that (bit lazy). I've tested and it doesn't work. Oh well!

        • I entered my gmail address with a full stop but I never received a confirmation email :/

        • @saffers: with live under account preferences you can add another email address alias and keep the one sign in for the same effect

        • +1

          Also anything after a + symbol is ignored, so you can use [email protected], [email protected] etc.

        • -4

          This is actually not true.

        • +1

          @serpserpserp: try again. See for example

          Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination address; they'll all go to your inbox, and only yours.

        • worked for me

        • @harro son:
          UPDATE I didn't receive a confirmation email using my normal gmail email address but with a full stop, however the account is active and I have watched content on Presto using that account.

        • @quop:

          I get a lot of email from [email protected] which seems like legit family email that gets sent to my email address. I use to think that google got it mixed up and I was forwarded this mail by accident.

          I'm sure that you can sign up as [email protected] and you have a different account to someone with the [email protected]?

        • @serpserpserp:

          I'm sure that you can sign up as [email protected] and you have a different account to someone with the [email protected]?

          No. Google won't let name.surname be created if namesurname already exists, because "Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters within usernames".

    • Ours worked fine. Thanks to whoever shared this.

  • +1

    Do they actually have HD content yet ?

    • +4

      Not in the web browser :/

      But I think everywhere else.

  • +1

    Worked for me at 11:20am Sydney time: You will be charged $0.00 per month for the first 6 months, then $14.99 per month there after.

    • Cool! not just a fluke LOL

  • +5

    I paused my subscription after the AMEX deal and have just entered the code on $14.99 subscription - Validated and working, so this will work for existing customers too.

    • Code not working for me as I had the same AMEX deal which is now paused.

      • Had the same AMEX deal but adding code didn't work for me either.

  • Cannot stack with my existing account.

  • Does it work to extend existing accounts/subscriptions?

    EDIT: does not seem to work for existing accounts/subscriptions.

  • +3

    I had no problems applying the code, but didn't want to continue as it gets your credit card details and will charge you from the 7th month onwards if you don't remember to cancel (standard practice with others as well). Can't be bothered.

    • +3

      I initially registered successfully with the promo code using a debit card attached to a bank account with zero balance. However shortly after that my subscription was "paused" as they could not "pre-auth" my debit card. Upon topping up my bank account with $1, I re-apply the promo code under the "Billing" tab selecting Presto Entertainment and my subscription is now active and my bank account shows a $1 pre-auth by Presto.

      If I don't wish to continue after 6 months and forget to cancel the service, my subscription will automatically paused again as they won't be able to debit $14.99 from my card then.

      • DO NOT forget about the new credit reporting system. You may winding up laying a higher interest rate or service fee as happens in USA our mentors.

        I will consider setting up a automatic cancellation email, phone diary for credit card stop, but I believe this could be done after first month, if not and if I miss a month well I miss out on a maccas deal meal. Lol.

        • -1

          You really don't know what these changes in legislation mean..

  • -8

    its worthless, presto has nothing to watch. I signed up free 6 months subscription on last deal and didn't end up watching anything as old the programs are too old or way behind. 6 months went by quick and they started to charge me without notifying free trial had ended.

    • +17

      Even if Presto is "worthless", surely it can't be worth less than $0?

      And yeah for all these "free for X months" sorts of subscriptions you need to be wary to opt out before you get charged.

      Don't think this is an appropriate use of a negative vote.

      • -3

        when you get charged without notifying your trial has ended, its more than just $0.

        • +3

          Ever heard of the concept of setting a reminder?

        • +1

          @team teri: I learnt my lesson after having this happen to me with the 30 days free Skype calls. Yeah it's not pleasant but after the first mistake you learn how to better utilise these things.

        • -4

          @team teri:
          no, you try it first and let me know how you go

        • +4

          @mcp2kpro: Been using it for years, works a treat.

        • +5

          Presto is good at cancelling subscriptions. They have plenty of experience in doing so.

        • I used to like those deals years ago where you got a month free, then would have to pay for the second month. BUT the fine print stated you needed to give 30 days notice to cancel your service…

    • Home and Away dude. Home and Away!

    • +2

      The content is old and stale for the most part but for nothing it's a bargain , sort of .
      I got the 9 months free and apart from sons love of Russel Coits All Aussie Adventures we just don't bother with it .
      The picture quality is woeful on a browser and youtube puts it to shame .

    • +1

      I do agree with you, Foxtel has given us Presto for "free" instead of the much better option of the 2 free Box office movies a month. So far have not used Presto once, and the worst part (in my opinion) is that it doesnt support those Android Boxes. So you can only use it on a pc / laptop or a specific tv model or tablet etc. Basically pretty crap as most people these days seem to get those media boxes (majority would be android) connected to their TVs for their streaming needs.

      • +1

        yeah, not being compatible with Android boxes is the biggest downside and Presto do not seem to be listening either.

    • +1

      Mr Robot.

    • +1

      Why are people downvoting this…Presto is honestly horrible - old shows, shit quality. This man speaks the truth. I cancelled the free 6 month promo last time after a day.

      • -2

        who cares man, people see some free crap and gone mad.
        I bet none of them ever heard of torrent

        • like yourself when you signed up for the last 6 month deal?

        • @Darkhour: like you, I too wanted to try some free stuff, then I knew it was worthless.

        • -1

          Isn't downloading and distributing torrent files illegal in Australia?

        • @Tiggrrrrr: Depends on the content.

    • LOL, I had my fair share of this mess. At one time i had Netflix ( which i do watch), Stan and Presto all at the same time ( stan and presto were on trial which I only subscribed as to see what they have to offer) . Its 2 month after the free trials when I realise that I forgot to cancel them, HAHA

      • hence why they grabbed your c/c upfront. You can't beat the system!!

        • +3

          A Google Calendar reminder always beats the system.

        • @aboabo: True that

        • LOL Hopefully this wont happen again, I still have a 3 month free stan from the PS4 bundle i bought. GOSH

    • +1

      Agree. I still have about 3 months left free from the 6 month telstra code and have ditched it altogether. Plus on my little Ainol their website is super-sluggish, never remembers my login and often the video and sound lose sync. (No such issues with Netflix and Stan).

  • Worked a treat. Thanks

  • +1

    Worked for me..nice share

    WARNING THEY CHARGE A $1 to your card

    • +13

      It's a temporary charge, you get the $1 back after it leaves pending state. It'll just disappear from your statement.
      They do this to verify the credit card is real.

    • +3

      Warning. That is an authoirsation hold to test that the credit card is valid and it's only temporary. You will get the $1 hold from the balance automatically returned back into your credit card balance after a few days. You haven't really been charged any thing.

  • already have a sub, where can i enter the code?

    So damn hard to find…

    • +1

      the comments above are saying that you can't add to existing subscription. Its only working for new subscriptions.

  • Done. Thanks a bunch!!!

  • Worked for me, thanks. When I signed up last time with the 6 months deal it was crap. The app did not work on my android phone, iPad or even in a browser. Cancelled my account. Looks like it is working this time, at least on my phone. Did not check on my iPad yet.

  • cancelled my last 3 month trial and now on this one, thanks

  • Cheers OP ;)

    Have had free Presto for just under a year now using these codes, and don't recall ever actually watching a full movie / tv episode in that time (mainly due to Netflix / Getflix / free Stan / free Foxtel), although it does work well on the ChromeCast.

  • -2

    give me a trial without cc signup and I'll bite. If your service/content is good enough then I'll subscribe

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