This was posted 9 years 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off eBay Target Storewide (3DS $158, 3DS XL $198, Wii U Mario $343, PS4 from $359, XB1 from $399, Garmin VivoFit 2 $79)

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Awww the Instax printer I've had my eyes on is not in stock. And this isn't available in store.

  • +2

    The tearaway bundle isn't up anymore.

    • damn it…

  • +3

    Hmm might get myself another 3DS for the upcoming Pokemon re-releases…

    • +2

      There are upcoming re-releases?!

      • +3

        Yep! Red/Blue and Yellow

        • +1

          Thanks! I am ashamed I did not know this already! haha

        • @KB2:

          Nah your just not a true Pokemon fan. I remember I had at least 700 hours of this game putting all my Pokemon to level 100 without rare candies.

        • +2

          @centrelink: I was too busy playing pokemon stadium on my nintendo 64 to get my pokemon to level 100 :P

        • Disappointing that they aren't able to remake them with the new engine and instead have to settle for Virtual Console. The weird part is that they have modified the game to work with Wifi somehow even though it's on virtual console and also they have a screenshot on that page saying you can catch Mew?!

        • @Agret: Given the amount of bugs in the original I'd be very surprised if they didn't rewrite a lot of it. It's possible they wrapped the trading interface in such a way that it still appears to be the original trade link despite being over Wi-Fi, but as I said, I'd be highly surprised if it wasn't rewritten to some extent.

      • In related news, you should pick your free level 100 mew from EB games (

        Bit tricky to find, so I recommend calling your local EB games to save you the trip.

    • +1

      One for each hand?

      • Gotta catch 'em all!

    • You can definitely buy them digitally here in Australia? I have the 2DS special edition pre-ordered but it seems investing it a 3DS for an extra $40 is a better choice.

      • I haven't seen any indication of not being able to get them digitally.. Would be silly for Nintendo to limit their availability to the special 2DS's.

    • +14

      Fastest revoke of a negative vote in history lol

    • Why so many negs?

  • anything decent?

    • I also want to know except games. As a ozbargainer I have no idea what to look for just cheap and buy … :p

    • +5

      tuzii, still being spoon fed at home?

      • +8

        generally i get forked.

  • +5

    Too hard to look yourselves?

    • +6

      Incredible amount of laziness.

      • +8

        I actually find it really helpful when people post up links to certain items they have found in relation to a deal.
        Next time I'm working hard to pay for my living expenses I'm going to take a moment to stop and think about how incredibly lazy I am.

        • +2

          Unless the other person is getting paid to post those links for you, aren't they in the exact same position as you are?

        • +3

          @malcolmrivera: They very well may be but I hope not because I'm being bent over at work currently. It's no mystery people work different jobs, hours, could be unemployed or even a stay at home parent. At the end of the day some people have more time than others to hunt for a bargain.

          Maybe I could have reworded my comment. I was meaning if people, not the OP, post a link in the comment section of a deal for a particular item they've found then I find it helpful sometimes. Especially when I'm super busy. Kudos to them for doing it I say.

          I certainly didn't mean the the OP should post links or anything like that, those that do go above and beyond for everybody.

  • +1

    Those Xbox deals will probably go quick, get in while you can if you're thinking about it.

  • +4

    Garmin Vivofit 2 for $80 after discount:…

    • +2

      Just getting the mods to update the title. I'll then add it to the main post. Nice find. Thanks!

    • +1

      I read that as "Garmin Vivofit, 2 for $80"

  • Is this sitewide for Target? My email says '20% off home appliances'.

    • +3

      This is Target eBay. Your email most likely refers to Target's online store.

      • The confusion is the use of "sitewide".

        Sitewide = anything on eBay

        This is only applies to the Target store on eBay.

    • ebay Target. Not Target Online.

    • Hey Sweet3st, if not the same deal as this post, is there a code for this '20% off home appliances'? I'm looking to buy something not on the eBay store… Thanks!

  • +2

    Was looking at dual screen DVD player for my car, in store a couple of weeks ago was ~130 now they are 159.

    • +1

      Just use a 7" tablet instead. Much better value and you aren't stuck with just using it in the car.

      • But where would I put a tablet? It needs to be seen by 3 kids.

        • You can buy a tablet hanger on ebay

        • +2

          @kimyongjeon: thanks, now I have to find a good deal on a tablet, I thought we were supposed to save money on Ozbargain!

        • 10" tablet actually and you can get velcro holders off ebay for about $20 plus other sorts of mounts depending on where you want to put it.. or the kids can just hold it to be honest as they are much lighter than portable DVD players… the kids can the have dozens of movies available without you having to stuff around carrying and changing DVDs, plus play games and other apps at your destination and depending on the model you can push stuff out to the TV of wherever you are heading to…

        • @onetwothree: But there are dual screen DVD players with hangers for in-car use and they are much cheaper than tablets though. If the main reason of the purchase is to entertain couple of kids inside the car then the dual DVD players are the better option, I think.

        • @sarakoth: >or the kids can just hold it to be honest as they are much lighter than portable DVD players

          This would cause a lot of arguments about who got to hold it, they are only aged 8, 4 & 2 and haven't quite grasped the concept of sharing yet. I think a stand or hanger in the middle will be the best thing.

        • @AussieDaddy: How much do you think a cheap tablet costs?

        • @28Degrees: A good quality one couple of hunderd bucks, no?

        • Hang on, I thought we were comparing something to entertain a couple of kids inside the car?

        • @sarakoth:

          I don't use a holder, iPad fits between the front seats without falling.

        • @28Degrees: I definitely don't need a good quality one, if it costs more than 130 I may as well get a DVD player

        • I had a quick look around and found the Lenovo Tab 2 A7-20 7" Tablet for $97.00 at Officeworks. It's a similar price a Harvey Norman & JB HiFi.
          The Lenovo TAB 2 A7-10 for $97.00 got 34 votes in May last year.

          If you want to buy 2 or spend over $150 at Harvey Norman, you can sign up to their newsletter to get a $25.00 off voucher code.

        • +2


          you will need to check because the cheap tablets don't have a good angle view.

        • Deleted.

        • @aldoduco:

          I don't use a holder, iPad fits between the front seats without falling.

          I don't think I'd risk that. In an accident iPad becomes a lethal projectile.

  • Are these 3DS XL the latest versions? XL = larger screen?

    • both new 3DS

  • +1

    I returned something before and Target gave me a $450 voucher. I am told that the voucher can only be used in store. Now I'm stuck with it and don't want to buy overpriced instore items. Does anyone have knowledge about that kind of voucher? Can i used it to buy gift card?

    • NO gift card allowed. Similar situation with Kmart.

      • Why did you return the item? If it was faulty or not fit for purpose then you are entitled to a full refund.

        • As I lose the receipt and they still refund me but it has to be store voucher.

        • +2


          I lose the receipt

          That is why, normally their refund policy is quite good.

        • @superforever:

          Yeah I returned a game in the 25% off sale and as Target got the full amount (as paypal covered the difference with the discounts) they also refund the full amount. So a game that I paid $30 I actually got a refund of $36 or something like that. Had people done that with consoles then they could have effectively made a pretty big profit from doing next to nothing.

          Morally I wouldn't do that and wouldn't recommend it, but some might have tried it.

        • +1


          Morally I wouldn't do that and wouldn't recommend it, but some might have tried it.

          Don't tell peoples …..

        • +6


          Seems like its PayPal that is losing out anyway, since they cover the gap.

          I have little sympathy for PayPal, they've gouged so much in fees from me.

        • +1


          The amount of money ebay makes from PayPal, I'm sure they don't think they're losing out.

        • @LoveBargain15:

          Consumer Law says you don't need a receipt- you need proof of purchase.

          bank statement or credit card statement etc should be fine, unless you paid cash.

  • +1

    Does Target ever have 20% storewide or on electronics in store and not just online?

    • Just online, and just eBay store online.

    • +1

      Pretty good price. It has good reviews online too.

  • thanks. got Elder Scrolls Online and Yokai watch. good price

  • Super Smash Bros 3DS for $44

    • Pokemon Omega Ruby also for $44

    • Bought a 3ds xl from this deal. Is smash on 3ds any good?

  • +6

    can finally get that 2nd ps4 controller
    $62.40 delivered

    • thanks OP and ssjwill: got one too(for my sony android tv)

  • +1
  • +2

    Rainbow Six Siege for XB1/PS4 - $47.20 delivered. Great price

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Was waiting for another one of these! Got a New 3DS, The XL would have been a no brainer… but those cover plates and color buttons win me over too easily..

    • I thought the same with the cover plates

      • I then proceeded to sell my 3ds and buy a new 3ds xl

      • The bigger system feels much better in adults hands IMHO I have the smaller on and just got the bigger one. Biggest complaint was the size of the smaller one when playing. Felt uncomfortable.

  • Does anyone know if Target sells PS Vita's?

    • +2

      Search it…

    • not that I've seen for a long long time. I saw Big W still selling memory card bundles until mid last year but even then they were clearance items. your best bet in getting vitas from a brick and mortar store is probably eb games or jb hifi

  • No more pressure cooker …

  • Thanks. Got the XB1 1 TB. Patience pays off!

  • +1

    Since when did Cash Rewards get lowered to 1.25%?

    • +4

      A couple of weeks ago. I think Pricepal dropped to 1% then matched cashrewards later. If you want some bedtime reading, follow Tyler's rant through this post

    • It was never lowered to 1.25% but raised from 1%

      • It was raised from 1% to 2% at some stage.

  • no minimum spend right? not like i can find anything to buy though

    edit: kylo ren lightsaber for ~$320 hmmmm

  • Seriously they just give a few items and thats it. I went to go get the 500GB ps4 and only a couple of hours later its gone. They obviously have an immense amount of stock australia wide its fake advertising to say they have it but only sell one, then say that they've run out of stock. Bullsh*t !

    • +5

      Ye typical. Come in 3 hours after the sale starts then have a sook coz of no stock.

      • -7

        yeh sook, you talk like 3 hours is a long amount of time. People have consumer rights thats us as aussie citizens strife to fight for and target are just using ebay to circumvent then, people like you "come along" and amaze me because corporations shaft you and you defend them with some weird type of logic…whatever…

        • +2

          Not defending anyone. But you seem to forget this is ozbargain. Deals aren't going to wait around for you sir. I dare say these gaming consoles would be around for days if not posted on here. And what consumer rights do you speak of? You have a right to buy a product 3 hours after it went live, with obviously hundreds wanting the same product. Sour grapes.

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