This was posted 9 years 1 month 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Pokemon Mew Event Code Cards (ORAS, XY) @ EB Games


Posted by Bulbapedia news:

"Mew code cards are now available at @EBGamesAus stores in Australia. (Note that some stores might not have the code cards until Feb. 2.)"

I'll be checking my local EB to confirm soon, if so I hope this indicates that we will be receiving the same mythical Pokemon events as Europe and America. Also I'm assuming it's for ORAS and XY, once again will confirm once in store.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Thanks! Will check my local for stock and grab a couple of extras if possible.

    • Cheers, it would be great if you could return the favour. I was in a town with an eb today however I didn't think the codes would be released yet. Kicking myself for not going and checking.

      • +3

        I'll try to grab a few on Thursday, not too sure if they limit you though normally my local just gives me a bunch from the two times I went lol

        • Damn, just visited tge store and this time they were pretty strict and wouldn't give me more than one. The guy told ke to visit again on Sunday and if they still have some, he will consider giving ke some more so ill try that.

          Guy also told me that some mew plushies is coming out with the code, most likepy not free and next month is celebi and again with celebi plushies

  • +1

    No Mew merch yet

    • +2

      Don't get impatient meow.

  • Bear in mind all that EB are reluctent to hand out more than 1 per person, as people were reselling on ebay + there's only a limited amount per store to start with. :)

  • +2

    Called local store 11am tomorrow (2nd Feb) they should be in (Adelaide)

    • I was at the Brickworks (Adealaide) store this afternoon, and overheard an employee on the phone talking about a "delay" with some "codes", and that people were getting upset that they weren't in. I assume it was in regards to this. Should be in on the 2nd or 3rd of Feb.

      • +1

        That was me who rang :) That is exactly what the girl behind the counter said to me.

        • Okay this might be weird, but did you also put a used Wii game on hold to pick up on the 3rd? This is so funny :p

        • @lawrencium: Haha no that wasnt me, i dont own a wii :D

  • +1

    (profanity) YEAH MEW!

  • Picked one up in Adelaide at Rundle Mall after work. The staff member expects their stock won't last beyond tomorrow.

  • +4

    Is it blasphemy to use Mew as a HM slave?

    • Clone for a slave, keep the original pure.

      On a side note, a tip is to go to stores that seem out of the way or annoying to get to. Those usually have stock. I have a nice gem of a JB kinda close by.

      • +14

        They already tried cloning mew. Didn't work out very well.

      • JB or EB?

        • +1

          EB stores will always be accessible (from all the stores I've seen) but JB can sometimes be hidden away or just not as easy to spot since they have so many stores.

          Heading out to a couple stores in Melbourne CBD tonight, then to my usual spots on the weekend. Let's see how I go!

        • @Lafrin:

          I was mainly curious if JB stores also had the codes, because I didn't know anything about that.

        • @Lafrin: Let us know if any available. EB Games Swanston Street doesn't :(

        • +1

          EB Swanston: None, expect to get some tomorrow
          EB Melbourne Central: None, also expect to get tomorrow

          I'm a dumb, this is an EB only event, no JB stores this time…

  • I wonder how long this will last?

    • Judging from the Hoopa event, not very. Best to grab them as soon as you can.

  • Can someone tell me what is so special about this mew

    and are the codes on a card, you can redeem later in the pokemon game?

    • +1

      It's the original Mew. So it's level 100 and only knows pound.

      "Kick off the Pokémon 20th celebration with the Mythical Pokémon Mew! Mew was the first Mythical Pokémon to be discovered—obtained in the original Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue games. Mew now returns in much the same way as it appeared for players nearly 20 years ago."

      The code is on a card which needs to be redeemed by May 31, 2016.

      • So is mew the highest level?

        Also with the card it can only be redeem in one game e.g. X or Y
        or ruby etc..

        So we need card for each game?

        With pokemon X/Y, we need someone else to trade with to have complete game?

        With mew, once u redeem the code, it will be a part of your pokemon collection forever and u can use it can battle?
        and can it die/disappear?


        With mew, I just did a google and now remember it was the pink pokemon in the movie.

        • Its a pokemon just like all the 500+. no pokemon will disappear when fainted

        • —So is mew the highest level?

          —Also with the card it can only be redeem in one game e.g. X or Y
          or ruby etc..

          —So we need card for each game?

          —With mew, once u redeem the code, it will be a part of your pokemon collection forever and u can use it can battle?
          and can it die/disappear?


          —With mew, I just did a google and now remember it was the pink pokemon in the movie.

        • Son has both X and Y games so he told me he needed 2 cards; one card per game. I guess he knows, or we could share the same codes to others I guess. Dont understand why the promoters just dont ensure that there are sufficient cards for all, and stop the selling of codes on ebay.

          We collected one card today at EB Games Cranbourne Centro and the other at EB Cranbourne Homemaker Centre (near Thompsons Road).

          Apparently JB Hifi at Cranbourne Centro did not have any cards (although they did for the previous Pokemon card). Would think it a bit strange if the supply has run out in six hours.

        • @JediJan: That was Omega Ruby and Pokemon X (not X and Y); my error!

  • +1

    Pika pika! Thank you for posting; have passed this all important message on to son.

  • can someone get a mew code for me please :)

  • If anyone can grab a spare code I'd be awfully grateful.


  • I got Hoopa from World Square Sydney EB Games and the guy behind the counter seemed annoyed even though I was just getting one. He interrogated me a little, like 'How'd you hear about it', 'Do you have EB Rewards', 'Who's your favourite pokemon' then reluctantly handed it over.
    What's a legitimate source for me to cite? I just said Ozbargain last time, but how do other people find out?

    • +1 I bought omega ruby at EB and the guy was like do u want this special code.. Hell yeah.

      Man if I were u I would have just told him to stfu

  • +1

    For people with a VPN, Nintendo Hong Kong are distributing a hidden ability Infernape for the Year of the Monkey until Friday which can be downloaded into PAL games but you need a Hong Kong or Taiwan IP to get the code.

    • Any suggestions for a safe, free HK VPN? Googling "Hong Kong free vpn" says they're all safe!

    • I tried vpn'ing into HK to get the code- didn't work? Do I need a certain email address? I've used

      • +6

        The email address doesn't matter too much, it's more about the IP address. Some email extensions are blocked but they're mainly the ones from random email generators.

        To make life a bit easier, here are some Infernape codes. Make a note next to the code if you take one. I will try to get some more later.

        • Thanks !!

        • thanks, just tried to redeem code but Nintendo site is down for maintenance for 5 hours! Will try after lunch.

        • You are a legend!

        • Thanks.
          Is this just for the infernape code or is something similar possible for future Pokemon codes?

        • Thank you! Very much appreciated :)

    • You can get codes this way without a VPN.

      Go to:
      Change number ?'s to number over 1000 (Might have to be 5 digit?

      Each page will generate a code, if the code doesn't work, keep trying again until you find one that does.

      Apparently the website was put together terribly and people have just been able to generate heaps of codes, found this on Reddit a couple days ago.

      • Yeah, you can do it that way and I did write a program last night to get the codes starting from the number I received but it only resulted in another 10 codes when run over 2000 increments. So I think codes are generated when you submit the form and I didn't want to take other people's codes.

        They're currently up to about 49100 for the number.

        • could you run your thing and send me one code? :P

        • +3


          I've listed some codes here which are for the taking.

        • @durd0008:
          oh nice. Thanks for that.
          Didn't bring my DS to work though. Hope there's one still left when i get home :(

        • @durd0008:

          thanks it worked

        • -

      • Is this working anymore?

        • Just tried it and it doesn't appear to be unfortunately.

        • This stopped working 4th Feb.

          I did manage to get most of the codes that were available during the promotion here

          You can try and find the unused code (if any) in the very large haystack (36,474 unique codes). Unused codes need to be redeemed by 29 Feb.

        • @durd0008:

          Thank you! Got one for my girlfriend.

          I used (52682) F624FRXCCZX4KFUR in case anyone tries.

  • +1

    Tried north Sydney EB games this morning and thy advised that it wasn't in yet. Anyone else have the same problem?

    • Hey same! LOL

  • Just went to a local EB shop, they don't have them yet. "Hopefully tomorrow"

  • Went to EB swanston street just now. Told me that a 3rd party is doing the printing and that they haven't received them yet. Most likely tomorrow.

    • I was just at that store and about to post the same thing!

    • Do you reckon they service all of Victoria too? Since if it isn't at swanston, might not be anywhere else

      • That would be my guess, they just hired some local company to do the printing/delivery and some places just happen to get it sooner rather than later.

  • Nothing in the Brisbane CBD yet either

  • Could someone please help me get a hold of one too?? Thank yooouuuuuuu

  • +1

    Rundle Mall has them, about 70, City Cross no stock yet.

    • Cheers, might head down at lunch and see if I can grab one

    • I went back to Rundle Mall to get a second one (have 2 kids) but had to wait until the first guy who served me was not around as they are quite strict on the 1 per person policy. They're going like hotcakes, 3 others got one while I was there.

  • Nothing at Parramatta yet

  • Blacktown Eb dont have them yet.

  • Brickworks, Arndale, West Lakes and Harbour Town no stock yet…got told between 2-4 pm or tomorrow they will have them.

  • Liverpool and Wetherill Park not available yet, was told to try again in the arvo…..

  • Knox city in Vic also haven't received any yet :(

  • box hill no stock yet too

  • No stock at Broadway NSW yet either

  • Hi, if i cannot find a mew code which is likely, i have some hoopa codes that i am willing to trade to anyone who has a mew code. Would highly appreciate it

  • nothing at chirnside park vic yet i called them today and still dont have any

  • Went to my store today and got told they didn't have them in yet,still waiting and to not go by the USA dates…

  • Nothing at EB in Brandon Park or Glen. Ibvpn worked no problems to get the infernape code

  • Nothing at Jesmond or Kotara. Was told tomorrow.

  • Tried Carindale EB. They don't have it yet either

  • +1

    damn been looking for mew from under a truck all this time

  • EB Games at both Brickworks and Harbour Town (Adelaide) are expecting their shipment sometime tomorrow afternoon. Called the former, visited the latter, today.

    • I think i might have just missed you both times. I called into harbour town as well. I was told morning around 11 for Brickworks and late arvo 4 at harbour town?

    • Just returned to EB at Harbour Town, still no cards, even though they received a delivery today (regular merchandise). Hmm I'll call a couple of my local EB stores this evening.

      Edit Brickworks do have Mew cards, although very few now (as of ~4:30 pm, SA).

  • The hunt for mew lol

    • +1

      I remember carting my cartridge to a shopping centre to get Mew. The original DLC :D

      Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Red. My brother had Blue.

      We did catch them all. Didn't want to get missing no in case it ruined my save.

      • Yeah i did the same, i can still remember like it was yesterday. The old Blacktown Westpoint.
        I only had Red version back then.

        • I had to beg my mum for yellow. Only reason why I wanted it so bad was that damn Pikachu was so awesome having him follow me around.

        • @jlogic: Did you ever get the surfing pikachu? I loved that minigame for yellow, only accessible if you have the surfing pikachu I think.

  • Does anyone know how many codes we will be allowed to get, and an estimate as to how quickly these codes will get taken upon arrival. I was too late for the Hoopa event code and that was about 5 days after EB officially received them. Thanks.

    • I wouldnt take the risk, get it ASAP. I didnt get mine either :(
      But it would probably be one per person.

    • Try JB HiFi too; last month they were giving out cards also. When we asked yesterday (although EB had them) our local JB HiFi said they didn't have any though. Wonders why they have one month and not the next?! Perhaps Nintendo should do some checks.

  • could anyone get one for me?all i could do is get iron fist infernape for him.

  • Do u need code for both x and y ?

    • +1

      In the comments above someone had previously mentioned that only one code works per game. So yes, if you want Mew in X and Y, you will need two codes

      • can u make copy with another X/Y game from another person or yourself, if u got both games?

        • Well… I guess you could breed it and then transfer over, sure…

        • @reactor: Don't think you can breed Mew from memory.

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