• expired

TPG ADSL2 $49.95 - 130GB and Shaped to 1Mbps Now


Here we go again
Time to change plans / sign-up soon
Probably the best ADSL2 pricing in the market right now
Shaping speed of 1Mbps !!

Super Fast Standard /130GB - $49.99 -(70GB+60GB) - Shaping 1Mbps/1Mbps

Super Fast Medium /140GB - $59.99 - (80GB+60GB) - Shaping 1Mbps/1Mbps

Super Fast Heavy /200GB - $69.99 - (100GB+100GB) - Shaping 2Mbps/1Mbps

And there is now an Unlimited Business plan (need an ABN/ ACN)

ADSL2+ Unlimited - $79.99


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closed Comments

  • +2

    ill just point out aapt has a pretty good looking unlimited plan. i'd be tempted by that if i wasnt already a tpg customer. in saying that im very happy with tpg. will upgrade my plan for the 10th time in 5 months haha. the shaping speed is excellent!

    • yeah new plans sound good just saw them myself….

      but the unlimited business plans i dont think would be all that good for households cause its capped after 7pm till 7am the next day…

      Which i would think is the main time most households use the net the most.

  • Thanks for the update time to "upgrade" the plan again.

  • +2

    Wow, Shaping to 1mbs is awesome

  • I just signed up for iinet :(

    Only cause adsl2 is only av in april at my exchange from tpg and they couldn't verify if i take an adsl1 plan with them if i would get migrated…

    what are their gaming pings like to 3fl servers?

    • +6

      you wont regret iinet they are a great isp. tpg just happens to be ridiculously cheap which should push down the prices for most aussie isps i'd think.

      • yeah iinet are more premium, I know sometimes my TPG speeds aren't that great…but i'm with a budget ISP, due to our distance from the exchange i can usually only get 4MBs connection. there have been times where its been substantially lower than that as well (less than half!)
        but it seems to have picked up now.

        will be good when they have IPTV with a few good channels!

        • +1

          Yeah - pirates aside, lots of usage will only be really worthwhile when IPTV really takes off. For people like me who don't torrent, having tons of usage isn't really that useful right now - especially when ABC iView is available quota-free.

    • iinet is a great isp.. especially for gaming. I haven't tried 3FL servers, but for the old BF2142 and CODMW2 I get great pings whereas my other friends on TPG can get very laggy and drops out more often. I also get much faster sync and download speeds, and sometimes weeks of connection.

      TPG's plans are very good value for money though…

      • -1

        Plus with iinet all download usage on xbox live is FREE! Don't have to worry about getting capped downloading DLCs and games/movies on demand.

  • 2mb shaping the bomb

    i say i lot of bad things about TPG but you can't complain about more for the same price

  • AWESOME!!!
    i guess it's time for me to switch :D

  • +4

    I've been a content tpg customer for 6 years and they just keep getting better.

  • Time to apply for an ABN….their not hard to get.

    • keep in mind the unlimited business plan is 20mbps 7am-7pm and 1mbps the rest of the time (nighttimes)

      • Where it say that :(

          • Connection speeds up to 20Mbps between 7am and 7pm and 1Mbps between 7pm and 7am.

          Its like, RIGHT BELOW the plan…

      • that sounds good if you have a torrent/news box that stays on during the day

    • +1

      only if your happy with 1MB after 7pm. IMHO the $69 200gig cap with 2MB caps seems better.

  • Ah bloody hell.. i wish i wasnt on a contract with iprimus! :/

  • +1

    I LOVE TPG!!!!! I am currently on the 49 plan and I am currently upgrading as well! OMG I love the OP for informing me and TPG for awesome plans. I know some people have bad experiences with TPG or whatever, but I am one of the lucky few I guess. I love TPG.

  • Don't you have to pay every time you make an upgrade with TPG??! that is, if you make more than one upgrade in 6 months (or s.thg along those lines) … i' am sure you do.

    • +1

      as long as you arent downgrading its fine.

      you can upgrade 100 times in a month if you want.

      the new plans come along as essentially an upgrade so its free to update to the latest plan etc

    • downgrade only… you get one free every six months,

      as many upgrades as you like… not sure if its considered an upgrade or downgrade if you stay at the same level with more data….

      • its an upgrade as long as you pay the same amount.

    • I think they only charge if it's a downgrade.

    • I was under the impression that if TPG offered 130GB now for $49.99 and in six months time, increases their offering to, say, 150GB for $49.99 then all existing account holders would receive the increased allowance (as well as the new people signing up), and there would be no additional cost. I would like to hear of actual user experiences with this scenario.

      EDIT: In the two minutes it took me to load the page and read the comments and reply to this comment, there were a number of replies before me which answered the question! This is a very active page right now!!!

      • They're not allowed to automatically update your plan. Some on whirlpool was whining about this, it would be violating he customer's rights or something, hence you will have to initiate the change, which I'm going to in two days :)

  • Hurry up with my exchange … then bye bye Amnet, hello TPG!

  • +1

    Just wish they can make the $59.95 plan more attractive. Both $49.99 and $69.99 are very good.

    • that is how business do

      either $49.99 plan doesnt suit you
      so you go for a next plan
      but the next plan doesnt look much attractive,
      only the higher plan does…so you end up paying $69.99

      LOL :P

  • +1

    Wish i could get ADSL2 with TPG in my area :(

  • +1

    how about the NAKED ADSL2+ PRICE?

  • Ah nuts, I just upgraded two weeks ago to (the old version of) this plan. >:[

    • +2

      upgrades are free… downgrades are an issue, ring TPG and ask if the plan you want is considered a downgrade or upgrade.

      • +1

        DONE AND DONE! Bingo I'm on the new plan! Thanks Wisc and Ozblogger! 8)

        • wow that was fast…. 8 minutes! good work, and good precedence for everyone else on here… thanks for sharing and getting back to us.

          wish you could get any plan with VOIP… i like VOIP, its good. specially when you have the hardware and cordless phones for it.

  • -1

    TPG always change their plans! Id hate to work in their accounts department.

    • +1

      all the better for then end user as they only seem to get better!

      • the department is probably all done out of india anyway…

        • -1

          Philapines I think

  • +1

    awesome! hopefully they'll will upgrade their naked adsl plans soon, then I'll jump ship from optarse.

    • +1

      Me too! Naked needs some love! :)

  • +1

    I plan to upgrade ASAP :D

    • +1

      well to me its a deal i now get 40gb extra and 2Mbps/1Mbps shaping speed so + vote for poster :D

    • I consider this a deal as it's the best value broadband in Australia right now.

  • +1

    Here's a tip:
    Don't jump into the upgrade. Use as much of your current quota as possible because TPG charge by date and not data used.
    Ensure the usage is recorded on your current plan. Eg reset your modem.
    Apply for the upgrade. When done, your quota will be reset.

    If timed right, you can effectively have old quota + new quota in a 30 day period for $50. That's 250G of unshaped dls!

    • +2

      You need to wait overnight for your quota to count, otherwise it will be counted onto your new plans usage.

      Why bother though? I have enough quota that I don't need to do this :/

  • I would switch from Optus to TPG if they had any available ports on my exchange :(

    My exchange has been out of ports since mid-December.

  • Anyone know if they send a confirmation email saying that TPG has received your request for change? and how long does it take?

    • Lat time I change my plan on the web, log back in 2 hours later it's already changed.

  • -8

    I dont know what people download but these massive quotas are HUGE! Obviously everyone on them download illegal pirated stuff :D

    • +1

      of course… newsgroups for the win

    • man, trolling much? :P

  • Great stuff … just upgraded :)

    As usual, this will take effect tomorrow / next few days …

  • -4


    I just changed my plan from 200GB/Mo. (60GB On Peak/140GB Off Peak) to a 120GB (60/60) like 4 days ago! I'd better be upgraded to the new equivalent plan by default, or else I will be making some phone calls >:(

    • +4

      Just upgrade yourself.

  • sweet sweet sweet. I only just upgraded my plan at no cost to the 80+80 plan now I get another 40gb a month for free ! 200GB will be sweet ! I hope my 4GB NAS arrives soon !

    • +5

      I hope you meant 4TB :P

    • +1

      if ur waiting on a 4gb NAS i can always give you one of my old hdd which is a whopping 20GB!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Last time I upgraded to 512K shaping TPG disconnect my old internet connection and it took me 3 weeks to reconnect to the internet. How long do I need to wait this time?

    • There should be no downtime for plan changes from ADSL2+ to ADSL2+. If you're changing from Business to non-business, or ADSL to ADSL2+, or something like that, then I don't know…

      I have had no downtime for any change yet - other than perhaps a minute.

  • +2

    I would vote twice if I could. Don't care what other people say, but I LOVE TPG!

  • I guess I won't change my plan now. Wait until one day I got shaped then login and upgrade it, and it's all over again :P

  • damn it why there is no upgrade on the $39.99 plan!

    • They're really pushing the $49 price point plan. It used to be approximately twice as good as the $39 plan. Now it has more than 3x the data and is shaped to 4x the speed. If you're ever close to using your quote on the $39 plan you should really consider upgrading.

    • If you look closely there is a slight improvement on the $40 plan - the shaping speed is now 256Kbps instead of 128Kbps. But no quota increases.

      Actually, regarding this plan - I upgraded my parents so that they have the $40 plan with the 128Kbps shaping - anyone have any idea if they have been automatically upgraded to have the 256Kbps shaping? Or do I have to activate that myself?

      • Gota do it yourself mate, cuz the guys at tpg aren't allowed to upgrade your plan without your consent even if its in your favour

        • Ah ok - yeah, I had a feeling that was the case. Cheers.

  • What's the contention ratio like for TPG?

  • Still no Exchange in Perth FML

  • -1

    I have an existing naked DSL account, called TPG and they said that I have to:

    1. cancel existing naked DSL service
    2. connect a normal telephone line
    3. apply for TPG DSL
    4. then they'll disconnect the phone line and connect naked DSL

    Not quite ideal, as the point of naked is to not have a telephone connection.

  • Great quota, but can't see myself upgrading for an extra 10GB peak and 1Mbps capped speed, seeing that 60GB peak is sufficient enough for my family.
    Now, if they changed the off-peak from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. (like it used to be when they offered 25GB/25GB, I think), I'd change in a heartbeat. xD

    • So, find a neighbour with modest needs & do a deal to SHARE your connection.

      Why not?

      In UK, BT was ENCOURAGING their customers to do that.

      Oh, and with a slightly more costly plan, the speed is 2 Mb/S after "quota" is used up.

  • +2

    My parents are with TPG. Got a letter before Xmas saying they could change from their old ADSL1 plan to a new ADSL2 plan. Same price. 20x speed and 20x data increase. Signed up and got a install date. Bought new modem etc…… nothing happened.
    Then after contacting TPG they got told that they now could not get ADSL2.
    Surely they should not have offered the upgrade (and to sell us a new modem etc) if we could not get ADSL2. However they then mentioned that the plan my parents were on had been upgraded to double the data allowance years before, but unless the user asks, they remain on the old limit.

    • I too have the same problem with TPG. I've been on 17+8 GB ADSL2+ plan for 2 years and already out of contract. The plans they gave later had more data for less monthly fee. But mine was never upgraded.

      If a customer go with ADSL1 which strangely priced at higher premium and less data, in case if they can not get ADSL2+ due to unavailability of new ADSL2+ connections, would they let the customer upgrade to cheaper but better ADSL2+ plan once new connections becomes available? Has this happen to anyone in here?

      • You do realize that in your case, you can upgrade the plan yourself for free if the cost of the new plan is the same or greater? It takes like 20 seconds…

  • does the 1MB shaping mean that my downloads will be faster?
    Right now I am lucky to get 250-300kb/s!!

    • well with 1mb i think u get around 100-120kb/s?

      that is after ur initial cap limit.

  • That business plan has been there for months…

  • Really wanna sign up now but moving in afew months sigh dont wanna pay 145 bucks just to move house:(

  • +1

    Thanks guys :D

    I just signed up with TPG as well!!

  • +1

    I am having TPG ADSL2+ standard package from 2 years time and paying $49 a month. But I only get 18/7 GB of data. 25 GB in total. I am out of contract for last 6 months and now I can go for any ISP. It's strange that TPg don't increase the data limit for existing customers but only for new customers.
    For the time I had TPG, I was very pleased with it. But I am moving my house in weeks time. I rang up TPG and see if I can get TPG ADSL2 to my new house as they have ADSL2+ service in that exchange and I am just 400 meters away from exchange. However TPG sales person can not tell if I can get ADSL2 or not until I get the telephone connection activated. If TPG says that they don't have connections left after I get Telstra to connect telephone, I can't even get Optus. My next place is also in metro and a busy area, but seems like most ISP's don't have enough connections to satisfy the demand. :(

  • do you need your own ADSL modem or do they supply? If so, any recommendations? Nothing over $150 please!

    • Im sure there are alot of adsl2+ routers for less then $150 if your looking at the smaller computer stores (i.e not like office works harvey norman and the likes)….

      even at those stores Im sure u can get it for around the $150 mark

      the only one that I know the price for is the NB6plus4W from netcomm which was $96 i think from memory at MSY. If your in sydney that is…. there are cheaper ones then that also at MSY. look up staticice.com.au for prices of a store near you…

      N.B Also you need your own modem.

    • For basic and solid modem with works extremely well with TPG's ADSL2+, you should buy the ones with Broadcom chipset, TP-Link TD-8840 is $42 from MSY or CPL, or any of the Netcomm NB6 models will do.

      • -1

        Go with DGN2000.

  • The tpg voip is terrible! bad connection and not very good deal. They give you 500 minutes free voip mins and deduct in ten min blocks. So even if you make a 30 sec call, that's counted as 10 minutes. It also always cuts out. It's still a great price for the number of gigs you're getting, but to be honest the average person would probably never even get close to using that up, generally speaking.

    I've also used iinet and whilst they cost more and you're not getting as much download, they have really good customer service and excellent voip. Unlimited (within fair use policy of course) free local and national calls, no time restrictions/deductions. I've had positive experiences. What do other people think re Iinet?

    • I must admit iinet's VoIP plans are good for heavy voip users. Talking about internet alone no way iinet can compete. Majority of my mates are with TPG, couple with iinet, couple of internode and one with BigPond :)

    • Why not use TPG and then another VOIP provider, like MyNetFone? That's what I do (well did, before I moved house and now I'm stuck with Telstra ADSL… aaaargh).

  • -1

    Thanks for TPG, Optus cable is now offer $60 for 90G(30/60) for the whole 24 months now. But Optus off peak hour(12am-12pm) is much useable than TPG.

    • +2

      I don't see how you're justifying Optus as the more logical choice just by pointing out the off peak hour usage times. TPG's peak hour alone on the $59 plan gives you 80GB of peak data which is 10GB short of what Optus is offering on the whole. Considering that you only get 90GB total, I don't think usability is an issue you should be pointing out there.

    • that's on a 24 month contract and after the the first 12 months is 30GB/30GB on and off peak

      • Oh! They just changed a few days ago. it is now 30/60 for the whole 24 months contract.

        And don't get me wrong, I prefer TPG then Optus, but the process of cutting the Optus, go thru Telster, go TPG, cutting Telster is just too much trouble.

    • Optus counts uploads and TPG doesn't. TPG's quota and shaping speed are way much better than Optus.

  • I'm on the 39.99 plan for 40GB and I was hoping for a quota improvement. Regardless, if you have the higher plans, it's a good bonus so a positive vote from me.

    From what I gather, my capped speed is now faster.

  • Hi all,

    Anyone can tell me how fast when compare ADSL2 and Internet cable?

    I am using Optus cable internet fusion plan , sharing network in the house with a router .

    I have checked the wireless in my laptop, the speed is 300Mbps ??

    Is that from the router or from actual cable Optus internet speed?


    • +1

      Most likely from your comp to your router, even uni Internet only goes up to 80Mbps, fastest Internet is usually at 24Mbps in Australia since we're not on fibre unlike britain lol.

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