PRODUCT: Samsung X520 Notebook
COLOR : Pearl Black
PROC : Intel Pentium Dual Core Proc SU4100 (1.30 GHz, 800 MHz, 2M)
CHIPSET: Intel GS45/GS40 + ICH9M
MEM : 3 GB (1x1 GB + 1x2GB) DDR3 RAM, 2 SODIMM
HDD : 320 GB 5,400 rpm SATA
DISPLAY: 15.6" 16:9 HD LED LCD (1366*768)
GRAPHIC: Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset (GS40/GS45)
AUDIO : HD (High Definition) Audio, Noise Suppression
SRS Sound Effect, 3 W Stereo Speaker (2 x 1.5 W)
NTWK : 10/100 Ethernet, 802.11bg/n Compliant, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
PORTS : 3 x USB 2.0, VGA, HDMI, Headphone-Out, Mic-In, Internal Mic,
3-in-1 Memory Card Reader (SD, SDHC, MMC), RJ45 (LAN),
DC-In Power Port
BATT : 6 Cell 5900mAh (10.5 hours battery time)
OS : Win 7 Home Premium
DIM : 381.9 x 256 x 24/32.4 mm
WEIGHT : 2.09 Kg
WEBCAM : 0.3 MP Webcam
Samsung X520 15.6" Ultra Long Batt Life Laptop $599. Starts 12.00 Cheapest on Statice $911

Last edited 25/02/2010 - 12:12 by 1 other user
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closed Comments
For OZBarginers, The Samsung Life has Bonus has been extended till End of Feb!
When you & your mate buy 2 UNITS and Receive $399 Bonus back from Samsung
(TopBuy customers are eligible for this Promotion from Samsung for order over $1000)
Link no good laptop 926
says $929 on, so at 12pm it will be reduced to $599??? I couldn't find any warranty info? is it 12 or 24 mths with Samsung or Topbuy? thanks
I think samsung provide 12mths international warranty for all their "mobile computer",
check the links below……
This is a good laptop but the GPU could be better especially if you wanna use the HDMI to output onto a 1080p TV with HD content, but that's really a trade off isn't it? Longer battery life. All in all, decent.
If this offer was from anyone else I would consider it, bought from TOP Buy once, had a bad experience with them, I suggest you read other comments as well as look at discussions on…, before you consider your purchase.
Hi Poopall, pls feel free to send us your previous purchase problem (not sure how long ago your last purchase was), but we are continuously improving our service.
Anyway, the Samsung X520 Deal is genuinely Special, and is $400 OFF normal retail with fantastic -Brighter LCD -Lighter Weight - Longer Battery technology from Samsung, backed by 12 month International Warranty.Samsung chose TopBuy exclusively for this model because we are reputable and have a good long history working with them.
If you have any previous issue, please feel free to email to me at [email protected]I do not doubt your offer is genuine, else Trade Practices may have an issue. Its how you run your business, the customer experience is not a pretty one. Your responses are quicker on these forums and other; then responding to customer emails who have bought something from you. It appears from the commentary of others that you skate on the edge of law and due to no single customer being willing to take you on, you are able to get away with it.
I'm afraid a bad reputation cannot be repaired that easily, and its entirely of your own making, I took you up on one of your offers and did not get what I expected, my experience is not unique, the internet is littered with your failed promises. There is an element of trust and when that is betrayed then expect your customers to be vocal on this forum and others.
Wow that was quite eloquently put.
Dude, let him know EXACTLY what your problem was/is. No one's perfect and I think every business is guilty of mistakes now and then.
Ranting and raving like you are hasn't portrayed what is wrong with the business, in your entire rant you actually don't bring forth a single fact in regards to there "Trade Practices" at all.
The link you posted is actually a testament to them, a member of there team responded and went out of his way to help this customer(s) further into that thread. What were you talking about again?
mod - trimmed
@Koonit: I'm sure poopall did let them know exactly what his problem was and got bugger all response.
I'm basing this on what I experienced with these guys.
The link is NOT a testament to them. I posted in that forum after geting no response from "[email protected]", and only then did I get help. You should'nt have to wait a week for a response from these guys when you've been sent shonky goods, and only after posting a complaint in a third party forum.
As poopall said, I might consider this deal if it was from someone else, but you're really taking a risk when buying from TopBuy. I'm sure you'll eventually get your money back if something goes wrong, but can you afford to have $600 waiting in limbo for a few weeks?
@Elephant: Hi Elephant, As other users have mentioned, TopBuy may have made a mistake before, but never was wrongly intended. Who could admit never made mistake in the past?
What I could assure all the Ozbargainers out there is that, we are doing our best to
- Bring a Good deal to our customers (including you)
- Sometimes, the deals (especially for IT) it is very fast paced, so there is a chance for
wrong information passed from our suppliers or within.
- However, we have taken many steps to prevent future mistakes, and reimburse customers for any trouble caused.(which is all done in good faith)
- We don't mind negative comments, and love to hear from you, but please leave the negative comment for the previous listing that is relevant. If you think this deal is NOT good enough, please list the URL or another offer, we will better it.For your information, before the Steal of the Day even started (at 12:00), we have already sold heaps of this notebooks.
So, congrats to people who knows about a geniune bargain!
Dude, let him know EXACTLY what your problem was/is.
Poopall's problem was with the $5 buy one get one free Kingston USB drive. was over less than $20 worth of goods.
I'm sure that the Samsung X520 offer is genuine and customer service is of the upmost importance to Topbuy.
At least they learned from their mistake ;)mod - trimmed
Relax mate.
Over an error in a listing for a $20 MAX item that has ** nothing** to do with this offer.Negative votes should not be on past experiences with Topbuy.
@Crownie: The situation seems to be
1- advertised 2 USB drives with shipping for a set price
2- Topbuy took payment on the listing as it was issued
3- They later amended the listing to say 1 USB drive for the same price
4- Despite knowing of the different listing, they did not contact the buyers to find a suitable compromise or sort out the situation (eg cancel order and refund, honour the offer)
5- Topbuy sent out 1 USB drive, instead of either canceling the orders or honouring the advertised offer
6- That could be considered bait and switch advertising
Regardless of whether it was a mistaken listing or not, the problem was TopBuy's choice of action thereafter. Topbuy chose to keep people's money and send out something that was not what they ordered, rather than sort out the issue with them.
Poopall actually could have contacted Consumer Affairs and had a chat with them. They might've been able to record the complaint and recommend on what to say to TopBuy in order to get them to either send the 2nd USB drive through or get them to refund the money and pick up the sent package at their own expense. (Without having to go to tribunal necessarily) At the least, they should be able to record complaints.
Poopall and others could possibly still go to Consumer Affairs and see if there is anything they can do or at least record their complaints against TopBuy.
Alternatively, TopBuy could still, at this stage, approach those who ordered 2 USB sticks from them to try and sort the issues out. They could even send out a 2nd USB stick now, especially as the prices of USB sticks are coming down.
It does have some bearing on this posting. If TopBuy has had questionable procedures in handling mistakes on a $5 purchase, some people may not want to trust TopBuy with a larger purchase, in case something goes wrong, again.
On the other hand, if everything goes right with these transactions, there will be a lot of happy buyers.
Someone asked about the warranty. It's possible to visit the listing and search for "warranty:".
G_man, I say you sue poopall for libel. :P
so does this have an optical drive? thank
Top buy has some major issues. I avoid them.
i dont know… this laptop's spec is weird.
no optical drive but weight 2.01kg. a very very slow cpu (slower than normal netbook but dual core), 320gb hd, 10/100 nic when every others is like gigabits already. does seems like a good deal…but really depends on what u after
no dvd drive? thats gonna be annoying when installing new software
you still install software off DVD? How quaint :)
With fast internet, and cheap flash drives, CD/DVD are becoming legacy media.
I certainly don't want such a drive weighing down a portable device.
Slower than normal netbook?
If you mean Atom based netbooks, the SU4100 will be heaps faster than any Atom processor. Clock speed isn't relevant when comparing Atom to CULVs.
so u mean it will be quicker?
then whoever wants to get a netbook might as well get this…i know i would…now i am already regret on my netbook~~ its slow ass…
The SU4100 will be around/over 3 times faster than an Atom N270/N280 processor found in most netbooks.
Don't forget it's 64bit compatible, So if can address more RAM!
@Koonit: Hence, why a 1.3GHz processor is faster than a 1.6 or 1.66 Atom ;)
Nowadays, more than ever, people should know/realize that clock speeds do not equal speed/power.
@Koonit: i don't think it is 64 bit compatible. it is just Pentium Dual Core (SU4100), not core 2 duo (su9300) version. but still good enough for most daily work (exclude gaming and photoshopping).
According to Intel & all the reviews I've read it is. It would do the job for Photoshop imo.
it should come with dvd, only x420 has no dvd drive.
nop…i checked online optical. unless u can find a link…coz most reviews are on a model with 4gb ram and 500gb hd with gigabit nic
I owned a DELL, inspiron 1110 before. It use same CPU. The CPU was very good and most fast then atom. Compare to atom 270 it has two cores and 64bit.
Hmm … you are trying to let people know the notebook looks a bit weird. I wonder who voted negative to hide your comment?
$30.95 shipping to me in VIC is a little steep :(
I wonder how long this price will stay up for until topbuy flip flops on the price:
HI dazza102, there is NO issue with price, and we are supplying to those customers who placed their orders.
Last laptop i ordered from topbuy came to me within a week and everything was great! :) no issues at all… I would buy from them again. but it would have sucked if i did have an issue… i can see why some people are not happy.
I have bought a few big ticket items from topbuy without any dramas, they provided me with all the tracking information and responded to my email inquiries promptly.
G'day Sonicentropy, thanks for your support. Great to hear happy customes like you.
Given that my purchase was only a $10.00 item and they still managed to scam me on the 2 for 1 offer, yes its minor and thats just my point go ahead an trust them with your $600 laptop purchase. I suggest just read the user comment on this site about and how they conduct business and then tread your own path.
Poopall, we are sorry to hear you are still feel such way, as we had offered $10 voucher to you after refund your original purchase. If there is anything we can do please let us know.
It was actually a $5 voucher with heavy restrictions imposed.
I'm negging too, I'm with poopall on this…
If topbuy can't do the right thing when there is less than $5 (and massive customer backlash) at risk, then imagine what they feel justified doing over a much greater sum.
$10 my f'ing ass. It was $5 and had to be used within one month. Stop Bull sh!tting. The other option was to send back the USB at the CUSTOMERS EXPENSE. Luckily I managed to argue that and have it sent at yours.
Yeah, that outright lie is what tipped me over the edge too, go on you know you want too… neg, neg, neg, neg, neg…
It's $10 dollars girls. Seriously!
Yeahhh —- Imagine what the company would do if they had to shell out more than 10$ per customer for a pricing error. Logicfail.
well said dude
They would go broke.
Then we'd have no more Top-buy deals on here. The point is, you should be voting on deals, not on your feelings. Do a search for Top-buy here on Ozbargains and see how many deals they've posted, most of which were extremely good & without complications.
@Koonit: .. except that your entire premise is founded on the notion that service is not a factor in a bargain. Newsflash: it is.
I'll refrain from voting one way or the other, but I'm not going to condemn people for neg'ing when they have a VALID reason; much in the same way that nobody has argued with you for voting positive.
I,ve bought things from them before and never had any problems, otherwise I'd never have posted this offer in the first place.
I don't think it's fair to simply neg a deal based on past experiences. I also tried to purchase the 2 for 1 USB drive offer which was retracted. Topbuy emailed me promptly asking if I wanted a refund or to accept the offer of 1 USB drive and a voucher. I personally think that their service was very good. I've purchased a number of items from this site with out any issues. The world of e-trading is very cut throat with customers demanding the absolute best deal. Even after I didn't get 2 flash drives, the price I paid was still exceptional for 1 in my opinion. I'd have no hesitations in purchasing this laptop or recommending to family/friends if I needed one based on my personal experiences with Topbuy which have all been good.
This is bordering on sockpuppetry.
The deal was not "exceptional" for just one 4GB stick, even for 2 sticks it would have been ok, not "exceptional".
You paid $10 for an old 4GB drive shipped, that you could get in OW etc for $9 at the time. The ONLY thing that made it worthwhile was the 2 for 1 deal.
How on earth this is sock puppetry I don't know.
You need to understand that a bad experience is amplified 100 times more then a positive one. So that one stuff up they made a long time ago, created many complainers like yourself.
What exactly does this have to do with this current deal stumo?
mod - trimmed - let's keep this from being too personal
You need to understand that…
If topbuy can’t do the right thing when there is less than $5 (and massive customer backlash) at risk, then imagine what they feel justified doing over a much greater sum.(this is a direct quote I posted earlier when I first negged the deal, the neg sign stays on all further posts that I make in this thread)
ps. 8 weeks isn't a long time ago in my book.
@stumo: Stumo, it may be a $5 item for you, but we had customers whom ordered multiple hundreds at a time (as they knew the cost obviously). We had a choice either to supply all or not supply at all, as for choice 1, if we did, we would not have enough stock to supply as it was twice the qty which we didn't have! And it is not fair to supply to some and not to others, hence the decision was made, and we did the best we could offer including reimbursement etc. But obviously you still have very strong feeling about this, of which I could understand but not necessary agree with, as at end of the day, it is a $5-10 sale, a bit like a storm in a tea cup.
Still if anything we can do to make you happy, please send email to me directly at [email protected]As other Ozbargainer mentioned, if you have a genuine neg about this deal, please go ahead.
@G_Man: Perhaps it would be in your best interest when offering products that you ensure you have ample quantities available (or an ecommerce solution that provides qty monitoring — welcome to 2010)… There are various measures that could have been taken to prevent this from happening, even though the follow up was fairly abysmal.
@G_Man: "As other Ozbargainer mentioned", if you have a truthful comment to make, then please do so, we have been through all this BS on your last deal…
You continued to sell the sticks for a long time after you did the ninja edit on your webpage, so your sob story about stock still seems like pure BS.
If there were a few customers who tried to take advantage by ordering "multiple hundreds", why would you piss off thousands of other customers instead of just the few that obviously were trying their luck. I know why, because you are making up sob stories again.
The damage has been done, now you are reaping what you sowed. But please go ahead and sow some more, it makes no difference to me, you lost many customers with your "storm in a tea cup", and are risking losing more with each reply.
@G_Man: TopBuy could also:
- contact buyers to try and find an acceptable alternative
- refund all monies when the deal could not go ahead
- refund all monies to those it could not honour the deal for, due to insufficient supplyThere were other options.
@stumo: TopBuy customer service in hindsight.
After this promotion had ended, we had a couple of customers realising the Samsung did not have DVD drive, and requested to cancel the order.
What did TopBuy do?
Refunded their purchase within 12 hours after receiving their cancellation request.
Good deal. If i didn't own a laptop, I would buy this one. It's 'heavy' because of the screen size.
I have a 1.4ghz CULV core solo processor and I use the native resolution of the laptop (1366x768) to output to the 1080p TV as most of the content I output has a resolution less than 1366x768.
Hi Teer3x, I got a 13" LG Notebook, and this Samsung 15" is actually weight almost same with my 13", but much nicer screen and full size keyboard with numberic keypads, not to menion the BLUETOOTH, HDMI Ouput, Windows 7 etc. I am selling my LG and getting this instead….
can the rep clarify if this unit has bluetooth and dvd drive?
Hi erwinsie, BLUETOOTH 2.1 YES, DVD BURNER NO(being UltraSlim), but you could pick up a USB External DVD Burner for about $80-90.
haha erwinsie, you really love Bluetooth, don't you? Funny haha
Good deal! if you can get the bonus then even better!!
Hi! What do you mean by bonus?
Yes more on Bonus please :D
Umm I'm merely commenting on the post G-Man made on the second comment from the Top. :P
But as it says, you need to buy two so the order is over $1000 :(
Thanks for sharing!
sold out??
"Product is inactive"
I'd say so!
Just got one
I'm thinking of purchasing this product. Just waiting for my work to pay me which should be in a few hours. I'll be using this for University work, so Photoshop/Java programming etc., will it be suitable for this? Also, would it be able to run World of Warcraft on the very lowest settings?.
One more query; if I place the order via credit card before the time ends for the sale, the price is locked in, right?
Ended up buying it anyway. I did some extensive comparing and for my price budget ($500-600) it was exceptionally good, albeit not having a great graphics card. Using the $10 discount was nice as well, dropped it down to $620 with shipping.
fantastic stuff, thank you ozbargain for making me poorer…again.
just bought 2. shame all these samsung gifts are useless, might get the LCD and sell it off.
This is not a very good laptop for the cost. For just 100 bucks more I got a pentium Dual Core 2.2GHz with an actual graphic card (not chipset), 4GB RAM, same HDD and Blu-ray reader/DVD burner. Guess it's good for travellers, what with its light weight and long battery life, but then again, they could do just as well with a much cheaper netbook.
What laptop did you get?
Only reason I'm holding off on this one is because of lack of graphics card..
i have the x420, i think unless you play games, graphic card should be be a issue at all. But i am not very happy with the speaker >.< 1.5w only.
my laptop has crappy speakers as well. seriously, how hard is it to make a lappy with decent speakers!!! I got the Divoom iTour (posted on ozbargain a while back) and problem solved.
I think this laptop is a sweet deal, even without the samsung promotion. but that just makes it a whole lot sweeter. only reason i'm not buying is because my current laptop has the same resolution as this one, and i need a little better (approx 1600x900).
edit: has the deal ended? price is showing up as $929 now?
An Asus X59SR; in all fairness it was quite a bargain of MLN, supposedly reduced from $1049
You're forgetting it has no blue-tooth/much heavier/slightly smaller screen/poor battery life (up to 2 hours only whilst watching a movie etc.) on top of this it's been discontinued which could explain why it was so cheap. Sacrifices weight/battery life/size for a better graphics card and dvd burner/bluray player. Both have their pros and cons I suppose like with any laptop.
I bought two of these and didn't realize until after I purchased them that it isn't a $399 cashback but a choice of products worth up to that amount.
Still a great bargain and I guess I'll just have to decide which will have the best ebay resale value.
Why is it $899?
Also there's a model with a DVD drive but this one doesn't have it? Same casing same everything it's an X520 with a faster C2D ULV and a DVD Drive. Bit disappointing that the unit could have been packaged with the same casing as the model up.
oh sh*t!!! i spent more than 1000 for the smaller version x420 3months ago!