Back on guys be quick! Great box if you are looking for a streaming device.
List Price: $249.98
Price: $199.99
With Deal: $149.99
Bundle Savings: $99.99
Previously offered the remote for free but looks like that was only temporary.
Back on guys be quick! Great box if you are looking for a streaming device.
List Price: $249.98
Price: $199.99
With Deal: $149.99
Bundle Savings: $99.99
Previously offered the remote for free but looks like that was only temporary.
I have had once soon after it was released. I have played Tales of Borderlands for about a min & I streamed Tomb Raider from my Mac also for about a min, just to test. Apart from that, I have not used it for games, that is what my PS4 is for.
Not sure what you mean by remote controlling apps issue.
I had/have a WD TV as my main media player prior to this, worked well, just slow as hell and no current apps in my version. I wanted a simple to use device designed to be used with a remote that could play back local media (I use Kodi) access Netflix and YouTube. It does all this well. There have been issues, the traditional break something with an update has happened, but they have been quick to apply fixes. Coming from WD that took aeons to release a fix, or worse, stopped updates with known massive bug in last firmware, it has been good. Framerate switching in Kodi, locking in framerate for Netflix has given smooth playback I could never get with my Roku 3.
Some have issues in particular with 4K due to HDMI 2.2 being required and some weird connection issues, and just some oddities. A couple reporting the 4K Netflix stopped being available when nothing had changed. I don’t have 4K so I haven’t been on top of those problems.
There are some colour issues that have been identified recently. When a similar issue was discovered with their 2.0 update making Netflix washed out, they released a fix in 10 days. Let’s see what comes of this latest discovery.
I have been relay happy with how Nvidia have been proactive in getting this box working well, and doing it quickly. Applying updates only available in Android 6 to 5.1.1 before 6 was released was a great move. I am loving the Shield, super quick, and with how I have my Kodi home screen, very wife friendly to access all apps.
So not to sure on the gaming front, but i have a nexus player at home for a year or so and my partner really likes the ease of use (over the htpc i had set up previously) and my 2 year old actually uses the voice search for wiggles and music videos that she likes!
That is very impressive for a 2 year old!
Should put AU$ amount in the title.
The price for this is AU$256.16 (Amazon conversion rate) plus the cheapest shipping is AU$20.44 bringing the total cost to AU$276.56.
Many people use citibank or 28 degrees though. That gives them a lower price by paying in USD.
"For deals in other currencies, please include both the original currency and the $AU equivalent in the title."
Can this access network drives directly to play movies?
There is a version of Kodi (XBMC) specifically for Android TV. Not 100% sure on NVIDIA Shield support, but I'd be surprised if it didn't. You can also use something called Archos Video Player.
I use my Nexus Player (also running Android TV) with mostly Plex and Netflix, but will occasionally use Archos Video Player for the stubborn videos.
All apps available from Play Store without having to sideload or anything like that.
It's not actually Android TV specific, it is Android as a whole, but a lot of development has been done for the TV aspect, especially the Shield. Kodi and Nvidia have been working together.
Can the remote be programmed to switch on/off main brand TV's as well?
HDMI CEC works.
Thanks for your replies. Hmm Im not sure HDMI CEC will work for me since I have the TV plugged into my Denon receiver with standby passthrough from my htpc. I guess the shield will replace my htpc, but I will have to re-do my HDMI topology to use CEC without turning on the full 5.1 system every time.
You can use a Harmony universal remote to achieve whatyou want. That is what I use with the Shield.
I can actually use my Panasonic TV remote to control the Shield, so although I bought the remote for the Shield console, I rarely use it. Super-handy to be able to just use the 1 remote for turning the tv on and off as well as navigating around the various apps. I mainly use it for Netflix - great device, nice and fast!
I'm a sucker for media streamers whether name brand or cheap Chinese ones. However, this seems a little expensive, am I missing something?
It has a fantastic cpu gpu so it is good for gaming. You can also run Kodi/XMBC which is huge for some people.
So it's as it is, a powerful media streamer with probably the best gaming capabilities. So as a console/PC gamer who wouldn't play games on a media streamer it's a poor value proposition I guess. Even with that logic I still want one. :)
Yeah if weighing too much on the gaming side then probably an Xbox One makes better sense. I still love my Shield TV though. Overkill for my needs but that just means its future proofed for awhile to come.
You can also stream from the cloud and I think also your computer if you have a nvidia gpu. That's helpful if have a pc in your room and want to play games on the couch in the living room.
So as a console/PC gamer who wouldn't play games on a media streamer it's a poor value proposition I guess.
I don't game on it, it is purely for streaming local and Netlfix. I have happily paid more than this deal so I have a powerful box that just gets it done, after different issue with WD TV, Roku 3 and Nexus Player.
How does the voice search & commands compare to Apple TV 2015? (which is freaking amazing at this small functionality).
I don't have an Apple TV of any year to compare with, nor do I use the voice search as I use a Harmony remote. The few times I have used it, it was fine. It got what I asked every time, but again, I don't really use it, so I am useless for real details on voice search.
@snuke: Perhaps a quick test then: If you say "Interstellar" does it a) get the movie correct and b) give you an "open in netflix" option which is functional?
Netflix and voice search don't work. Netflix need to get of their asses and address that. I know it annoys a lot of people.
I know if I said "Interstellar" it would offer the Google Play Store and YouTube.
@snuke: The Apple TV 2015 presents an "open in netflix" option for any media available, and it works. =)
It has a lot better quality games, for example skylanders works on it.
I have one if there is anything I can help with - although I recommend finding the whirlpool thread (its massive and you'll find all your answers there)
I previously had a WDTV, this is superior in every sense. I have no experience with Netflix, but use Kodi with my NAS and it's great. We have a few games like Goat simulator and a few others, all work fine. These Shield TV's come with about $30 credit (or used to) if you change your address to US before claiming… details on WP but I never bothered. I have a few Telstra $10 ($30 credit) starter packs which give $30 google credit each so I'll use that credit as I see things of interest - I also have $20 credit from google surveys so I'm well covered should something catch my eye. But basically we use ours 99% for NAS streaming.
It's powerful CPU/GPU future proofs it in my opinion. I buy media players to get several years outta them so that's how I justify the hefty price tag. It's Android platform is constantly maturing and it's probably safe to say this device will be well supported for years to come. Can't say the same for some cheap Chinese devices, if that matters to you.
One little thing I'd like is support for a USB TV Tuner so it becomes an all-in-one solution. nVidia say this is coming but no ETA. I suspect I'm part of an extreme minority wanting this feature so I'm not holding my breath.
One little thing I'd like is support for a USB TV Tuner so it becomes an all-in-one solution. nVidia say this is coming but no ETA. I suspect I'm part of an extreme minority wanting this feature so I'm not holding my breath
Oh hell yes, that is something I want/need. Currently I'm using a fetchTV box to do everything my HTPC used to, but it is very poor at local media, I'm using plex over DLNA and I'm constantly having to fire up the htpc for things that fetchTV cant find or play. And it soesn't do youtube or redbulltv etc.
All I want is ONE device that will do:
- HD netflix
- DVB-t with pvr at least 2 channels.
- Find and play almost any local media I throw at it.
- redbullTV and youtube
- switch on/off our TV
- all via a single remote
The HTPC using MCE7 used to do all of this, but it is obsolete now and was always a bit flakey. The fetchTV is about the only device that can do most of these things so far.
I feel you, it's definitely the missing piece of the puzzle for guys like us.
I still use my desktop (windows 8.1 MCE) for my DVB needs which in itself is great for me but becomes completely redundant the second the Shield TV supports it.
I thought they did have USB Tuners working now, or is that only with HD Homerun? They released the MPEG-2 hardware engine in update 2.0. I know a few on Whirlpool have it working with their tuners. It was buggy at first but after 2.0 I think they were happy.
I know about HD Homerun but last time I looked into that it was bit hit and miss.
Didn't know about the support update in 2.0 though, that's very interesting - will look further into this!
See here -…
I have not read it as I don't intend to use a tuner.
Ok no more fence sitting for me… BOUGHT!!!
Can we get a link to the wp thread? Might be good to have in the OP
WP thread -
Enjoy reading it all, the live, the hate, the usual forum stuff.
People love to be on teams. I like the Shield, it works well for us. It may suck balls for you, so yeah, like every product.
Yeah, its weird that there is no turn-key device in this day and age that can do that simple core set of STB features. On paper the shield is only really missing the liveTV/PVR for me, so it comes pretty close. FetchTV also comes very close.
So I will try my best to work around that. might see if I can get the fetchTV to expose its recorded tv folder to the shield, or other option is go back to DVBlink and use kodi or something, but I found dvblink (and kodi) to be flakey as hell.
Hopefully I can get the fetchTv working with shield, because it can also record off its internet channels etc. I really like the fetchTV actually, its just a shame the local media and apps side of it is pure shight.
My PS3 can do all that (sony TV… Message over hdmi).
Alot cheaper than this.
As an owner of two PS3s, no, it can’t do all of what the Shield can do, not even close.
I haven't even been able to get netflix working on my ps3 at all. Thats a dealbreaker. I find that is also really noisy and seems to want to update its firmware every 5 seconds.
Netflix works fine on ours, one is basically just used for Netflix. Firmware updates only take a couple of mins to do, even less if you have PS+ and the PS3 set to wake up to check for downloads. I used to use mine to stream media via Universal Media Server; decent, but it was still a struggle with larger files and it still meant you had to transcode.
Wow! You own 2?!
I said that my ps3 can 1. Do HD netflix. 2. Play any file I throw at it (via DLNA). 3. Has a duel TV tuner with record and epg (play tv). 4. Turn on and off my tv (sony TV's only).
I have a CFW so could also install showtime player and plugins (similar to kodi). Can also play ps3 games.
I am sure that shield can do thinks PS3 cant and vice versa- however for a streaming device I think this is a bit expensive.
No Big rush
Offer expires at 11:59 p.m. (PT) December 31, 2015.
Thanks, updated expiry
Didn't realise the so much work was done on posts after the fact.
I'm thining to get a M8S android box on ebay for around $100.
You can get them cheaper than that. What kills all these no name Android boxes for me, is that they can only do Netflix in SD.
Amazon fire TV is/or will on for 75 bucks US$ at Best Buy I recall
Think you will need a freight forwarder.
Can anyone tell me if the Foxtel Go, Presto and Stan apps are available in the App Store, or is it just special made-for-Android TV apps?
No native apps for any of those three.No idea on Foxtel Go, Presto will cast, but jeez that is a crap service. Stan I haven't tried, but from memory WP users say that no, it wont cast properly; which is odd as it is like a super powerful Chromecast as it has Google Cast built in.
I've been considering this ever since getting the Fire TV 2 and drowning in it's disappointment. Finally pulled the trigger.
Was able to use $20 amazon credit as well.
Thanks for sharing
When did you get the Fire TV 2 (2015) ? and what problems are you having with it?
I only just found out today there was a new version and regret having purchased 2 x Fire TVs and 1 x Fire TV Stick.
I got it shortly after launch using amazon prime and 'Upgraded' from the first gen device which is a solid box.
First main problem was related to the ethernet port. It performed far worse than the first gen, to the point I kept having buffering issues in KODI streaming the same media. After nearly 2 days of troubleshooting I tried using the wifi, and all the buffering problems went away. I stream my content from a NAS.
The other problen is that it's a 4k box, but not a very good one. I didn't realise how badly it fell short until trying to play numerous 4k sample content sourced from around the internet. Most of the time, it struggled. The number of times it was able to play 4k content out of the box was very small. The nvidia shield tv on the other hand, is apparently able to play back a significant chunk of the sample content around - at least according to the video reviews I've seen.
I wanted the box replacing the first gen fire tv to be somewhat future proof for a few years. Before fireTV, i was using the boxee box for quite awhile. The price of the nvidia shield has always put me off it to be honest. But I think in the end it's probably worth it to invest a few more dollars if I want to get more than a year out of it.
Thanks for the feedback, shame it hasn't worked out. Agree that the first gen Fire TV is pretty solid. Perhaps this new gen will get better with firmware updates?
I hadn't realized USD was so high / AUD was so low.
Thanks to the OP. I had just ordered yesterday but did not see the remote promotion. I got on to Amazon chat to see if it could be added but had to cancel and make a new order only the bundle wouldnt work for me. The chat man fixed it for me so all is well, great service from Amazon as usual.
Anyone gave a try with the $50 Promo Amazon Promo Code for the Shield TV from late Oct-Early Nov ?
Please also try all codes from 2 years ago, maybe one still works….
Lol looks like you dont #reddit, its not only Ozbargain, there are stuffs called slickdeals, reddit threads. People have got to Live Chat and got $50 Off this bundle.…
For Nvidia Store :
I wonder sometimes people wont even do a quick Google before posting !
I believe that Nvidia Store and Amazon were offering coupons of $50 a few weeks back, however with the new price overnight of save $25 with free remote promo I doubt we will see a coupon apply on top (happy to be proven wrong tho!).
@kearnsy: The Nvidia store $50 coupon expires today ie 17/11, but not of much use unless using a freight forwarder.
I tried the coupon on your link however it says it wasn't valid.
Edit: The coupon is also listed on retail me not, however the single comment on that deal from 7 days ago was the coupon did not work either.
@kearnsy: Amazon User coupons are Targeted whereas the Nvidia coupons are received when you subscribe to the Geforce newsletter. Both are 1-use coupons. I will wait out till the BF sale anyway. I am sure it will hit $149 with the remote sooner or later :D
Guess this will get cheaper now with atv 4 out.
Can someone explain how this device is powered? Just need a plug change or a step down transformer?
Just a regular adapter, no transformer required.
Really like the idea of this, but it just seems a tad pricey in my eyes.
With the remote it is a good deal - nothing else can do what the shield tv does.
Main thing they need to do is update to android M
If they'd only discount the remote for existing users - they really are digging a hole for themselves by making it cost $50
Here's some news - as I know amazon does partial refunds for price drops within 30 days I did a live chat.
They gave me $25 credit for the discount and a total refund on the purchase of a remote (they initially offered a further $25 credit) - not including shipping. As I originally bought with a $50 off coupon, this worked out pretty well.
PS: don't forget to get your $5 coupon for this
Don't get me wrong I want to like the idea, but Steamlink is (apparently) 1/4 the rrp at $50 US. I already have Chromecast and also the latest Sony Android TVs (which can do atleast some of what Chromecast can too). I'm not seeing any huge reason to invest atm…. I can't see any other must have features.
In my case I went from an older htpc to shield tv + synology NAS.
As it runs KODI and games/emulators it was minimal disruption to migrate. Playback of 4k future-proofs it a bit also.
The controllers/remote each having an audio jack is a big feature. The xbox 360 wireless controller works too (with usb receiver - but light flashes constantly atm).
Unless you want to do a little bit of tinkering I'd say hold off.. but if you can get a mega amazon discount it's worth the punt.
It all depends on what you want to do. For playing back local media, I mean high quality large files, the Chromecast is useless, and the Sony TVis not going to handle it all either. But if you have no need for it, and happy with current arrangements, then sure this makes no sense.
What is he experience like casting NVIDIA DSR enabled games from PC? The site says it is over Wifi but the console has ethernet…
Doesn't appear the remote is included anymore? This is what I get when I click on the link:
Special Offers and Product Promotions
Edition: SHIELD (16GB)
6 Month Financing: For a limited time, purchase $149 or more using the Store Card and pay no interest if paid in full within 6 months. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional balance is not paid in full within 6 months. Minimum monthly payments required. Subject to credit approval.
Anyone still getting the remote as an offer?
Looks like the remote has been removed from the offer…
If the price drops again for black Friday deals, can we hit amazon up for a partial refund?
Did you guys see someone got it for aud$205 or something during a sale last night.
Definitely worth a shot asking for credit or partial refund!
the window for pricematch is from the date of ordering to after 7 days of receiving it
Hmmm… Was able to order the unit and get the remote free using the instructions on Total came to $188.96 USD delivered.
So deal is still valid but steps are slightly different. In that other deal someone did get lucky and get this bundle for aud $205!
Yeah the remote is still free, I haven't checked out but it shows -US$49.99 further down the shopping cart, so long as you select the option for the remote bundle.
Does anyone know if you need a gaming PC to be able to stream games to the nvidia shield?
I managed to snare one for the $124.99US special when it cropped up last week. Amazon were kind enough to credit the $50 back without too much hassle.
thanks for rubbing it in ;-)
Man, just did 2 different chat sessions and they wouldn't budge!
Talk about rude as well! I have been in and out of service roles for the last 15 years and I know what good service is… this was not even close!
Yeah that $125US offer was awesome! hoping something similar pops up on black Friday.
Does anyone know how close they are to getting HD MA and TrueHD pass-through on kodi? basically the only reason I would buy this over an Android box?
HD audio is coming in Kodi 17.
"Heh… Schedule conflict. Nvidia implemented HD audio at the same time we decided on a major rewrite of our player, which will come in 17…"
"Android passthrough is different than on all the other Kodi platforms. For the techies, Android wants raw passthrough while the other platforms want IEC61937."
Wow you seem to know a bit about this, are you saying this is going to be for Kodi 17 on all android or just ones that have HD audio pass-through native like this one?
and that makes sense because my windows PC can do it fine since kodi 14.
It will still require the device to allow it, I think that is standard with Marshmallow, but that is limited to the Nexus Player right now, and the Shield has including that part of the API into their firmware already. Shield is supposed to be on Marshmallow before the end of the year.
@snuke: Well let's hope black Friday gives us a good deal to jump on one of these, look like they are the future of the android platform actual performing to a consumer standard.
Looks like price has gone back up to $199.99, unless you added it to your cart already. Pretty cool that it keep the price if it's in your cart.
No, it has goen back and forth, back up again
Important messages about items in your Cart:
2 items in your Cart have changed price.
NVIDIA SHIELD + Remote has increased from $174.99 to $199.99
My shield + remote deal is still showing as $174.99 in my cart
I saw a while ago there were some teething issues about games, and also remote controlling apps, have these been sorted yet? I mainly want one for HD netflix and other apps like redbullTV, just want one simple TV style remote interface for the kids and wife to be able to use.