Back on guys be quick! Great box if you are looking for a streaming device.
List Price: $249.98
Price: $199.99
With Deal: $149.99
Bundle Savings: $99.99
Previously offered the remote for free but looks like that was only temporary.
Back on guys be quick! Great box if you are looking for a streaming device.
List Price: $249.98
Price: $199.99
With Deal: $149.99
Bundle Savings: $99.99
Previously offered the remote for free but looks like that was only temporary.
Mine just arrived. Impressive piece of kit.
Black Friday lightning deal was $149.99 anyway
It was lightning fast wasn't on the computer for 8 hours and it was done and gone :(
It was live for actually less than an hour. Lightning indeed.
Rumors that the price will be back again tonight (Cyber Monday) I am a little skeptical but hopeful at the same time, but if I were to purchase, is AMEX better for exchange rate purposes? and are there any additional texes I need to be concerned with?
Not sure about amex. No extra taxes just international shipping, which is very reasonable from amazon.
I'm loving this machine BTW. I didn't realize it has a ir port, so my harmony remote drives it. Im also using my logitech k700 android keyboard (that came with my very old Logitech review ATV box).
I'm using kodi with dvblink server for my FTA TV needs. The optus fetch TV I was using prior to this has been locked down to not allow other devices to access its media, even using the fetchtv app. Boo. Fetchtv is shown to be a real POS compared to this anyway. Shield is so fast and stable. Glad I did it.
what did you do about the power cord? Just an adapter?
I did the cut and twist method. You could use a travel adapter also.
cut and twist?
You hacksaw or dremmel about 2mm out of each side of the pins at their base, then twist the pins to match our angled pins.
This keeps the pin centerlines perfectly aligned with our sockets. If you just twist without cutting you change the alignment and it doesn't sit in the socket properly.
I actually find the cheap travel adapters to be more dangerous. They don't make good contact and are very thin guage metal, so arcing and heat can occur, which gradually makes the problem worse.
@stumo: I might have to give it a go as i normally go the travel adapter route.
You wouldn't know of any instructional video's or something like that would you???
Deal is on again. I have gone onto amazon chat and got a $25 credit on my account due to the price drop since I bought it.
Anyone had any problems with their Shield? I've mine only a few days and it seems to have died. Either the unit or the powersupply is shot! There's no button to turn it on is there?
Scratch that, seems the power cable was slightly loose. Whew!
Exactly why standard tech support starts with making sure you unplug and plug an item back in.
BTW there is a power button on the box. Its capacitive, in the area infront of the point of the green LED. I think there is a nvidia logo there, just touch it.
Just pulled the trigger on this at $174.99, price remained the same in my cart. Hopefully there's another drop on Cyber Monday to claim the difference.