This was posted 9 years 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Amazon $5 USD Credit for Installing Official Amazon App (Minimum $10 USD Spend)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

This deal is for $5 USD free Amazon credit for opening the official Amazon mobile app.

You can use the credit within the app or on the website. This is confirmed working in Australia & I have successfully applied the credit myself.

Here is the process:

  • You must click a referral link while using a mobile device (if not it will just direct you to do so). Note: the main link for the deal is not a referral link - you can use the wiki or my link at the end of the post.

  • You will either be prompted to download the Amazon app or it will launch if it is already installed.

  • After launching the App it will prompt you to verify your mobile number & send a confirmation SMS code.

  • Enter the code within the app & the credit will then apply to your account (if you go through checkout you will see it). You will also receive an confirmation email from Amazon.

There is also comment in this thread about there being a minimum purchase of $10 USD with this credit.

EDIT: terms for the deal

My Referral link

Related Stores

Amazon US
Amazon US

closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks Liz, wait, should you be thanking me? ;)

    • +1

      Haha it's actually a friend's code i thought might enjoy a present.

      Think it's a bit harder to get anything as the referrer. From what i understand the person referred has to buy through the app and have not purchased anything thru it in the prior 12 months.

      • Hahah. Did she call you cheap for spending so much time chasing bargains and you're proving her wrong?

        • Getting close to the truth, but about to have my acl done so got a good excuse for being off my feet lol

  • +5

    On Android, press the get app button didn't seem to do anything, but the claim code brought me to the play store in the browser.
    It's easier to just install the amazon shopping app first, and then open the referral link.

    • As above, already had it installed and first link didn't do anything, 2nd link opened the app for me :)

      Liz, have another $5 lol

  • Thanks Elizabeth. You just got another $5.

  • Cheers OP! You get $5 credit when someone uses your link for their first purchase (I just did)

  • how can I get my own Referral link?

    • +4

      Menu -> Your Account -> Invite Friends

  • +8

    Check your balances here:

    For some reason I have a total of $16 across Amazon Video, Software and MP3, I only knew about $1 in MP3 credit 😀

  • Got it — thanks!

  • Iphone 5 on 9.0.2 jailbroken here. Clicking on "Get the latest Amazon app" button in Safari does nothing for me. clicking on "Claim Code" brings up an error "Cannot Open Page - Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid". Downloading Chrome to try on that


    No dice on Chrome. Pretty sure it is something to do with my being jailbroken although it has never gotten in the way before. Going to try downloading the app on my android tablet, giving it my mobile number and then putting the code in through that way

    edit 2

    Looks like I already had the amazon shopping app installed for a previous deal. I tried uninstalling, restarting, going to referal page, installing app again etc and it brought up a couple of screens initially like it was needing to be setup again but ultimately took me straight into the app without giving the option to verify phone number. I'm not sure if this is because I have previously installed the app or because it can tell that my device doesn't have a sim card in it.

  • running jailbroken ios 7 on ipad 2 here

  • +1

    What can the credit be used for? Any restrictions?

  • No gift cards, but that's pretty standard with amazon

  • its not prompting me to verify my phone number?

    • Might have already been in there?

  • Thanks Liz!

  • -8

    neg for deal being a dupe and for posting your referral link

    • No it isn't - i got that one too.

      The deal doesn't work without a referral link…

      • -7

        You could have posted mine instead

        • +1

          sorry, but this time you weren't first in line.

  • Since this referral is for a product rather than for a store, we cannot really set it up in our random user referral system. Maybe it's something that we will develop in the future.

    For now please use create a new wiki page. Please put in your user names properly in the wiki, and we might be able to migrate the referral codes once we are able to do product-level referrals.

  • Ok got the phone number verified and email from Amazon to say it is verified, how long does the $5 take to appear as I haven't got it yet?

    • Do a dummy order and see

      • Yes I did already, no $5.

        • Dunno then.. But do a chat with amazon and reference the email and they'll prob credit you

        • Same here. My account is a US one. Just shows $0.00 credit and no discount at checkout.

          Edit: Ah, you've got to go back to the browser and click the second step…something about redeeming a code. Then I got an email saying credit had been added.

        • I can't see the $5 either. Tried to order a $10 PSN Card, but the $5 off wasn't applied.

          I got the email saying the coupon was added to my account, but where?

        • @Graffin:

          can't buy gift cards with gift cards I think

        • @gringo:

          It worked with the $50 gift card, get $10 free promo.

          I also tried ordering the Rock Band 4 Cymbals Kit and it didn't deduct the $5 from that either.

          Oh well. It was worth a try. Hope it works for others!

        • @Graffin:

          t&c say physical items only

        • +2


          It does actually work on PSN online codes. I was just a dumb ass trying to buy a $10 code which was $9.99 and using my desktop PC. Worked fine when I bought a $20 code through the app on my iPhone, automatically deducted the $5.

          Thanks gringo!

  • Is the $5 to spend on Kindle edition?

  • Thanks!! All working great and $5 already added to account.

    • hi. where do you see it in your account

      • Shows up in your shopping cart as a credit.

  • +4

    Great find

    Thanks to easternculture for the wiki :)

    • edit Nevermind, I missed where it explains clearly "You have to wait until this user finishes editing or the lock expires."

  • Currently the exchange rate For $5 Usd is $6.89 Aud, that means we have almost $7 to spend on items.

    • +2

      does that actually count if the prices are in US$?

      • You can switch it to AUD in checkout. I guess it might help?

  • Cheers, used your link!

  • Is anyone else having trouble with the Amazon shopping App entering the country code?
    I can't scroll down to Australia +61

    • Try opening to change the country code, then cancelling, then reopening it. I had to do that a couple of times before it would scroll.

  • great stuff

  • Worked for me!

    Thank you.

  • No joy for windows phone :(

    • +5

      There is never any joy for windows phone… :P

    • bluestacks android emulator?

      • all this for $5.. lol.. well im downloading it now.. see how it goes..

      • no luck so far.. just browser saying need to log in on mobile/tablet. le sigh.

        • I remember using bluestacks for the circle deal

          IOS device worth it for the hungry jacks app alone IMO

  • +2

    Seems like there is a minimum purchase amount before discount applies.

    • +4

      $10 USD minimum purchase.

  • Seems to work to refer each other - I referred my partner and they entered my referral code in the app (under the invite section). Then signed out and logged in as myself entered my partner's code as referrer. Went through checkout to see if $5 is there and it is for both accounts. I assume we get each others extra $5 vouchers after first purchase too.

  • Can tell getting this $5 is going to cost me $100+ due to an impulse buy. lol thx

  • Thank you very much! :D

  • Already had the app installed and says I can't claim the code. Even uninstalled and reinstalled the app to no avail

    • "the phone number associated with the account must not have received a purchase discount during the lifetime of the Program"

      maybe change that?

      • Just read your comment below and retried with an item sold by and seems like it did go through even though I got an email saying the code can't be claimed. Thanks Elizabeth!

  • I think it might be a $15 min spend or thereabouts, tried a few different items around $13, doesn't seem to subtract the $5

    • t&c say a few things:

      Purchase discount only applies to products sold by and cannot be used to purchase gift cards or to pay shipping, handling, taxes, or any other applicable transaction costs. We may specify other products that are ineligible from time to time.

      • Ok thanks - some of the suppliers not Amazon but "fulfilled by Amazon", that's probably it

  • i still can't find where to create my referral link

  • Elizabeth is earning a tonne on this deal wonder what she's buying with all those coupons.

    • In the terms it says you only get them after 7 days, they are valid for 90 days and they can't be stacked.. So while not bad, not as great as imagined. Basically a $5 off coupon whenever you need it.

      • Are the $5 credit we get for signing in valid for 90 days as well?

        • +1

          seems to be that way. the linked terms in the main post contain everything I know about the deal

  • might of skipped Franktheone (slow to update ref link), send him some love too

  • So when do i get the gift card balance applied to my account? Still waiting.

  • +1

    Wouldn't work for me - states it's for new customers only.

  • I clicked on my iphone, it opened the app, it said 1 download the app 2 claim code. Clicked 1 and it didn't do anything, clicked 2 and it opened the app and ran me through mobile phone verification and said I got $5 and OP would get it when I make a purchase. In saying that I cant see it in my account. I already had an account that I logged into for reference

    • do a dummy order and see (put in an item more than $10 stocked by amazon)

      • worked great, haven't used it but its there :)

  • +1

    The $10 gift card for $50

    That doesn't sound like a very good deal to me. :/

    • heh.. well yeah it's actually buy a $50 gift card and get a $10 card also

      Supposedly the givingassistant deal lets you purchase gift cards with no worries re:cashback btw.

      • ah wat. i just assumed givingassistant wouldn't accept giftcards. ah theres goes $2.50- US

        • tried it just then, guess we'll see. No reason not to try it.

  • Link posted in wiki

  • I got a screen saying -
    You have accepted the invitation.
    Elizabeth will get $5 coupon when you make your first purchase using the amazon app.
    We will send you an email when your $5 coupon has been accepted.

  • Can you stack the $50 gift card deal + AMEX deal and $5 discount (from this deal) in one transaction? (of a qualified amount)

    • yes, just checked mine, got the $50- giftcard with the bonus $10- and $5- referral loaded up in checkout. not sure about AMEX though

    • PS: Cashback just received from the givingassistant deal. purchased a $50 gift card.

  • Thanks for this! When did Amazon start shipping to Amazon lockers/Amazon Pickup locations here in Aus?

    Seems like shipping is reduced if you select it as a shipping option.…

    Another sign that amazon looking to embed themselves here.

    • I actually did notice that when I bought something the other night? Is shipping reduced? it says "General shipping rates apply."

      • not all things I believe. The ghost busters deal went from $6.98 shipping to $5.98 standard shipping when I selected the amazon pickup option. however I tried other items and it seems to be the same price.

  • Can someone confirm if the credit is only for musics, videos and kindle on amazon? That's what displayed as when I log in and click this link:

    • +1

      go through checkout with an actual product and it will the credit listed.

    • No that's just how it comes up thru the link - it's for everything that is sold by amazon (except gift cards).

      Just put together an order and go to the step just before you pay to verify the discount is working.

  • Can't find the "Invite Friends" link, tried 2 account from Menu —> My account

    Help please!

    edit: nvm! got it. Need to do it from Amazon app. Duh!

  • Ive gotten an email conforming my credit but when i go through checkout it doesnt seem to apply. Can anyone say whether itll work for the following link.…

    • this won't work - not sold by

  • How long did the SMS take to receive it? I tried to verify an hour ago. Looks like it may not be working for Australia & NZ anymore. Another user in NZ couldn't get it to work. Malaysian numbers seem to work though.

    • mine came through straight away. Regardless, you could probably still get the credit through chatting with an amazon rep - cause you did accept their offer.

      • All of a sudden I got 7 SMS' 2 hours after trying. Seems Amazon's SMS system was backed up.

  • i got the sms saying the credit is applied to the account. i have $17 item to check out.. the credit doesn't appear for me.. has anyone had this issue

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