My friend's father passed away a few years ago and he inherited a lot of money (400k+) He has been paying bills with his debit card but is afraid one day he will be stung with a dishonour fee or have his services turned off due to insufficient funds.
Do you think there are any circumstances in which he could get a small limit credit card. He currently has 100% cash portfolio but he hasn't spent a majority, in fact almost none of it for the past few years. I think he has a cash job and he cannot report this income.. The problem he explained was that most cards require a $25,000 income and the amount from interest he earns annually is only $14,000.
He has been pre-assessed by the bank via promotional material for a $3,000 credit limit. He really only needs a $1000 limit for peace of mind as most high interest accounts have no direct debit or interest earning debit card (ubank).
Any ideas or should he just leave $1000 in his debit card account? I.e. use ubank sweep?
Sounds like someone who has been dealt a bad hand in life.
All that money but still so greedy, has he always been like that or is it just the emotional hurt from the passing of his father? (RIP)