jaybmate » user profile

Member Since 31/05/2013
Last Seen 04/06/2024
Badges 2 3
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

How do you know the address is fake? It quite possible that he didn't intend on scamming you until you offered to pay for postage. And he's…
12/05/2022 - 20:58
If you're just selling a personal item, you can just write a receipt and they can use that as a record of purchase to claim it on tax, if…
28/04/2022 - 21:36
As someone said above, if you're happy to accept the move, try negotiating first, hard. Ask if $510 or 520 is OK. They'll understand you're…
28/04/2022 - 21:07
If they haven't arrived within 15min of agreed time, and aren't responding, why waste your time? Just what your usually doing. And plan the…
22/03/2022 - 22:42
Did you ask your sister why she doesn't want to sell the ETFs? What do you parents think about why she doesn't want to sell the ETFs?…
01/03/2022 - 21:57
In Vic, passengers over 16y.o. are responsible for their own seatbelt.
17/02/2022 - 22:26
If you're not planning on trading, and just holding, probably not a big deal to keep using coinspot.
26/05/2021 - 20:59
Husband said he had a property overseas that he was about to sell, would use the proceeds to pay 150k back.
01/12/2020 - 11:30
Could be a good idea if so, but it sounds like by the type of things this guy has been doing, he is more 'culturally religious' instead of…
01/12/2020 - 11:29
Were you close to the family member?
30/11/2020 - 17:29
Just don't print borderless. Cut off the bars with scissors on the side once printed.
14/06/2020 - 12:35
If you go locked-ni for 24 months and then decide you want to cancel, you only need to pay the pro rata modem cost out (about $9 per…
18/04/2020 - 15:51
Sounds like the MIL may have been abusive/manipulative to your wife growing up. I would explore this a bit with your wife, not necessarily…
09/02/2020 - 15:57
Not sure if this is a joke or not :p
09/02/2020 - 15:06
Good list, but as other have said, seems bit rushed. Of that list I'd prob drop Greece and Venice (interesting to see once but overrated…
27/10/2019 - 20:57
Why does it matter that it's not in writing, in this situation? Since the boss isn't denying that they ever approved, it, but saying they…
12/10/2019 - 22:33
I don't want to party party.
27/07/2019 - 23:15
Sometimes a way is to meet them at the show, swap cash for ticket (if its like a friend of theirs can no longer make it. Usually more…
27/04/2019 - 21:02
If the photos were taken off Facebook, they may not be great quality for printing prints. Facebook compress their photos when they upload.
20/04/2019 - 15:29
Are your photos high resolution? I've found Officeworks to be pretty good.
15/04/2019 - 21:35
Dell XPS 13 or 15 are great, covers pretty much what you want.
15/04/2019 - 20:55
With skate ramp included
15/04/2019 - 20:48
It's a slippery slope...
28/01/2019 - 13:58
What if you only have third party insurance, the insurance provider likely wouldn't help..
28/01/2019 - 13:51
Any updates?
20/01/2019 - 17:28
Use this link to find phone: https://www.google.com/search?q=find+my+phone
05/01/2019 - 18:36
This feature is commonly activated without the using knowing. So even if she doesnt know anything about it, it could likely work. Use this…
05/01/2019 - 18:32
If you missed this comment, have a look at this, someone who seems to have some authority on the topic:…
05/01/2019 - 18:24