Storming price on this high-end (previous range flagship) TV from LG spotted on the eBay store. IT IS a manufacturer refurb, but you get a full 65" of 4k UHD, 200 Hz glory for a little over 2 and a half grand with a full 12 month warranty. Previous OZB deal on this TV was $3749 + XBone via redemption. Average selling price when it was generally available was around $3499…
Additional 2.5% cashback with Cash Rewards would bring it down to $2699
NB. It's actually $2699 on the OO website, but then you have to pay postage, but you do have the option of adding additional warranty if that's your sort of thing.
IF I had the money, I'd be tempted to get one of these…
A new one for 100 more :