• expired

FREE PC Game: Theme Hospital @ Origin


Get it while it lasts. No idea how long this will remain free. Enjoy :)

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  • +2

    I want to play The Doctor. Who will be my naughty nurse :)

    • +20


      • +9

        I think jv is scheduled for a prostate exam

        • You know JV is a woman, right?

        • @bazzaa:

        • -1




        • @Benjamin7711: Try asking perhaps?
          Read the forums perhaps? It's not exactly a state secret.

        • +1


          The top half only right?

  • +5

    Still got the CD for Theme Hospital - such an awesome game

  • +1

    Got to manage those waves of vomit/sick…

    Best game… bloaty head syndrome lol


  • +2

    Oh its a game

    I thought this had something to do with Energy

    • I was thinking the same thing

  • +1

    With all these Origin On The House deals, I'm basically recreating my gaming childhood… Ultima, Theme (X), Syndicate…

    Bullfrog and Origin pwned me back then.

    • +1

      Yeah Bullfrog was the bomb with Sims, need Theme Park World

  • Excellent game, thanks OP

  • +6

    got this already

    this was free last time

  • +5

    Don't forget to also install https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH for some added features etc

  • I remember a game similar to this about 10 years ago that involved building up a school and managing it.
    Does anyone by any chance remember what that game was?

  • Awesome! I just hope it will download. I tried downloading Red Alert three times, over a couple of hours, but I kept getting error messages telling me to try again later.

  • -2

    My paid copy from GOG is more free.

  • Any way to get these working on a mac without the obvious boot camp/parallels?

    I loved Theme hospital - played it for many MANY hours as a kid

  • Don't forget to make your save name one that you wont forget as you need to use that again when going back into the game to retrieve your saves. I made this mistake when I grabbed the game from the last Origin Theme Hospital give away.

  • Any one else noticed their other previous "on the house" games disappearing from their games library? A bunch of these are no longer in my library.

    • probably free to play for 24 hrs etc..

      • +2

        "on the house" - like this one - are supposed to stay in your library, you get to keep them.

        "game time" - link here are free for (usually) 48 hours from when you first start playing it - basically a "try it and see if you like it" situation

        So, Yeah, maybe the games that disappeared were "game time" rather than "on the house"

        • they are all on the house games. I can still see dead space (from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/138338) but battlefield 3 (from this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/146172) is no longer there .. very strange … but typically origin from what i have heard

        • @purpletroll:

          Dragon Age disappeared from my account. I couldn't find my receipt as I lost my emails so I couldn't chase them about it.

        • @Lenneth:

          Wow. DA was on the house? How did I miss that one!

        • @zzyss: DA:Origins, August 2014, according to my email.

        • @Lenneth: Yeah I know, DA and RA3 also disappeared from my library. It sucks doesn't it. I'm not so pi$$ed off only because I was free.

  • I take it you can't download this now and install on another PC later?

    • you need origin on the other pc.

      But i think they got cloud save

    • You may be able to. I believe I have done something similar with Steam.

    • +1

      As long as you log into the same Origin account on the other PC, then your entire library will be available for download and installation (re-downloading GBs of games can be averted by following these steps). Obviously you can only log in to one Origin client on one PC at a time. I don't believe there's a limitation to how many PCs can have Origin installed with the same account's library of games downloaded and installed on multiple PCs (same goes for Steam) but you cannot have multiple concurrent logins from different IPs at the same time. If you're on the same IP (i.e. multiple computers on the same Internet connection) Origin will simply boot out the previously logged in client and make your login the valid one.

  • Question… Do i have to download the game or can i like put it into an account then download it when i get back home?

    • +2

      I always just initiate the download and then cancel it. Haven't had any dramas doing that yet.

      • Would that work if i try to download at work then cancel it?

        • Unless you have Origin there with you on a laptop or something then no it won't work. It comes up with a prompt to launch Origin.

        • It's always worked for me at work. Just click the download link, and leave it.

          You get an order confirmed e-mail, and the game just shows up in your list ready to download when you launch Origin on whatever machine you do have it installed on.

        • @zzyss: so you're saying if i clicked the download link the game wouldnt download right? Dont wanna be questioned by my boss on why im downloading games during workk… LOL

          edit: just tried what you said but it requires origin to be installed/downloaded to the computer… guess i'll have to wait till i get home :(

        • +3


          No, you don't have to download Origin. You just have to click the download link (while logged in, of course). You can check it by going into your purchase history under your account.

          Since you already clicked the link you should have this game in your library now.

        • @zzyss: You know, you're right… I did that and received an order confirmation from origin… Thanks zzyss :)

  • Nurse required in inflation room.

  • +3

    This game is free on Origin instead of C&C because of high demand, will return shortly.

    "Wow, you guys are loving Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™On the House! the demand is so high that we need some time to cool down our servers. Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™ will return to on the house very shortly."

  • Got this last time it was free. Good find op.

  • Anyone else unable to login to Origin? been like this for a couple of days now.. just keeps timing out.

    • It seems like they got overwhelmed in the last few days offering C&C2. Keep trying? Or hit up their Support options.

  • Theme Hospital doesn't play well with new PC's, I got it last time it was offered. Lucky for me C&C Red Alert does and I got whilst it was hot ;)

  • I'm only buying this game if I'm admitted to an actual hospital. Proper head f%$^

  • Screw this!
    I used the Origin downloader to get this game. Not once did it ask where I wanted to download the game to, nor that it was going to install the game, or where it was going to install to. I have a dedicated SSD purely for Windows and a couple of other vital programs. All other programs go on my other hard drives, where I have a dedicated games partition. Instead of giving me a choice, Origin installed the game on my Windows SSD. I promptly uninstalled the game, without even playing it.

    • You can change the location of your Origin game library in the Options/Preferences menu. By default, the games go into the Program Files directory of the same drive you installed Origin on (which I assume is your SSD).

      • Thanks. :-)
        I'm fairly certain the Origin downloader self-installed with another game, I bought in a shop. I also don't want to download it to install when I want to. As it is, it's not quite a free game. It's free to play, but it can't be moved to another computer, so it's kind of like shareware was.

  • cheers

  • I was completely obsessed by this game… one of the greats from bullfrog back in the day :D

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