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LG G4 $499 (Grey Import) @ Kogan eBay Group Buy


A group buy for the LG G4 from kogan limited to 300 units. $89 cheaper than the other deal posted this week.

From item page: Estimated between Tue. 6 Oct. and Fri. 9 Oct. Phones and tablets sold by Kogan.com are network unlocked, international models.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    one second behind. You're fast.

  • -1

    needs a few more buyers … but should be available soon - NO DEAL YET - 4 buyers needed .. so suggest this post be left.

    Also if anyone goes ahead with the purchase can they list the expected delivery date as the main page is short on details - suspect this wont be eligible for TRS either.

    • +1

      Expedited delivery from outside AU
      Est. delivery between Tue. 6 Oct. - Fri. 9 Oct.

      Don't know how reliable the dates on Kogan group buy things are though so yeah we'll see.

      Anyway $500 is a good price, I went for the black leather

  • Is it a good upgrade from m8?

    • +6

      Depends what you're looking 4 m8.

      M8 is a good phone, but with a rubbish camera (based on blind test results). The g4 camera is among the best (iphone 6plus and Galaxy s6 range /Galaxy note 5)

      I think the m8's 1080p screen is good enough, but the g4's display is superior.

      The g4 also has dual apps, to take advantage of its big screen, unlike the m8.

      I think the m8 only has the speakers going for it.

      Bottom line: yeah it's an upgrade, but seriously, unless you're looking for a better camera, they's no real reason to upgrade in my opinion

      • Thanks inose.. for me it's more about a change rather than an upgrade.. I get bored too easily :(

        • +6

          Inose what you're going through mate… Stay strong

        • @inose: bought :) :(

        • @Dealayed:
          Like a true ozbargainer. Wish I had your spirit :'( have fun!

  • +5

    Although not stated in the deal, these are most likely H815 rather than H815T, as LG G4 are listed as H815 on Kogan's own website.

    Also on Kogan's website these are "Don't Pay $939 $619", rather than $794.00 on eBay group buy. The RRP seems to be arbitrary.

    • +3

      So what does the missing T signify?

      (Other than nothing to dunk your donuts into)

      • I think the main advantage is 700MHz B28 band, which would be useful in Australia.

        • +6

          815 has 700MHz support, as does the 815T.

          Details on the 'T', and other stuff, in this thread

        • +7

          Its actually missing the 2300Mhz(B40) band which optus uses in a few areas like Canberra. It does have 700Mhz, 1800 and 2600 which optus also uses so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. Theres a lot of 4g phones with much more bands missing.

    • Scotty you getting one? I remember a Costco deal you posted and took a mobile pic.. horrible camera .. not expected from the big boss of ozb :)

      • +10

        What are you talking about?! My Nexus 4 is perfectly fine other than getting close to 3 years old, battery not lasting the whole day and sometimes would turn off and needs force reboot.

        • I'll have a nexus 5 to sell you soon if interested :)

        • +1

          That was a good phone.. way too slippery though… Sold it before I broke it.. 3 years!!! Wow!! How do you resist the FrontPage deals??

        • @Dealayed: I had a N4 for a couple of weeks, it was a beautiful little phone until I took a picture and let a customer (with finger nails like claws - I kid you not) hold it. He immediately dropped it onto a cement surface and shattered the back and front. I was soooooo upset but couldn't show it as I wanted to keep the customer and also he wouldn't have understood a word I had said anyway…

        • +1

          love my N4 too. Still going strong.

        • +3

          I recently went from a Nexus 4 to an LG G4. I can't believe I hung onto it for 2.5yrs, this is way better in every department and still feels close to stock experience the N4 had

        • I smashed my N4 on the ground a month or so ago sadly after 3 years, but I had cyanogen on it and it was running fine. I bought an S6 from a friend for cheap who decided he didnt care much for it, but the shit samsung has done to the OS is terrible and it feels less smooth than the n4. So I'll probably sell it and get a nexus 6 at the end of the month.

          I dont think I'll ever buy a phone that cant run either pure android or cyanogen again.

    • -3

      Looks like the H815T is MUCH BETTER for Australia. It supports Telstra 3G 850Mhz (aka Next G). The others do not.

      • +1

        The Australian LG website has the h815 model not the h815T.

        Has anyone actually confirmed the model or is just derived from Kogan website?

      • +2

        I'm sorry, but you could not be any more wrong.

        EVERY model of the LG G4 sold offers support for 850MHz 3G.

        In future, when reading specs and for all practical purposes - 'UMTS' = 3G and 'WCDMA' = 3G.

        This will be the 815, not the 815T - if only on account of the price.

  • only 2 more purchases required.

    I'm assuming this is grey?

  • Sorry - newbie & first time commentator. Is this Australian Stock? What about warranty?

    Been waiting for a deal on the G4 for yonks!

    • +1

      Most likely not. It's likely to be grey imported from Hong Kong.

  • +8

    This is ridiculously cheap.

    Why even bother waiting for the new nexus which will have worse specs when this is already available for <$500

    • +2

      Updates, developer support, value retention and critically 700mhz which is very prominent for both Optus and Telstra in metro areas. Edit: Looks like it does have 700mhz. Very important in metro areas or if you work in a big concrete building.

      Has improved my indoor battery life in leaps and bounds because I'm no longer out of coverage for half the day.

      For all your mobile band requirements individualised to your state and even suburb check out: http://oztowers.com/Home/Bands

      The Nexus is going to get android software updates for 2 years and beyond with developer support. LG will get marshmallow maybe 6+ months down the track and that'll probably be it. No xda development really for it either to pick up the slack.

      If you change your phone every 12 months or less than you probably won't care. For me I'd pay at least $150 more for the Moto X Style because of updates and xda support. YMMV.

      • +1

        For Android support… I'm not fussy at all.

        Android updates are usually on Nexus phones, so they're bareboned Android versions.

        There's probably a cyanogenmod for the g4… Which is pretty much stock long the Nexus versions… And it will likely be supported for yonks, so no worries with the updates field for me

        • +2

          Problem is there is not a lot of xda support for the G4. There's a half baked one with lots of bugs which will never function as well as on a motorola or nexus device.

          Again depends on what you're happy to accept with updates.

        • +1

          @plasmapuff: Negged for truth? Take a look for yourself: http://forum.xda-developers.com/g4/development
          There is an alpha version of CM close to 5 months down the track from launch. The sentiment is that its not going to improve and people are going to move onto another device. If you're at all familiar with the XDA development scene, you'd know that this happens with some devices.

      • +1

        What use is developer support if your non removable battery expires after 1-2 years and your hardware is mid range at best when you first buy the phone?

        • Not all about specs. Nexus 5 still runs 6.0 preview decently and probably is just as fast if not faster than a heavily skinned 2015 flagship in day to day use.

          Batteries are exchangeable if you're really keen. Not that many removable batteries any more (unfortunately).

      • +1

        You're forgetting Nexus downsides such as no extendable memory, removable battery etc.

        • +2

          I agree with no extendable memory. But Battery can be replaced. There lots of videos on youtube.

        • +1

          Yeah but goodbye warranty

        • +2

          Will be >2 years as you say. Battery not going to die before then and probably not for 3-4 years. Really depends on your usage cycles.

    • A hard decision. Crappy lg software vs waiting a few months more and pay $600+ for a preferably better size phone + fingerprint scanner and better software. Damn should I buy?

      • +1

        I'd wait until the Huawei nexus gets announced.

        The G4 price is only going to keep coming down. Under $500 is smart marketing more than anything else to break that psychological barrier.

      • +1

        Personally I'd go with this if I were in the market for a new phone, I wasn't a fan of the Nexus phones I have owned. They always looked nice but also had plenty of cons.

        • +2

          Which is why the moto x style is tempting. Good specs and hw with fast updates from moto and good xda support.

          I agree though the lg g4 is a great bang for buck phone for a lot of people who don't care about updates. Haha I've seen friend's phones still on ICS despite an ota update being available in the notification window for months.

        • +1

          @plasmapuff: I'm not sure how LG are with updates but I know that Samsung and Sony are pretty great on updates nowadays. Yeah they're usually an update behind the Nexus but I really don't care. Often for everything insignificant thing they fix, they mess something else up.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: Depends on how new your phone is. Sure if its the current flagship then maybe within 6 months. If its a bit older, 12 months is not unusual if at all. Eg 2013 Sony flagships are just getting Lollipop now (http://www.gsmarena.com/sony_is_rolling_out_android_511_for_…). It'll probably be the last update they'll get officially.

          Personally that's not good enough for me, given that Android has a 12 monthly cycle with many smaller incremental updates in between for bug and security fixes. The Nexus line for example is promised monthly security updates.

          If this is important to you, you'll pay a little bit extra. YMMV.

        • @plasmapuff: nah, that's misinformation plasma, wife has a Z2 phone which got lollipop at Xmas, same with my Z2 tablet. My Note 3 has also had lollipop for a long time. This update simply takes them from 5.0x to 5.11

        • +1

          @Where's_That_Cake: Z2 is a 12 month old flagship. My partner's Z Ultra (24months) is still on KitKat 4.44 but I'll be checking for a 5.11 update tonight.

          For me software is an essential element in combination with hardware. YMMV :) I'd be getting G4 at this price if it had a slightly larger screen and better xda support.

        • @plasmapuff: That odd, I bought that phone almost 18 months ago?

          I think your getting mixed up with the vet similar Z3. That released September last year (12 months)

        • @Where's_That_Cake: Haha maybe. Z2 sorry was 18mths ago. Sony are a bit of a hard act to follow with their 6 mth HW cycles where they change essentially nothing.

      • +1

        what's so crappy about the software? I thought it was a near pure android experience

        • -2

          Haha you should have a look first before you plunge in…

        • I had the nexus 5 and now this. The G4 seems close enough to stock Android IMO.

        • +1

          Don't take it from me: https://youtu.be/yJ0tg8rEbIs

          If you can't tell the difference apart then you'll be fine with the G4.

        • +1

          @plasmapuff: I've had two Nexus phones and a N7, played around with a G3 a couple of weeks ago after a mate picked it up as new for $150. It has no heavily altered UI, yeah it's not vanilla but it wasn't far from it and in some cases the alterations are for the better. It was zippy and tbh made me look at my Note 3 a little differently as I thought it was still great until I used that.

        • @plasmapuff: great vid thanks. Really detailed.

      • Did we ever need a fingerprint scanner?

    • Hour much do you think the NEA nexuses will be?

    • Its also too big.

  • +2

    I'm waiting for the massive price drop on the G3?

    • +3

      No price drops for that, it wouldn't be sold anymore in few months. And the G4 would be at the current G3 price with a G5 coming out. Keep waiting.

  • What bands is it missing. Want to buy but need confirmation that would work on Telstra network in both city and rural areas.

    • -3

      It's just the 700mhz for Optus 4G plus, really not a big deal.

      • I'm on Optus. Cuts me out then……

      • +4

        It does have 700mhz

        • -3

          Thats US 700 Mhz (B28) not 700Mhz (B40) used in Australia.

        • +4


          The 700 used in Australia is band 28, USA is band 17. Think you have it mixed up. Band 40 is 2300mhz used by optus. Which I think is less important. As 700mhz (28) is better anyway. Which this phone does have.

  • Deal is on now

  • Would this work for all Vodaphone bands?

    • +2

      Yes. All good for Vodafone 4G. They use band 3 and band 5 both are available on this model.

  • +2

    The only band that this is missing from the local 815T model is 2300(B40) MH band.

    Please see here for a comparison of the bands http://forums.androidcentral.com/lg-g4/527756-lg-g4-models-c…

  • What do you think sipping times will be?

    • +4

      Guess we have to wait for the Will It Blend guy to do a video on the G4 before we know how quickly you can drink it

      • Lol Catz.

        But seriously….

        EDIT just saw the update.

  • so what is the warranty like with this? what is the process for defects/returns?

  • 33 vote + and 16 unit sold ? Why ?

    • +5

      Because it's a good price and I already bought a G4 for $570?

  • I wonder if the price will drop any further come Christmas, already bought my dad one at $603.58 but I can already claim a price protection once with the 28 degree card….

    • Price protection on a grey import?? Where did you get local stock for 600ish?

      • +1

        Doesnt matter if the item is grey import as long as it's sold by the same store you original bought it from. for 28 degree card atleast

        • Well the terms say you have to buy the item in Australia. All of the grey imports I've seen come direct from HK through a HK business name (eg. Kogan HK rather than Kogan Aus) so that should invalidate the claim. But if it works it works.

  • This isn't the dual SIM version is it?

    • Nah it's H815 single sim

      • Do you happen to know what the model number is for dual SIM?

        • H815N

        • H818N

      • I think there is 2, H818N and h818P but please double check to confirm. There will be some differences in 3g, or at least 4g support between the 2 but I don't know what each supports.

  • Hi is leather back hard wearing?any one's experience with it?thank you in advance

    • You can replace the back covers fyi.

  • +3

    Should I upgraded from G2 to this?

    • +2


      1) <$500 phone with good specs
      2) Less than 6 months old
      3) Expandable memory

      Good choice for most people.

    • Also removable battery

    • +1

      I am doing exactly that upgrade now with this deal (g2 -> g4.)
      To be honest the only reason I am is for the camera though. The g2 is still working a treat for me 18 months after buying it (longest I've owned a phone.)
      It will be nice for other reasons to though, like having more storage and hopefully things will be a bit less laggy.

  • +1

    Bought the red leather version for my wife last mont, gorgeous phone.

  • is it still hard to root and install custom rom on lg phones?

    • the variant kogan is selling is most likely the H815, so it should support boootloader unlocking via LG's own developer tools.

      if it does, then you're in business - there is TWRP recovery available, and more than a few custom ROMs floating around.

      I have a H815T - wouldn't give up the 2300mhz 4G band because I'm on Optus - but there is no bootloader unlock available. I am running the latest stock ROM, rooted, with xposed framework and a few modules installed. its good enough for me. :)

      • thanks. hmm so unlock bootloader is nothing to do with rooting, but just for flashing custom roms (and kernels)..

        • Correct, but once you've unlocked the bootloader and installed TWRP Recovery, you can root the stock ROM through the Recovery menu itself (or just flash a custom ROM of your choice, all of which are rooted :) )

        • @xyron: I SEE. to install custom recovery you need to unlock bootloader. make sense now. and yes isntalling rom via twrp is much easier. and most custom roms are pre-rooted.

        • @erwinsie: for most phones, that is correct. back in the day the crafty developers on xda-developers managed to get custom recoveries installed on phones with locked bootloaders (perhaps most famously - the Motorola droid/milestone and Motorola defy). that hasn't happened for the G4 yet, though.

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