This was posted 9 years 6 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

6 Months Free License with F-Secure Freedome VPN


Since my previous VPN expired i went on the hunt for a replacement. I came across this deal. I've only been using them for a few hours but impressed with the speed. They have 17 locations you can connect to, one of them is Melbourne. It Allows P2P (Torrents). I've checked on and and no leakage.

To get it follow these steps.

  1. Go to (website is in German)
  2. In Kampagnencode box enter FRDECHQ3
  3. Enter your email address in the next box (must be a valid email address)
  4. select Englisch in next box
  5. Don't tick the tick box unless you want to be added to their mailing list.
  6. Press the purple box to submit

You will then receive an email asking to confirm your email address. Click the link in the email and you will be sent another email shortly. Download from the link. You will get 14 days trial. Enter the code provided in the email in the subscription section of the program and it will boost it up to 180 days.


This offer started almost a month ago, so not sure when it's going to end.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    select Englisch


    • Trust me that's how it's spelt on the website.

      • Warum?

  • What speeds do you get compared to your usual line speed?

    • +1

      It's probably too early to tell but with the Melbourne server I got around 850kb/sec compared to normal of 1mb/sec. At first I used Netherlands server and it was slower.

  • what location does it support?

    • +4

      Amsterdam, Brussels, Espoo (Finland), Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Milan, Paris, Sachsen (Germany), Singapore, Stockholm, Tokyo, Toronto, Warsaw, USA (x2)

  • Does anyone recommend a VPN even if it's $$

    • +6

      PIA is a pretty good paid vpn for torrents.

      • Thanks

  • I lost at this step:
    Download from the link.

    I end up here from the link in the email to download something:

    Exactly which one should I be downloading to then code that is in the email to push out the 180 days?

    • +1

      F secure freedome

      • Thx for confirming…. yep its working… trying the UK server and after checking my IP it shows this

        ISP: SoftLayer Technologies
        Services: None Detected
        City: London
        Region: England
        Country: United Kingdom

        Great find op… easy.. effortless and great for dummies!

  • Thanks OP, it shows as normally being:

    1 year, 1 device for €39.90

    so quite a good savings for 6 months worth of free VPN.

    Nice find.


  • +3

    not that great of the speed with Melbourne server, only getting around 800kbps with my TPG nbn. tested the US east coast server, only getting 100Kbps. can anyone else post their speed test please?
    edit: i cannot connect to a single torrent tracker. All connections timed out. I am not sure how the poster believed that the vpn allows torrents?

    Ok got the list of servers where torrents are not allowed
    Gateway sites currently limited by this restriction:

    Hong Kong
    United Kingdom
    United States

    from here Is BitTorrent allowed with Freedome?

    • +1

      Well I've just been testing it, and the Toronto, CA server seems to give me by far the best speeds for torrenting, followed by the Falkenstein DE server.

      • That's interesting. I was definitely using Australian and Netherlands servers last night for P2P.

  • Easy setup, great post. Getting 0.75Mb/0/35Mb speeds on US server. Good enough for Netflix. Thanks OP :)

    • I'm new to Netflix, just got it last week.
      I set F-Secure Freedome to the USA connection and can search Netflix titles which aren't available on the AU list but when I click play it says

      This title is not available in your current region (AU). Please select a different title.
      Error Code: M7111-1331-5067

      Am I doing something wrong?

      • Have you tried creating a new US(vpn) netflix account?

        • +3

          No need to. Any Netflix account will work in any other region whilst you're umm, 'travelling' around the world..

        • @Porthos:

          In that case - which region is cheapest to sign up a monthly account to? May as well get the cheapest monthly plan if you can use it anywhere.

        • @colblair:
          Off the top of my head, I'd probably say Canada? Only because our dollar hasn't dropped as badly against it as it has against the US$.
          There would be a cheaper country, maybe Brazil or something, but I haven't really looked into it too much.

          If you have an Apple TV, you could always sign up for the AU version of Netflix and pay for your subscription with discounted gift cards when they're 20% off or so, and that will bring the $11.99 a month plan down to $9.60. That way as well, you don't have to worry about the changing exchange rate every month.

      • This is happening to me also on Chrome,Firefox and IE.

        I quickly tried Hola and it works much faster and better than the VPN, but of course uninstalled it immediately.

        I also tried two plugins to stop Web RTC leaks on Chrome and disable them on Firefox.

        I have changed location and time zone to the same as the VPN IP in windows also.

        It has worked twice, then if I refresh its back to the same error message…

        Not available from your location. I appear to have no IP leaks in IPLEAK.

        Is it working for anybody?

  • Just tried bbc iview runs great :)

    • I just tried BBC iview on ipad but it still says I am outside the UK, any ideas what I am doing wrong? The little VPN box is on.

      • Its ok sorted it, needed to change location to London!

    • Awesome! I never thought about using a VPN to stream stuff from other countries. I did once use a proxy site to check out BBC's advert for Doctor Who extras, though. :-)

  • Anyone know if you have to use their freedome software to use this vpn / take advantage of the offer?

    • +1

      I think yeah, you need to use their freedome software to use this vpn, you are given a code and you enter it in their software and it gets connected. No certificates or username and passwords

      • you can use other software - eg windows 10 built in VPN software

  • +2

    Not to bad with it off down 20.7Mbs, up 15Mbs. With VPN on down 11Mbs, up 8Mbs to Melbourne server. Using on android mobile. Got 6.6Mbs to Japan VPN server. All using

  • If I use the code I got in the email 2 weeks later, will I be getting 2 weeks + 6 months?

    • +1

      Don't think so for me it said key extends usage by 166 days.

  • +4

    Just what I need after my recent encounter ..thanks OP!

    • +1

      Take that, Paramount!

  • Would it make sense to enter the code towards 14 day expiry so that we get 14+180 days? or do they subtract 14 days from 180 then?

    • +1

      you will get extra 166 days -> 14+166=180

      • LOL we hit enter at the same time :)

    • +1

      email code extends your 14-day trial an extra 166 days

  • +3

    For anyone who couldn't find the place to enter the code in on iPad, I clicked the multi platform account option and entered the code from the email into there and it worked.

    • Hi jingy. I'm assuming yours was a fresh install, rather than a renewal? Tried the new code on an expired subscription on my iPad and got this. Tried deleting the app and reinstalling but made no difference. Any ideas?

    • Thanks for that!

  • Thanks, another VPN service to use! I have a few now. lol

  • Its not allowing torrent download.

  • Sounds good, but what happens after the trial end? Will they charge you? Cant seem to find any T&Cs (I can't read German)

    • +4

      You never enter credit card details so they cant charge you.

  • Great deal OP. Thanks. Does anyone know if/how this code can be applied to their iOS app?

  • +2

    This trial is for one device only, correct?

  • thanks OP, will sign up tonight, and will probably use to find the cheapest source for EA's next (big) game - star Wars Battlefron. Bought BF4 using Mexican Pesos, yonks ago.

  • thanks, was looking for a free vpn :)

  • +1

    BTW Works with disposable email addresses too…

    Plus I used the received code in Android version and it gave me an error: 'You already used another code on this device'.
    Workaround - Un-install and Re-install the app, apply the code and voila! Just got myself 96 Days subscription. Not 6 months though, but still!

    Also, I was not required to enter any email in the app while entering the code. So grab some codes using disposable email addresses while you can!

    Thanks OP!

    • I suspect this loophole has been fixed. I signed up with another email, followed your advice to reinstall app but didn't get any extra days even after adding new code.

      Bummer. Cheers anyways! =)

  • Registered, waiting for the codes :)


    • nvm.All sorted :)

  • Many thanks OP, great find! Successfully installed on my Samsung Galaxy tablet and with the code have 180 days free.

  • Is Netflix US working for anyone?

    I feel I've tried everything but still get…

    This title is not available in your current region (AU). Please select a different title.

    Error Code: M7111-1331-5067

    • I signed up to a US Netflix account with the East Coast US location and got it working on my computer, however can't stream to tv using chromecast. From what I've read this is a bit more of a complex procedure.

  • noice mate. just in time to replace my other free vpn :D

  • I installed without any issues. Changed it to London but still cant watch BBCivew…sorry Im a Noob never used VPN before.

    • Did you press the button in the middle to turn it on? I didn't even notice it until I was poking around with and wondering why my ip address was still the same.

  • Looks good BUT there is one thing it doesn't have which is a kill switch so your torrents doesn't continue to download if it disconnects for whatever reason.

    its free and all but that's a concern.

    • There are freeware programs that can do this like VPNETMON or VPNCHECK that can shut down processes if VPN drops, and/or use a torrent client like Vuze or uTorrent that you can bind to the VPN IP

      • +1

        cheers for the neg i thought id give you one back since this is such a giving community.

        • +1

          hopefully a other peeps will see my intent as constructive rather than just disseminating FUD

        • @Wally: i never said i didn't appreciate your input i just don't appreciate negs for no reason whatsoever.

        • -3

          I gave my reasons in my post

        • @Wally:I don't see any reasons for the neg my comment was directed to the F-secure Client which does not feature a kill switch like PIA's client or Hideipvpn does and other do.

        • -1

          I pointed to just a few ways(there are more) to create a kill switch function without having to pay $30+ for a premium VPN service that include it.
          To VPN noobs your post would have them doubting their ability to effectively use this free service

        • @Wally: if i didn't make my post those vpn noobs wouldn't even think about it and go along thinking there fully safe when it could disconnect anytime and get them detected when it is fully out on September first.

          None of this is a reason for you to neg me.

        • -2

          We'll just have to agree to disagree on that point

      • +1

        a +1 for each of you from me.
        I did not know that it was possible to have a killswitch, and now I know there is freeware to do that for this provider.
        I'm the noob of which you speak, this is my first VPN.

        • Also, even If you ultimately end up paying $$$ for a VPN, might want to check if it has a 'DNS leak'

  • For some reason, it installs in japanese. Super frustrating. Every other installation has been in english.

    edit nevermind, uninstalled with iobit and now won't let me re-install

    • You must have selected the wrong language on the first page. Download it from here

  • I think this has expired, when I just put the code in when downloaded it says it is not valid.

    Can anyone confirm?

    • Nevermind, got it!

  • I have very limited vpn knowledge. A quick search came up with:
    'Due to requirements placed on us by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) legislation, we are not able to support BitTorrent or other peer-to-peer file sharing applications on many of our gateway sites, which either reside within the United States, or are hosted by a company based in the US.

    Given our promises on privacy and anonymity, honoring the DMCA requirements is challenging for us. We have therefore chosen to technically block peer-to-peer file sharing on the affected VPN gateways. When such traffic is detected by our software, the VPN user’s network connection is temporarily restricted by a firewall, leaving only web (http/https) services available for that client. Other applications may obviously be affected by the restrictions. The restrictions are automatically lifted when Freedome is disconnected.

    While BitTorrent is a perfectly good and legal protocol as such, and it is often used for legitimate purposes, it is most commonly used for downloading and sharing copyrighted material, such as movies. We are, however, not technically able to detect between legal and illegal uses of BitTorrent.

    Gateway sites currently limited by this restriction:


    I sounds like it does not allow torrents. Better look for a seedbox?

    • +1

      This was answered in the earlier comments

  • Can anyone please answer my question please?

    I have AU Netflix account.

    Tunnel bear works. Hola works. This VPN does not no matter what I have tried.

    I cannot access US netlfix through this VPN.

    Can anybody else? I get the selection but it says I cannot due to my region, even though nothing shows in IPLeak, Change location and Time zone, etc…

    Please, can someone just tell me if it works for them? A

    Any advice welcome.

    • Works for me using the West Coast US server

      Netflix US site accessed via Chrome browser (with 'WebRCT Block' extension)

      Netflix UK (& BBC iPlayer) via the London GB server

  • True. Will give it a go. Thanks OP.

  • anyone else get a blank download page? ?

    • i got a blank page, so i just went and downloaded the program manually from their webpage.

  • Anyone managed to get this VPN, Netflix and chromecast working?? I can only chromecast Netflix when I turn this VPN off… =(

  • +1

    They are second on this page if someone wants a sort of privacy report…
    Not the best there but good, and far from the worst.
    One concern is the proprietary software, another that they use shared servers

  • This might be worth a read for P2P related doubts.

    • oh crap Australia included

      • +1

        honestly the best bet is a seedbox anyway. Mine cost 2eros a month each tho i was damn lucky to get dedis for thay

        • any seedbox that you can recommend? I find download torrent using VPN is too risky

      • +1

        I understood it to mean that the AU server will not allow you to use P2P, and based on a previous comment you can connect to another server eg. canada to get it to work

  • FYI to anyone using this service…

    "We respect authorized court orders and warrants of jurisdictions applicable to us in investigating cases of illegal activity. After all, our goal is to secure your privacy when browsing the web, not securing your anonymity when committing crimes."…

    I wouldn't use this for torrents.

  • Could someone please clarify for me when they say 800kb/s do they mean bits or bytes.

    • bytes. I don't think anyone would brag that they getting 800kb (instead of 800kB)

  • Anyone tried downloading on Mac? I can't seem to open and run the DMG file.

    Never mind, realised the prompt opens up in a separate window in the background.

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