Saw them at my local woolworths, not sure whether they are available at other stores or states.
Good value at 25 cents per pack.
Saw them at my local woolworths, not sure whether they are available at other stores or states.
Good value at 25 cents per pack.
Had to open up the photo work out what "Indomie" were, they sound like condoms!
you are not Asian nor a struggling student :)
Well played Sir :)
Changed the title :)
This might be store specific, as they only stock 5 pack ones at Woolworth, this one is 20 pack box. Wish they had it at ACT stores.
Mi Goreng FTW!
Eat it with double bacon: problem solved.
Why all the downvotes?
i don't know. my "cheap halal feed" comment wasn't was meant to be neg post about the item, but rather stating that it's an inexpensive source of halal food.
I think the problem includes:
People are too stupid to understand why something is racist, so they hear a word and immediately think you are being racist
Maybe actual racists that are on the hate halal bandwagon were down voting you?
removed for PC reasons.
Epic mi goreng thread here (complete with serving suggestions, health information, and buying advice…from 2011):
in Indonesia only 12c each
Just be thankful that it's available here
I only get these for the sachets
That seems expensive and wasteful. What do you use them for and how frequently? Why not just buy seasoning on its own?
It's ok jen I use them for putting it on my tongue in my cheek ;7)
They should give these out to students in orientation week, it's the staple diet after all
after learning Taiwan recalling all the indomee…I never dare to touch one ever since…missed the good old times though..
I remember Taiwan recall these IndoMee couple of years back, I complaint to FoodSafe Aust, and they replied that there's no recall for Aust food standards….
Why did they recall it?
The noodles contained too much benzoic acid as a preservative.
The company's response was something like: "Oh, the ones they tested were probably meant for other countries with lower food safety standards." And then they accused the Taiwanese instant noodle cartel of scheming against IndoFood to protect their own products.
So… yeah.
There's very likely a lot of truth to that. Instant noodles is is huge in Taiwan and these guys: basically act like corporate gangsters lol.
Why would Taiwan be recalling Indomie? They're from Indonesia.
These are yum as (profanity)… but seriously, the amount of cholesterol in mi goring is out of the bottle.
Indomie now, "Endo (scope) me" later.
How does the price compare to Asian grocery stores?
Dunno. Can you run out, check and let us know.
12bucks at my local asian grocery
but there's a difference in the woolies vs asian grocery migoreng though
the woolies packing is better and the noodle is thicker than the asian grocery ones
some asian grocery selling those that are imported by the local importers, which are the same packaging in Indonesia/oversea.
I think Woolies place the order with IndoMie Indonesia & imported these themselves? or have agreement with the Australian distributor, and yes, there are differences as Woolies would set a standard and enforce the factory/distributor to meet the standard Woolies want, else Woolies would return the whole shipment(millions of boxes throughout the wholes Aust) if these noodles doesn't meet the standard….
check the packaging, the "Export Only" wording on it!
and yes, you'll be surprise the differences between "Export Only" and "Local Only"..
dig more & you'll find more…..
check the 2011 comment by bochsubs
if i am not wrong, the ingredients also differ between the Australian Supermarkets compare to asian groceries.
The indonesian local income mie goreng, comes with 40 packs a box. and the noodle taste a bit different with those indomie mie goring in supermarket. i assume this is because the ingredients on the dry noodle itself is differ.
Also, i assume this is also one of the reason the noodle in taiwan was banned.
Anyway, i might be wrong, but this is from my understanding. As i didn't do a in depth research, coz i am not working in health department.
@gandhi28152: Fun fact, due to the real beef content of a bunch of grey import dried noodle and prepared dried meal products, the Department of Agriculture routinely conducts audits to identify and confiscate these products due to the beef not being produced to Australian standards for import.
Wow, can't believe my comment from 2011 still being useful, LOL!
Those from local woolies & coles should be safe; I checked them and they are all export only quality.
@bochsubs: not really agree with your comment back on 2011, if that is true, Indonesia cant be the 4th biggest population on earth lol
my Indonesian friends told me that they don't eat IndoMie when they have a choice……."it's not healthy at all"! :-P
So I guess the woolies one is more of a premium quality than the Asian ones.
Looks like even the Asian stores have knockoff migoreng!
They are not knockoff. They are the original, really, but doesn't meet the quality requirement here in Australia.
In order to import it to Australia (and some other countries who are more stringent in their test), they have to produce it differently, and at a higher cost.
I recalled a report stating that they were saving 1-2c a pack by using the banned substance. Not a lot, but when you sell in a truck load, that's a lot of money you are losing.
woolies adds extra hepatitis to their imported products. if you buy the cheaper "grey imports" from "asian shops", you risk missing out on these little extras.
I just get the ones from aldi. Cheaper than this everyday.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But aren't these $10 for a box of 40 at the Asian groceries? Also those are the local stock for that authentic feel. Not "export quality"
Yes if you go to kingsford next to commonwealth bank you can get them around 13
Huntsville for $12
Good price but Laguna Hawthorn selling this $10 for 40 all the time.
Export quality is 'better' for you. In that there is less colouring and random seasonings in it. If you check out the 'original' pack, the top right side of the package says/translated->enriched with vitamin A->Z. Check the export quality and there is no such thing.
Buy both, boil the noodle, and check the difference in the water. Check the difference in the consistency of the sweet soy sauce, the chili, the oil. HUGE difference.
'boiled water is vitamin'
-no it's the amount of colouring it has. The australian FDA has a series of criteria that potential food producers MUST adhere to.
the 'original' sweet soy sauce, oil and chilli is so watery and has a slightly different taste to the 'export quality' ones. Sure you can say that it's been watered down. But considering the front package actually says 'enriched with all vitamin known to man, this is the only thing you need to eat', i'm not going to trust the ingredients list; who knows what else they put in it.
'FG Winarno, a professor in food technology and the brain behind many Indofood products'
I wonder why he says there's nothing wrong with it…hmmm
i agree with the authors assessment of cancer; sometimes it is bad luck. But if you put random crap and artificial crap in a food product that you then ingest…well good luck!
the comment that was highlighted 'you want healthy food products? Don't reach blindly for the cheapest product on the bench WITHOUT reading it! Everything you need to know about the products is in the packaging, most people just don't read i' is also misleading. Check out some Home brand products…they actually have higher contents of the good stuff. Eg, chicken nuggets, 49% vs 45% (inghams) AND they're much cheaper. Home brand bleach vs domestos/white king. can't remember the content but it was a difference; especially the price.
Just my 2 cents
A box of Indomie will last a week if you have one for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So in all fairness you could live on $5 x 52 = $260 annually. So why our government give so much subsidies to families?
Because health care for families with Scurvy is also expensive.
Who only eats one of these at a time?
..Becuase for a starters this is 1/4th the normal price (if not cheaper still).
Ontop of this, though these are okay by themselves, you'd want something with them. Egg is my personal favorite.
That aside, in reply to your views behind your comment.. Add up the costs of drinks, that's where the real killer is. As someone who can't stand drinking water, a lot of my grocery bill is on drinks.. Even with specials and sticking to cheaper drinks, it's a lot. 3L of cheap ornage juice is about $5, 2L coke $2, etc. Usually it adds up to about $35 a fortnight. Now sticking with your idea of noodles for every meal, you'd need 8.5x5, at about $5/pack (usually 6-7) that's $42.5. $77.5 total before essentials. I personally can afford to spend about $130 a fortnight on groceries while not working, after budgeting for everything else. I do contracted/temp work at times, though it isn't much hours due to rarity of work locally in the field I specialize in.
When you look at it that way, once you include essentials (toiletries, cleaning products, etc) we pretty much are doing exactly this, cost wise.
You don't drink water?!
Never really have. Always been juices or soft drink.
@onetwothree: health wise it's not too bad because I balance it between more natural drinks (juices) and soft drinks, plus usually go with the lower sugar variants when possible. At this stage I've not had any problems (other than low sugar at times, oddly) and I've been drinking like this for years now.
Tooth decay wise, it simply means I've actually gotta brush my teeth.. Bit of a hassle, but no biggy.
This is a great afternoon snack on working days.
…is what you eat if you want to own Sydney property
and now Melbourne too…….
Hey Gang, I need to know us this store specific? If not I'm going to buy a year supply like "Lqs" commented. I'll stockpile at work and bring home as required.
Never pay full price If you can get it Cheaper or free elsewhere!
The store I went to doesn't sell 24pks, only 5pks so I think the offer is store specific..
sirry, just saw South melb in title