POSTAL workers locked in an industrial dispute with their employer will deliver unstamped letters until Christmas Eve.
32,000 posties vowed to deliver mail posted in street boxes without a stamp
This seems to be a win-win for Ozbargain members - support our working brothers (the posties) and deliver as many Xmas cards as you want. Don't deliver anything that "absolutely positively" must get there - because there are no guarantees - but with 32,000 posties "vowing" to deliver mail without a stamp - your chances are pretty bloody good.
Basic story reads:
"The Australia Post employees are seeking a new workplace agreement which protects penalty shifts, rosters and take-home pay.
They also want an improvement in job safety conditions.
After negotiations with the company over the new agreement stalled earlier this month, about 32,000 posties vowed to deliver mail posted in street boxes without a stamp.
The industrial action began today and will last until Christmas Eve, but postal workers couldn't guarantee unstamped mail would reach its destination."
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would you send one without a stamp ..?