• expired

Lunch by a Well Known Chef Delivered for $12 12PM - 2PM Today ADL BRI GC MEL PER SYD


Today, we’re excited to announce an ongoing partnership with OzHarvest to provide meals for people in need across Australia.

To kick off, we've teamed up with some of the country's best known chefs to deliver lunch on demand across Australia, today only.

Between 12-2pm, simply open the Uber app and request lunch for $12.

Be quick – we have 200 or less meals in each city delivered on a first come, first serve basis. Each meal costs $12.

Adelaide – Jock Zonfrillo (Street-ADL)

Brisbane – Matt Moran (ARIA)

Gold Coast – Dennis Duncanson (Paradox Coffee Roasters)

Melbourne – George Calombaris (The GC Lunch Box)

Perth – Neil Perry (Rockpool)

Sydney – Neil Perry (Burger Project)

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (214)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • this place has become an uber advertisement forum… I mean… $12 bux for a corn beef burger delivered… not bad for delivered food… but wouldn't say its a crazy bargain..

    • +3

      I think the $12 goes to charity. Its not exactly clear but Uber says they have donated 10k as part of this promo.

      • no I think it's a cool fun thing.. just don't think it's a bargain.

      • +4

        "The best part? Every single dollar raised goes to OzHarvest to help provide over 50,000 meals to Australians in need."

    • +11

      how much would you pay for a lunch by these chefs?
      I think $12 is a bargain especially if it's delivered to me and i don't have to enter one of their restaurants.

      • yeh true, I suppose the delivery makes it a bargain. all restaurant lunches are made by a chef.

        • +4

          The Perth lunch is from Rockpool. The cheapest burger there is $16..

      • for a lunch /by a restaurant with the name of these chefs associated with it/

      • +2

        You mean oversee by these chefs and prepared by their workers?

    • +5

      uber card?
      i think you mean app?

      • -6

        '$12 will automatically be charged to your registered card upon delivery' Probably means credit card registered within the app. So you do have to be a Uber registered user, which is the point I was making. Not sure why all the trolls neged my comment but then again trolls will troll…. unhappy people.

        • +5

          Do you even English?
          I'm happy you eventually figured out that credit card =/= "uber card" but to chuck a hissy fit over your own lack of comprehension and communication skills is guaranteed to get you negged

        • +3

          How is that a 'catch'? Seems like common sense mate.

        • +2


  • +3

    Looks to be restricted to those within the CBD only, waiting curbside with their Uber phones. I'd go for it if I was in the city.

    • I was thinking it'd be pretty hard to coordinate otherwise..

      • +1

        Worked great for me. Hit the order and the guy rang me… Standing on the other side of the road

  • +17

    How much does it normally cost to have George Calombaris deliver you a burger ???

    • +4

      About $3.50

      • That's a lot malarkey…

        • -1

          I've never had George delivery it personally.

          I usually get my Executive Assistant to pick it up for me.
          She gets paid $70 an hour + cost of meal.

  • Confirmed it's only in the CBD and you can only order 1 at a time.

  • Does the chef deliver it too?

  • A whole bunch of people from my work are going to be doing this for lunch, its a shame that we all have to order separately!

    • +1

      I bet a whole bunch of them wont get a buger

      • Haha maybe

        • so did they get a burger

        • @edwinlin88: I was the only one who successfully got an order in, apart from one guy who got his order in but it never showed.
          Also it wasn't a burger here in the GC, it was some brisket thing. Wasn't that nice tbh.
          The fruit salad and banana cake were nice though.

  • +2

    Neil Perry can be in two places at once?

    Or are they driving the burgers from Sydney to Perth.. (probably collecting uber fares along the way) so you'll get them in 5 days?

  • +1

    "Be quick – we have 200 or less meals in each city delivered"

    • +1

      Only 100 in Perth

      • -2

        That pretty much covers the entire population, surely?

        • Lol oh look someone from Melbourne made a Perth joke. If only there were just 100 people here sometimes…. stares at CBD traffic wistfully

        • @tdw: I didn't make the joke, Perth did. Don't be so salty mate!

        • -1

          @Rupture: salty? I didn't neg you and I lol'd. Try the Indian Ocean if you wanted salty ;)

      • Only 50 in Adelaide

  • I have never used Uber for food delivery.

    Will the Harvest slider option, in the app, magically appear after 12pm?

    • +2

      magic isn't real m8

      • So platform 9 & 3/4 doesn't exist!

        • Give it a try :)

    • Yep. It's already there in my Android app, but says 'please try later' or something along those lines.

      • Interesting. thanks

        edit: Looks like the app is trying to update

  • I just downloaded the app.. Can't see the Harvest button? :S

  • Frankston - Papa Giuseppe

  • +3

    Evidently Canberra doesn't have any celebrity chefs

    • +4
      • +4

        Only good thing he cooks is the books…..

      • two opened untouched VB bottles to appeal to the 'normal folk'

        one on the left was tipped out to be seen to have had some drunk out of it, but is warm. why would you then open a full one on the right (that's also warm)?

        I still dont know who thinks these photos are a good idea

    • +1

      We have a Jamie Oliver restaurant but no Jamie Oliver :(

    • more…

      and more…

      and even more…

      Canberra can't complain…

  • Not sure if they charge the amount to Uber credit or the card. If it's Uber credit then it will be free meal delivered to you. Sadly I am a vegetarian so can't use this.

  • Just keeps saying Try Again Soon for me..

    • Same.

    • same here

    • Same so frustrating i'm hungry

  • Same here, I'm guessing they are being smashed…..

  • Am trying every few seconds for MEL since 1:58, - continually saying 'try again soon'

    • I'm also in Melb. Anyone in other states having any success?

    • -3

      Charging me $1 every time i request Try again soon in MELB

  • Not working in Melbourne

    • +1

      It's Friday

  • I wonder if they've sold out in Gold Coast, or its just screwing up. One person managed to order.

    It appears to me like you can only request it when there's a car ready to deliver it, then its the first person to request that car.

    • In terms of logistics I would imagine they would load up heaps of orders into each car

  • I'm pretty sure i saw a little lunch Uber Car on the app's map!

    • Me too. I walked to it because it was right where I work but nothing. :(

      • Williams Street? CGU building?

        • I saw it near the corner of Lonsdale and Russel St, VIC.

  • Was about to get it delivered, went to toilet without my phone, they rang me and I didnt answer, order get cancelled :(

    • city?

      • sydney cbd

  • Finally got one, after repeatably clicking the 'try again soon' and 'request' tons of times.

  • I get through to being able to request a drop off but then nothing happens.

  • No luck in Brisbane :(

  • I've been trying since 12:00 and everytime I hit the "Request" button, it thinks for a bit then comes back with "Lunch unavailable. Try again." :(

    • I just gave it a go in Perth - turns out my East Perth Building isn't 'CBD'… And even if I changed my location it said 'Try again soon'.

  • Not working in adelaide either

  • for sydney people, is it just a single burger? do we get any choice?

  • THE LUNCH CAR KEEPS COMING BACK MY WAY but then it leaves again

    • +2

      Chase after it

  • +1

    Just saw a picture on the Uber Facbook page for Brisbane and it looks like I was lucky to have missed out!

  • +1

    Got a Reuben sandwhich here in brisbane, not bad but not comparable to ARIA food. Thanks op for the charity work and for others it was delivered on foot not car

  • +3

    Yeah the Reuben from aria was a bust. Just had mine delivered and no way was it worth $12.

    Just have to remind myself it was a $12 donation and a free sandwhich.

    • Just claim it as a donation on ur tax :)

  • Just saw the MEL UBER person on Little collins St delivering by foot - AFTER I had eaten lunch because I had given up!

  • Just got one in Melb, was delivered by foot.

  • Got one in Sydney… also delivered on foot

    • -4

      delivered on foot

      I was given mine in my hands…

  • Lunch delivered. Wouldn't say it's Matt's greatest meal, however :)

  • Just saw this after lunch as well… though in Syd CBD its just neil perrys burger project which is a 5 min walk

    Oh well

  • Pretty misleading title considering it will actually be a small army of unskilled volunteers preparing the food, in any of these kitchens.

  • Got burned last time they did the Messina offer. Consider yourself lucky, easier to win a lottery it seems than Uber actually delivering on their promises.

    • What did they promise you?

      • Previously ice cream. This time, the ability to pay money in exchange for food. They also have a habit of advertising these promos, but with 'limited to CBD' and '200 or less' in fine print - certainly the email I got said "Between 12-2pm, simply open the Uber app and request lunch for $12." and that's it.

  • +2

    Got lunch in Melb after checking the app for 45 mins, about to give up and get sushi. Was delivered on foot and was made in George Columbaris' various kitchens. The quality is too good to be made by 'unskilled' staff. Maybe lunch assembled by volunteers but macarons and spanikopita looked too well made. I think Melb's menu was pretty impressive and well worth the $12.

    • would be made by contract hospitality staff. their regular staff would be catering to their regular business.

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