When They're Gone, They're Gone!
$15 Security Light
$19 Covection Heater
$19 Radiant Heater
$99 5 Bar Heated Towel Rail
When They're Gone, They're Gone!
$15 Security Light
$19 Covection Heater
$19 Radiant Heater
$99 5 Bar Heated Towel Rail
Thanks I noticed at the same time u commented
Sure if you want a cheaper model with less features. The compatible model at Bunnings is $29.90
So the Bunnings one needs to be hard wired?
Yea, i think the one at masters is better, kind of plug and go.
and the cheap Bunnings one only has 120 degree sensor compared to 180 degrees
From a security point of view, hard-wiring is obviously better.
I'd assume the power point is likely to be inside the roof cavity in which case the plug one doesn't need an electrician.
So the Bunnings one needs to be hard wired?
You could always attach a lead & plug too it.
Ok serious question. Which heater suitable for bathroom, safe for wet air, but not light heater type as it needs to be installed permanently by electrician. I want something easy just plug in to main wall socket.
This cheaper. Thanks.
But funny the description doesn't mentioned about safe for bathroom.
I would go with an oil column heater as the heating element is not directly exposed to air. Whereas for both kinds of heaters on sale in this deal (and also fan heaters) have heating elements exposed to air. This is important in a setting such as a bathroom where there is humid air. Also, I do know that the heating elements in radiant heaters don't tend to last long before blowing. Whereas the convection heater is quite light meaning that if you happened to knock it over in the bathroom and it touches water, you might end up with an electrical shock hazard. I hope this helps.
thats i am worrying about. humid wet air and steam from taking shower with hot water.
but oil heater i heard is slow heating, in bathroom we want quick fast heating, we only in the room for few minutes and dont need slow constant warm that last long.
Indeed oil heaters are slow heating and the panel heaters linked by the Masters rep is also slow heating too (I also have one), perhaps then try a small ceramic fan heater?
@TScott: hmm actually if the cost of electrician isnt that much, i can consider to get lamp heater exhaust heater way, safer and more tidy.
For a bathroom, you want a radiant heater, not a fan or panel/column/convection heater.
Turn them on when you go in, and they heat the surfaces in the room, rather than the air. By the time you get our of the shower, the room will feel a lot warmer.
Don't worry about a little humidity, but you want it mounted high, e.g. over the door.
For a legal DIY, I suggest a wall mounted bar-heater such as https://www.masters.com.au/product/101053988/goldair-1200w-2…
Is this deal only for Marsden Park store? Or is this nation-wide?
It's a national catalogue, I think that the heaters are probably not available in FNQ for obvious reasons
Just thought I would let people know that I purchased the 2 cheapest chrome wall hung heated towel rails from eBay and both do the job just fine, and both were cheaper than 99 bucks. One of them did come with one leg slightly bent but was a very easy return. That includes delivery also and they have been going strong for a year. The only other thing about them is they are the DIY type in that the power comes from a power point and isn't hard wired, but that is probably the one most people want unless you are renovating
It's a stretch to compare the quality of chrome to polished stainless steel. This $99 5 Bar Heated Towel Rail is suitable for DIY as it has a plug in option or can be hard wired by an electrician. It also has an IP55 rating which I would say is fairy high considering its intended use. IP ratings chart
Fair enough, but the 3 I have all together have never shown any issue. Personally I find that chrome matches tap ware and other fittings better, and I have never had any issues with the finish of my 7 year old one (the oldest one I have). I lie at the 2 ends of the curved bar there is a plastic cap that was chromed and the chrome is duller on the caps, but it doesn't stand out or affect the functionality.
Agree that it might be a little better on a few counts but the others are just as fit for purpose if not more so (as they are 8 bar and 10 bar)
Fair enough, but the 3 I have all together have never shown any issue.
Agree that it might be a little better on a few counts but the others are just as fit for purpose if not more so (as they are 8 bar and 10 bar)
Given the location is a bathroom and you have 230v running through them there is no way I would be using the cheap chrome plated units from ebay.
You have your formatting brackets the wrong way round in the link.