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Protective Beekeeping Jacket with Veil US$8.31 (~A$13) Delivered @ Aestheticism House Store AliExpress

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Apiculturists of OzBargain rejoice! This highly rated (4.6/5 stars) Protective Beekeeping Jacket with Veil is back in stock and on sale at everyone's favourite online store, AliExpress. It's the outfit of a thousand uses!

Hive got a feeling you won't want to miss this unbeelievable deal.

Product features direct from the product page, including but not limited to:

  • Bee Clothing Material: Cotton + polyester + thickening
  • Product Description: Single piece
  • Bee Clothing Size: One size, suitable for heights between 160-180cm, and can support up to 90kg
  • Product Function: The bee suit is designed to stop bees from getting through the collar, cuffs, and hem. It's an essential tool for any beekeeping enthusiast.
  • Care Instructions: This bee suit is non-iron, easy to wash daily. Just flatten it out and hang it to dry – no ironing needed once dry. A few wrinkles are completely normal.

Don't bee shy, grab this offer today!

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Aestheticism House Store
Aestheticism House Store


  • +12

    I purchased this about 4 years ago. I used it to give me the confidence to catch pythons in the ceiling. I plan to use it for bees one day 😁

    • +19

      So it's a keeper?

      • +5

        I'm rating that joke a "B"

    • +4

      Welp, I'm not sleeping tonight

    • +2

      That's a bee-autiful snake.

    • O honey

  • +4

    Now this is a deal I can get bee-hind. This is a HOF deal; you my sir deserve an award.

  • Does this work for mosquitoes or does someone have one that does?

    • +7

      No mosquitoes need a much smaller version. This is far too big for a mosquito

      • You sure? The mesh on this seems quite fine for mosquitos to feet through.

  • +1

    Upvote for the clever uses of words to do with bees.

    I do wonder though if this will make the cut for my next S&M night. Could be kinky.

    • +1

      Only if all the Ms dress as bees

  • Must resist

    • You have our permission to get it

  • +5

    This can also be used to kill wasps' nests in your backyard.

    • +3

      Native wasps are friends though and pollinate fruit trees and fight even scarier bugs

      • For a sec I thought wasps were truely useless pests

        • +1

          European wasps on the other hand! Those mofos deserve no kindness

      • -1

        Sometimes they build their nests in locations that just aren't safe for human interaction. Like I've currently got one at the top of my garage roller door. Every time I open it, they scatter and it's probably only a matter of time before one of them stings me. I won't kill them, because like you say, they're native and useful, but I'll eventually have to remove the nest and force them to relocate.

        • Take a picture of them with Google Lens and find out what type of was they are. Paper wasps are seasonal so they end up leaving their nests after a period of time, after which it's safe to remove, which I've done with a high pressure hose.

      • They are not friends when then sting you. Pop on the suit and spray them I say. We have bees to do the pollinating and they are better at it than wasps. We don't need wasps.

  • +2

    I do bee needing this

  • +2

    Don't get stung and pay $8. The price is $1.61 with free shipping. Might be targeted.

  • +1

    Always wanted to be a Beekeeper.
    Its about protecting the Hive

    • ..or you mean, be a hivekeeper?
      It's about protecting the Queen.

  • I want to be 'The Bee Keeper'

  • +2

    I am beekeeping age

  • beekeeping? Aussie summer camping outfit more like it

    • Mesh is too big. The bitey things will get through.

      • +1

        I call the big one bitey

  • just what I needed

  • +5

    Will this protect me from the cyclone

    • If once garbed you spin sufficiently swiftly in an anticlockwise direction,,, or possibly clockwise, check the directions.

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Mother in law's birthday present, sorted.

  • +1

    Perfect for convid lovers

  • Are these legal in QLD?

  • +5

    Can confirm this protects against Covid. I wore this to the supermarket in 2020 multiple times and didn’t get covid.

  • +3

    For all the joke responses by people who aren't going to be buying this, if you are considering buying it - don't. The mesh only fills a very small section in front of your face. You are going to get seriously annoyed by your peripheral vision being totally cut off. All the bee keeping veils I've worn have been either 360° veils or at least 180° veils where the furthest forward the solid material comes is your ears (very similar to this
    https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006587217466.html). The material also looks pretty thin so you'd want to be backing it up with something long sleeved underneath. It's a "one size" thing too. From AliExpress that usually means too small for many in Australia.

  • +2

    Perfect for the next OzBargain Meet-up

    • Swarm*

  • +1

    I’ll buy two! Why did the beekeeper wear two jackets? Because he wanted to bee extra safe! 🥁tshh

  • will these be ok against wasp removal???

  • +1

    Not the bees!

  • +1

    Might get one for the next pandemic to blend in

    • Nah won't bee any good, the next big thing to happen will be war. And then you would rather get stung by bees

  • +3

    Bee Keepers have the prettiest eyes. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee holder

  • I think I will buy this to prune my lavender bush

  • Cost me $2.83 why's that?

  • Sunscreen and mozzie protection sorted.

  • Does this also protect against flying cockroaches?

  • +1

    Protective Beekeeping Jacket with Veil US$8.31 stays on during sex.

  • been waiting for this, thanks

  • Halloween costume sorted.

  • It would be hot in QLD

    Do not purchase for honeybees.

  • Cheers, I'll take 3

  • A stinger deal for Jason Statham🤣🤣🤣

  • I bought this so i can walk through Ashfield Woolies to show how stupid other shoppers were.

    The staff know who i am

  • Only suitable for heights up to 180cm? Seriously?

  • +1

    All sold out - great work OzB community <3

  • Good enough for those pesky wasp nests?

  • Other sellers same price or Lower

  • Gaah. OOS. There goes my Halloween outfit…

  • Because if I want a beekeeping jacket, I want the cheapest one possible …

  • I find it humorous that a bee-keeping suit is sold at "Aestheticism House"

  • Un-bee-lievable!

    I missed out.

  • Bees usually make a lot of noise.. NO NOISE!! Suggests no bees.

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