Just stumbled across this weight bench after receiving an email from OO.com.au. The build quality looks a bit better than the Guy Leech one's currently going around and although it doesn't include any weights I figure for $69.95 delivered you can't go wrong.
Phoenix Fitness Foldaway Weight Bench $69.95 Delivered (after Signup & Visa Checkout) @ OO.com.au

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Please put the details on how to get the price in the bargain description.
This thing looks very small and weak. Get a decent used one off Gumtree.
This thing looks very small and weak.
But this matches my physique perfectly.
Just bare in mind the upright bars that holds your dumbbell and weights is quite narrow which may affect should movement or comfort.
the model on the bench looks like mr burns
What is the weight limit on this bench? 50kg only?
Maximum User Weight: 100kg. Maximum Weight (Extra): 80kg (not much)
OK thanks, I don't expect much anyway. The other problem like others have already mentioned is the width between the two stands are too narrow, makes it awkward to place you hands on the barbell.
what's the guy in the picture benching, like 20 kilo's? That's the maximum weight I would trust on this.
thanks. What are the steps to get it $69.95 delivered?
Mine showing at checkout:
Product Subtotal $79.95
Delivery $22.46
Order Total $102.41
Order includes GST of $7.27