• expired

Delivery Hero Again. $20 off Total Bill


Another deal again. It's a voucher to those who actually missed out yesterday. So be quick to use! NO MIN ORDER.

Expires 8th April (today) at midnight. But beware, they may end early. So be quick NOW!

Sorry to those who missed out and sorted their dinner plan elsewhere, I know is frustrating, hope history won't repeat.

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Delivery Hero
Delivery Hero

closed Comments

  • +6

    It begins..

    • +2

      It began yesterday!!

      Honestly these free real food deals are amongst the best deals you can get… as opposed to free samples of honey..

    • +1

      This is …OZbargain!!!

    • its still 11am and I could not order, its the second time they have fooled me ! I spend 20min of my time to order it and in the last page when i enter the coupon code it says limit reached, I wont even open this site again in my life !

    • +2

      So 3 hours after i paid (paypal) for and had the order confirmed (via text and e-mail) this morning, Delivery Hero contacted the restaurant I ordered from and cancelled the order & everyone else's who used the "tuessorry20". They never let any of us know though. The gutless cowards at Delivery Hero have now disabled their online chat help at their website and are picking up & then hanging up on anyone contacting their call center (1300696325 or 1300464376).

      After I secure my refund via a Paypal dispute, I'll be lodging a complaint with consumer affairs / fair trading. It's become absolutely evident now that this is a case of deceptive advertising & they need to be held accountable for it.

      I strongly encourage the mods/admin here to ban future listings of Delivery Hero deals all together. It's absolutely evident that they have no capacity to make good on their offers.

  • dinner is sorted

    • +3


  • +1

    Lol my order got cancelled last night. Let's try again.

    • What time did u put your oder through? WHy was it cancelled? did they explain why?

      • +1

        I put in the order at 2pm for 6.30pm. Waited until 7.30 and food never turned up. Rang the restaurant and they said they never received the order.

        2 hours later i got a text saying my order has been cancelled because they can't fulfill it.

        • +1

          Exact same thing happened to me.

          I called up Delivery hero through their hotline and they profusely apologised and they rang the restaurant themselves and put the order through. A few hours later I ended getting a refund. Which equaled a free meal!!


        • +2

          Ahh that's crap. Funny thing is, I put my order for 7pm, came home at 8 from basketball, family told me nothing has been delivered yet, called the restaurant up, and he was really apologtic (wasn't their fault), and he advised me they literally had just received the order (Delivery hero had called them up minutes before) - and as I was on the phone to him, delivery hero were trying to call me at the same time. I guess I was lucky as pizza was delivered 20min later, and they were damn tasty too!

        • damn which restaurant was this?

        • +1


          northern suburbs victoria, preston area, sylvesters pizza, there pizzas are actually really really good, highly recommend them

        • @alvy: I live a short drive from there so I might have to check them out!

    • Yes let's try this gamble

      • Free lunch :D food arrived

        • +1

          Ahhhh pathetic service and clueless app. Guess I lose again, oh well, 40cents gone

  • +1

    Still works if you ordered last night :)

  • +1

    I ordered this morning. It worked for me, hence I upload this bargain.

    As usual if cannot use, inform here. I will expire it.

  • haha again, looks like I'll be freezing pizza!

  • had to cancel my order twice yday
    no1 picked up their stupid phone

    no more hero delivery!

    • try again. get to total bill (include delivery) for $20. So you pay $0 and who knows, you may get extra food…
      Even if it doesn't arrive, you paid $0. lol.

      Have a good day!

      • do you have to create an account 1st?
        doesnt work with guest account?

        • Create account. That's the only opportunity cost i see.

  • +2


    Repeated the joke from previous post. Sorry.

    Not sorry.

    • +24

      still not any funnier

  • +4

    Delivery hero is making me fat. Haha

  • I have been reported for affiliate/referral myself, i guess i will remove it.

  • GOod stuff! already got onto it.!

  • Here we go again

  • +1

    Order confirmed

    And leftovers for lunch from last nights deal lol. Ozbargain, The gift that keeps on giving.

  • Haha! It's like Delivery Hero enjoy the pain. Their FB page last night was filled with people complaining. I don't see this investment paying off. Someone needs to tell the board about OzBargain.

    • +1

      …. or they can not ;-P

  • Basically free food?

  • +2

    The chance of disappointment is high for using this code as it is only intended for customers who didn't get their order yesterday. I am not saying don't use it but be prepared with alternative plans.

  • -7

    referral not working for me. bummer.

    Neg for the double screw around. Once is okay as it happens. To make the same mistake twice is pretty ordinary.

    • +6

      Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

      • Im hearing you mate

        Edit: Now its working and I feel bad for the neg aaaaghhhhhhh

    • -1

      negs for my neg even though it clearly isn't working for everyone? Righto Jack lads, as long as you're all right hey.

      Edit: the voucher just worked!!! I take back the neg!!!

  • +2

    Hope my food turns up tonight!

    I have emailed delivery hero complaining it didnt turn up. Last night delivery hero called me to confirm the order saying there was a delay of 45 mins. FOOD NEVER TURNED UP! Absolutele disgrace.

  • +1

    Couldn't you just make an infinite amount of accounts and screw DH hard? Or is it for those that didn't work yesterday?

  • Success!

  • Try to use it and bring it down to min cost to one point if you feel they won't come, you won't be extreme frustrated (say, for me, less than $5 I am not bothered to go through all the hassles of callings and harrassings).

    • Yeah good plan. I just brought mine down to $0.50, if it goes balls up i'll cut my losses.

  • +5

    I'll repeat Clarky comment, how can we put in order for the homeless considering this is essentially free food ?

    • idk, let them into your home?

    • Just put the restaurant address, and turn up at the time :) ?

      • That's a pretty neat idea!

    • Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

      • Show the homeless ozb website? How do they get internet access with a smart phone or computer?

        • Go to local library?

      • +2

        You need fishing line, pole, bait, hook, license ….and the list goes on…

      • How does he cook the fish?

  • +1

    Whole tandoori chicken for $ 0.01. Nice. Thanks OP. Even they cancel i will not be mad.

  • Ohhhh, order confirmed :) I get the best pizza twice in a row, I'm so thankful :D

  • +5

    My experience was fun, ordered at ~4pm yesterday for 7pm delivery, received all confirmations, paid the extra, at 6:45pm I called the restaurant, hadn't received my order. So I assumed not going to receive it, made dinner, had dinner, received 2 emails from Delivery Hero welcoming me and asking for a review on my experience.
    9pm receive a phone call from Thai restaurant delivery driver who was having trouble finding my house. When I explained what happened her advice "use Menulog, it better"
    Will take her advice. Thai for lunch though :D

  • +1

    I think this voucher code is meant for people only whose order has been cancelled last night and received this new code to make up for it..

    • +1

      Incorrect, just ordered first time.

      • I mean this voucher has never been released to the general public, as far as I know it was sent to this specific group of people only. It might work for everyone but I don't think that was DHs intention.
        I guess most people don't care so they would disable it soon after yesterdays rush is likely to happen again.

  • doesn't include free delivery ??

    EDIT: I found this also works on the desktop version (I've also been using the app). I noticed the restaurant I was ordering had different delivery fees on the app vs on the desktop version - so double check!

    Doesn't look like it includes free delivery this time

    • +1

      My order was only $15 and $4 delivery so it came up as $0 for me, yay.

  • +6

    If only there was pop-corn I could delivered, so I could enjoy watching this blow up again.

  • Dinner sorted - thanks OP. I wonder if it will actually turn up

  • Attention!

    This coupon code cannot be redeemed

    EDIT: Worked after registering with a different email address. Winning!

  • Rainy day lunch #2 for $3. Fantastic

  • +2

    Used yesterday's code to get Two medium Pizzas delivered for free.

    I pre-ordered for tonight but it came the same night as my cheap Indian!

    Don't know what all the hate is about. If you food wasn't delivered it's most likely the takeaway shops fault.

  • +5
    This coupon code cannot be redeemed 
    • Same happened to me, try the mobile app, and after you've put the coupon in, do it a second time and should go through.

  • damn was about to checkout :(

  • +3

    Unbelievable. I'm getting referrals like crazy, LOL. 4 already from the last deal… I can see myself almost living off DH for a week.

    • Cant you only use 1 referral code per customer?

      • Yeah, only 1 at a time and min $20 spend too, but that's still $13 per meal.

        • Ah wow, thats pretty good still.

    • How are you getting these referrals?

      • +2

        Get your referral code from DH and add it to your OzB referral page in settings

        • where do you see your balance?

        • Should my referral code be http://deliveryhero.refr.cc/XXXXXXX

        • +1


          Don't think they keep a running balance. You get e-mailed a code, and in the app there's a page (vouchers and competitions) where they let you add your codes.

        • @strikerzebra:

          Yup. So just find the referral page in your OzB settings and add "XXXXXX" into the field.

        • @zzyss:


        • are codes stackable?

        • I remember seeing a popup displaying my referral code after my order but I didn't copy the link and closed the popup. Any idea how to figure out what your referral code is through the DH site/app? I can't find it anywhere.

        • @battler:

          Not that I'm aware of. Haven't tried but do recall seeing another user say no.

        • @zzyss: How do / where to check referral credit in account?

        • @electricbluee:

          There's no credit balance. You receive vouchers via e-mail and it's up to you to manually enter them into the Vouchers and Competitions page in the app. No such page exists on the website as far as I know.

  • Worked for me … just submitted order on website. Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP, was not able to order on desktop but worked on mobile app.

  • +10

    Free dinner last night, free dinner tonight. Love OzB. Thanks OP.

  • I ordered myself too. So touchwood, that those who can use the code will have their orders fulfilled!

    PS: I paid extra too.

  • Just ordered pizza n garlic bread n drink for 2 bucks :D

    Also I ordered a combo item to get those and for some reason it mandated that I choose 2 pizza varieties even though the combo is for one. So … maybe 2 pizzas :D :D \o/

  • +3

    DH may not do too badly out of this as their two competitors Menulog and Eatnow have merged and now have high marketshare. While the short term hit might be bad, this could do well for them in the long term brand awareness wise.

    They are also a multinational so they could well have budgeted high for this campaign. This is their opportunity to shine and show off their top notch service (website/app/delivery experience).

    • May not?

      They're buying the ability to contact customers (via sms, notifications and email) that have already expressed an interest in what they sell (food) on their own terms (they don't have to wait for the customer to "decide" to make an order, they can put the idea in your head).

      This is an ideal situation. It's certainly a lot better than aquiring new customers via advertising to people who may or may not be interested in purchasing fast food.

  • +1

    Wow Delivery Hero has got to be the most charitable company ever!!!

    Ordered Pizza and drink for 40cents.

  • ordered!

  • Lunch ordered - delivered to my work. I have never been so excited.

  • How much referral credit do you end up scoring from this?

  • Thanks OP. I have just ordered 2 dishes for a grand total of $1 delivered :)

  • +1

    Got my dinner last night , so a little concerned i might get my order cancelled .. ALBEIT, i did get an SMS confirmation.
    Wondering if i should have paid a little bit instead of ordering smack bang on $20 …. feels a bit like the free vistaprint deals a while back!

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