This was posted 9 years 10 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection [Blu-Ray 11 Disc Box Set] $35 Delivered Amazon UK


Good Morning guys,

Have a bargain from Amazon UK for you!
I hope this price is still current for those who wake up in a few hours, good luck!

Join Harry, Hermione and Ron from their first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone all the way through to Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2. In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort.

It all starts and ends here.

Titles Comprise:

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (2001)
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005)
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

Related Stores

Amazon UK
Amazon UK

closed Comments

  • Never really understood the need for dvd or bluray players in a digital era.

    • +9

      Blu-Ray is like 40GB, whereas digital is like 4GB.

      If you have a big TV or projector (especially in this digital era where a 32" in the living room sounds prehistoric), then Bluray is the way to go.

      If you are happy with the HD quality of streaming, good for you :) for me it's fine, but not perfect.

        • That is still bluray though.

        • -2


          Unn but it doesn't require a bluray player, which is the subject of this discussion.

        • +5

          @watwatwat: The file requires bluray to exist for it to exist thus it's essential and not obsolete. Also, the only legal way is to own the actual bluray disc As it cannot be purchased in any other way. H.265 is disappointing as minor encoding errors greatly corrupts the file and the quality is lower especially if there is a need to freeze frame for sight gags etc. The future looks bleak.

        • +1

          We are talking about legally obtaining steaming movies.

        • +1

          This comment is akin to saying that any deal on this site is a waste of time because you can just steal the item for free

        • @Minotaur:

          I was debunking the misperception that digital is 4gb.

          I never mentioned illegal so all those bringing it up; sshhhh.

        • @watwatwat:

          "watwatwat on 06/04/2015 - 02:06
          Implying that streaming is the only way to acquire video online.

          You can actually download full bluray copies of something without having to put in any disk."

          Were you talking about Ultraviolet digital download versions that come offered with some blu-rays?. Because if you weren't then the only other presumption is you talking about illegal means.

        • @hollykryten:

          Actually I make personal movies of me playing with my dog and then I burn them to bluray and then I convert my bluray to a 40gb .mkv. No copyright violations here.

        • @hollykryten:
          A steaming pile of movie.

    • +5

      I guess the same could be said for music, video games or books but some people are old school and like to have the physical item. I know I do. Plus I can actually sell or donate the item I ever decide I don't want it anymore and let somebody else enjoy it. I can't see how that's going to be possible with games I've purchased on Steam or music on Itunes/Google music unless I hand over my entire account.

      I purchase items digitally too but it's just not the same.

    • +1
      1. Portability (although that is arguable…as you can set up your account at a friends house)
      2. resale
      3. Not everyone has a large download quota
      4. No need to worry about streaming or having to share bandwidth
      5. Holding something shiny is nice. Personally, I prefer albums to CD purely because the covers were awesome.
      6. Sometimes the DVD/bluray covers enhance the experience e.g. Mullholland Drive had clues (albiet not helpful) inside the dvd cover.
  • Great deal. Beats my $40 that I spent on the discs from DSE when they were clearing out their BluRays and DVDs.

  • +1

    Thanks great deal AUD 36.69 for me, apparently from the reviews this UK version is a lot better than the US version.

  • +1

    seems like a steal. but doesn't it matter that these are Region 2, and Australian blu-ray players are region 4?

    • +1

      I'm guessing not as the title says region free
      Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection [Blu-ray] [2011] [Region Free] [2001]

      and the product details lists it also
      Region: All Regions

    • +2

      Blurays don't share the region numbers DVDs do. We are the same region UK and the rest of Europe are in. Region 2. Also many Blurays are region free and these may be included so that's going to benefit America (region 1) and Asia (region 3).

    • +2

      BLU-ray-wise we are the same region with the U.K. (Region B). Region 2 for the U.K. refers to DVD's only as, like you say, we are Region 4.

      I got a region free BLU-ray/DVD player so as to take advantage of the cheapest priced items from whatever region. But I have to admit a majority of stuff comes from the U.K., whether it's from Zavvi or Amazon. A hundred dollar region free player will literally save you hundreds of dollars in the long run…

    • UK bluray is the same region as Australia. I have bought bluray for Amazon.UK before and they are fine (James bond 50 year set)

  • Any Bluray bargains for Fast n Furious collection?

  • Wingardium levibooboo

  • +1

    gone… now back to 30 pounds

  • Deal is over? Sad times.

  • +1

    am i missing something?? When I go to the link it shows 30 pounds ? - which equates to around $58 AUD??? how do i get this for $35 aud??

  • DOH! just saw other comments…. :(…….

  • Now £30.00 which is just under $60 so I would say this deal has expired :)

  • -7


    Any credit to "Earth" for all the hardwork ?…

    From Mr Scotty

    Have a nice day guys


    • +1

      Why are you so petty? Why do you care about something that means so little?

      for all the hardwork ?

      Do you know the meaning of hardwork? Is clicking around the internet your definition?
      How do you know he didnt find the deal from site itself? Why post it to buckscoop 1st, then come here to complain when you couldve posted it before chenc and got your well earned credit from your "hard work".

      BTW no-one actually cares who gets the internet credit about a deal, so long as its posted for the benefit of all.

  • Awesome. Nice present for the wife.

  • Expired :(

  • +1

    Darn my son has just got into HP, but even at $60 it's still probably cheaper than locally.

  • +1

    It's amazing to see that even with our currency plummeting in value, there's still a huge difference between importing vs buying local.

    • +2

      Not all the time, you get some anomalies like this, but not all that reguarly.

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