To qualify for this free shipping offer, one or more Zazzle products must be purchased with a net sale price equal to or greater than 45.00 Australian Dollars. Enter promo code AUWINTERSHIP at checkout to receive the free shipping. The free shipping offer is for standard shipping to Australian addresses only. Shipping charges will apply to oversized orders and orders being shipped on an expedited basis or outside Australia. Offer is valid from November 10, 2009 through December 10, 2009 at 11:59pm EDT. Your order must be placed during that time to qualify for this special offer. This promotional offer may not be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or discount offers. Offer valid on only.
Free Shipping from Zazzle with Orders over $45

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closed Comments
I agree, they have some good looking designs but the prices are a deal killer.
Is it just me or is this place really expensive?