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Various Maxxis Tyres $4.99, Were $14.99 and Various Tioga Tubes $1.99, Were $4 at Amart Sports


Found this on the Amart site in the clearance section.

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    • I don't know but I will be checking instore today.

  • +2

    and 20 bucks postage for 10x 700cc tubes. They need a better courier. They could use Aus post for less than half that price.

  • +1

    These prices seem more reduced than advertised. Do they really sell maxxis tyres for $15? At $5 the tyres are a steal even with the shitty postage. I got 4 tyres and seven tubes postage 19.95. If i added one more tube postage jumped to 29.95.

    • Hey what tyres and tubes please mate? Looking at the Larson 26" 2.0 TT's but the tube sizes don't match. Unless they range, say for the 16" 1.75's, maybe this is 1.75 - 2.10. Did you just take a punt?

      • +1

        Maxxis overdrive. Tioga thornless tubes. I dont think the fatness number of the tube is super important so long as its the same circumference. I have bought whatever fatness is cheapest in the past and had no problems.

    • Wait, I just put 2 tyres in to calculate postage and it came up with $29.95. Removed 1, totaling 1, and it was $19.95!! I live up on the NSW Central Coast, but thought i'd try just Sydney 2000 and still same price. What gives?

      • I am at 2207. I stuffed around qith various quantities of stuff to minimize the postage. Some tubes seemed to affect the postage more than others.

  • Couldn't see any in store. They might scan at a lower price. Comparable tyres selling at $40-60, however when you compare prices to chainreaction, Amart is a rippoff.

  • Detonators 26 X 1.5 for 5 bux each, bargain if you can find any in store! Velogear had them around 23 bux a couple of weeks ago With free shipping.

  • Wanted a set of overdrives, but they appear to have sold out in the time I spent googling them..

  • Just tried instore at two in Brisbane (Cannon Hill & MacGregor) - nothing there at all. Asked a staff member, and they had no idea of any clearance on tubes/tyres. Looks like its online only…

  • -1

    No Deal for me. 6 tubes = $59.95 delivery!! Even at $20, thats a complete ripoff for delivery.

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