• out of stock

Bellroy Slim Sleeve Wallet in Black/Blue Steel $39.98 (RRP $79.95) + $5.95 Shipping Surf Stitch


Good price for Bellroy wallets, especially given their high price point. Bought the black version yesterday afternoon and it arrived this morning using free standard post (for orders above $50).

Thanks cki, For free shipping and for $5 cheaper, use this Ebay deal. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Bellroy-Slim-Sleeve-Wallet-Leather-Accessories-Black-/141485127162?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item20f12bb5fa (Out of stock)

Express/Standard Shipping $5.95 for orders below $50.
Free Express shipping $0 for orders above $50.

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closed Comments

  • -5

    $39.98 reduced from $79.95.


    Reduced from $55.97


    • +3

      Just appreciate the discount compared to the Bellroy website Advertising them for the $79.95 as mentioned. http://bellroy.com/wallets/slim-sleeve-wallet

      • +5

        Just appreciate the discount

        Prefer honest advertising to decided whether or not this is a bargain…

      • +1

        Bellroy website Advertising them for the $79.95

        This isn't the Bellroy website, and you claimed they were reduced from $79.95, but clearly they've been selling them for $55.97 at Surf Stitch for at least the last month…

    • +1

      Wow… your comment doesn't make sense to me. If a company has a progressive sale, which gets bigger and bigger % discounts each day, let's say an extra 2% discount from 20 to 22%… your argument is that the discount is 2%, not 22%?

      • +2

        If a company has a progressive sale

        They'be been selling them for $55.97 for at least the last month, and they have now reduced them to $39.98.
        Claiming a 50% price reduction is misleading

        • on their website, they claim "save 50%", which is exactly correct from the RRP. In my experience shopping for Belroy wallets, most places sell them for the RRP. Is there anyone else who sells them for $55.97? Are you claiming that is the normal price everywhere?

        • +4


          on their website, they claim "save 50%", which is exactly correct from the RRP.

          but they didn't sell these previously for RRP, which is against the law. Read the ACCC website under 'Deceptive and Misleading Price

        • @jv: So again, you think a progressive sale should say 2% off, not 22% off on that day?

        • +1


          So again, you think…

          Read… It is against the law in this country…

          when comparing a sale price to the recommended retail price (RRP) may be misrepresenting potential savings if the product has never been sold at the RRP


        • +3

          @jv: here is the surfstich website where it shows them selling a while lot of bellroy wallets for RRP http://www.surfstitch.com/product/bellroy-note-sleeve-wallet…

          so it is incorrect to claim they have "never been sold at the RRP"

        • +2


          shows them selling a while lot of bellroy wallets for RRP

          That is a different wallet…

        • @jv: you're the one claiming this wallet has NEVER been sold for RRP, and using a previous sale to attempt to prove it. you are wrong.

        • +1


          you're the one claiming this wallet has NEVER been sold for RRP

          Show me that the one advertised here has

        • @jv: cool.

          have a nice day.

        • @jv:
          They are not misleading anyone. It clearly states that it's 50% off RRP, which is entirely accurate.

        • +2


          It clearly states that it's 50% off RRP, which is entirely accurate.

          and also against the law if they have did not previously sell this item at RRP…

          It comes under Misleading Price Comparisons under the ACCC

          "when comparing a sale price to the recommended retail price (RRP) may be misrepresenting potential savings if the product has never been sold at the RRP"

        • @jv:

          I've read the information you've linked from the ACCC. Perhaps you would like to go to the effort of pointing out which part is actually relevant? Again, their comparison is accurate as the comparison is to RRP. Not to mention that RRP is the price that many other retailers sell these wallets for.

          I can't speak for moksha, but I often look for discounted Bellroy wallets, and don't think I have ever seen any of then on sale at Surf Stitch (unless it's with a generic percentage off code).

        • +4


          pointing out which part is actually relevant?

          "when comparing a sale price to the recommended retail price (RRP) may be misrepresenting potential savings if the product has never been sold at the RRP"

        • @jv:
          I've seen it sold at RRP on Surf Stitch.

        • +2


          I've seen it sold at RRP on Surf Stitch.

          link ? proof ?

        • @jv: http://www.surfstitch.com/brand/bellroy
          Every single item on there is at RRP (excluding the 2 sale price items). Seems to be a fair representation, as even alternate colours of the same product line are at their RRP.

        • +2


          excluding the 2 sale price items

          'excluding' is the key word here…

          They are $10 cheaper than what they were selling them for previously, not 50% off…

          The fact that they're selling new on ebay for $35.98 delivered, shows you that the $79.95 price is truly misleading

        • @jv:
          So if they have never sold the item at RRP, their previous sale was a "lie" too then.
          It obviously went $55 > $40 only, so the savings from deal on March 5 are hypothetical too.

          Can you also please provide link of where it was on sale for a month at $55? Your cache link only snapshots on one day & time-point.

        • +2


          So if they have never sold the item at RRP, their previous sale was a "lie" too then.

          Yes, if they've never sold them at RRP, according to Australian Law, their advertising would have been misleading…

        • +2


          It obviously went $55 > $40 only,


          it went from $55.97 delivered to $45.93 delivered…

          a price drop of $10.04

        • +4

          JV is actually correct.

          Products must be compared against regular price. You can't sell a $1000 item for $800 everyday, then sell it for $700 and say "30% off!".

          Not that it stops many companies… cough dick smith cough

        • +2


          Not that it stops many companies… cough dick smith cough

          ACCC should crack down harder on this, but obviously they have limited resources…

          They do follow up though if you lodge a complaint…

        • @jv:
          No jv, the keyword/acronym is "RRP". It is 50% off RRP. It is not misleading and it is not inaccurate. You are saving 50% off the recommend retail price, a price that other stores sell this wallet at. Just because some other retailers sell it for less, does not mean that it is not 50% off RRP and it does not mean that it's misleading.

        • +2


          the keyword/acronym is "RRP"

          You obviously have difficulty reading the ACCC rulings…

          The only reason someone would compare to RRP, when they do not normally sell at RRP, is to mislead a consumer into believing they are saving more than they really are… Otherwise, why mention the RRP?

        • @jv:

          The only reason someone would compare to RRP, when they do not normally sell at RRP, is to mislead a consumer into believing they are saving more than they really are… Otherwise, why mention the RRP.

          Except it is the RRP and other retailers sell it at RRP. It is 50% off the RRP.

        • +2


          Except it is the RRP

          and you are not allowed to compare your price to the RRP if you do not normally sell it at the RRP…

          What part of that do you not understand ???

          Are you a Rep for this store?

        • @jv:

          You keep saying that they haven't sold it at RRP and you keep asking people to show that it has been. Where is your proof that it hasn't? Amazingly enough, I, like many other people, don't write down the date, time and price of every product I view online.

        • +2


          Where is your proof that it hasn't?

          Where is your proof that it has ?

          Did you even read the original title of this thread before it was changed?
          Did you read my original post?

          Probably not…

        • @jv:
          I've been in touch with Surf Stitch. They have confirmed that it has previously been sold for $79.95 on their website. Unfortunately, the person I was chatting to could not confirm when. Feel free to contact them yourself if you don't believe me.

        • +2


          I've been in touch with Surf Stitch.

          I spoke to their cousin's babbysitter's dog's vet, and they confirmed it has not previously been sold for $79.95 on their website.

        • @jv:
          So you don't believe me, but you're too lazy to ask for yourself?

        • +1


          So you don't believe me


        • +2


          but you're too lazy to ask for yourself?

          They're welcome to post here on Ozbargain… (as long as they declare they're a Rep)

        • @jv:
          And you're welcome to ask them to do so, but I'm guessing it would too much effort for you to backup an argument you originally tried to make?

        • +2


          And you're welcome to ask them to do so

          I'll leave that to you…

          I'm busy posting in 7 threads simultaneously….

        • @jv:
          Then don't make a claim that you can't substantiate.

        • @rochow: They are correct in the sense that they have correctly quoted a law. In no other sense are they correct. There is no evidence to suggest the product has NEVER been sold at $79.95.

        • +1


          Which claim ?

        • @jv:

          That it has never been sold at RRP.

        • +1


          That it has never been sold at RRP.

          Can you show me the link where I state that it hasn't ???

        • @jv:
          Please jv, surely you know what you yourself have been saying in this thread? You've said it multiple times.

        • @Domingo:
          I hope you get so many pluses…

        • @Domingo:
          I wonder why jv didn't reply to you…

    • +1

      The deal clearly states that the RRP is 79.95 (which it 100% is), no ones problem other than your own that you are incapable of understanding what that means.
      Maybe its time to get a life?

      • -3

        no ones problem other than your own that you are incapable of understanding what that means.

        Except that it is against the law in Australia to compare your price to RRP if you didn't previously sell it at RRP…

        as you can see from my first post, they reduced this from $55.97, and not from $79.95.

        When did they sell this item for $79.95 ???

        • So does this mean Unseatingcargo1 will go to jail?

        • Here's two that they haven;t reduced for sale yet - selling it at $79.95.
          You're being ridiculous for assuming that they have NEVER sold the product at 79.95 when they are currently selling the same wallets in different colours for that price.
          Go lodge a complaint with the ACCC, show everyone how you have nothing better to do all day than be a sour puss.

        • +1


          You're being ridiculous if you think you can claim that they have NEVER sold the product at 79.95.

          I can't see any proof that it has sold for that at this store, all I know is that before this price, they normally sold them for $56…

        • +1


          Go lodge a complaint with the ACCC

          Whether I do or not is not any concern of yours…

        • @jv: That's really not the point. You are the one that is claiming they haven't sold it for that price in the past. You really should have some sort of proof before you attempt to defame a business.

          Obviously you submitting a complaint is of no concern to me, i was simply patronizing how shallow your life must be if you are just going from thread to thread saying the same thing.

        • +1

          I've asked Surf Stitch and they have confirmed it has previously been sold for $79.95. :)

        • +1


          I've asked Surf Stitch and they have confirmed it has previously been sold for $79.95. :)

          I don't believe you…

        • +1

          @TailsK: I have no doubt, theres only one person in here that's sad enough to try and defame a business with little to no proof of their claim. Might be wise to forward them this thread so jv actually learns from their mistakes.

        • @brentman1:

          to try and defame a business

          I hope you have proof of this…

        • +1

          "Prefer honest advertising to decided whether or not this is a bargain"
          declaring in a public forum that a company is engaging in deceptive and misleading advertising is defamation and there is more than enough proof in this thread to show it. They are well within their rights to list the RRP as 79.95 as they have previously sold this item at this price before.

          Now, put your tail between your legs and get moving.

    • +1

      did i just open a virus? whats a google snap shot?

      • did i just open a virus?

        yes, you now have to delete your hard disk and reinstall all you software.

        I hope you have backups…

  • +5

    I've been wating for these to come down. also noticed that you can get $20 off with the code BD47NV263 for orders over $80. Might be useful to someone….

  • +10

    What is good about these wallets?, they look quite ordinary in design

    • you're not a hipster, you wont understand.

    • +3

      They're cleverly designed and functional. I have the Hide & Seek model, it's the best wallet I've ever owned.

      • +1

        I agree, the Hide & Seek is perfect….if these were on sale I'd buy a second one now

      • +1

        got to agree with you there. love my bellroy

    • I have one and i'm tempted to buy another. I never carry cash, only cards. It's simply brilliant. Small, wears well and holds plenty of cards. Best wallet i've ever owned.

    • +2
  • +1

    I have a Bellroy wallet, albeit a different design. The slim wallets are design to be minimalistic and can only fit fewer cards compared to your traditional wallet. Hence it remains more comfortable when placed in your pocket. I for one, can't stand bulky wallets, and only carry the bare essentials cards wise.

    • For a slim wallet, I prefer the Big Skinny, more pockets and very thin.

      • +1

        But man are they ugly! They also don't appear to have a single-fold wallet with verticle cards like the Bellroy (I dislike the single fold 'landscape' wallets, hence the Bellroy is perfect for me).

        • +1

          Each to their own, but the Big Skinny certainly aren't my taste too!

  • I have a Bellroy for about 3 years now, excellent quality (not one loose stitch, no break on the fabric inside, real leather etc) and very slim even with all my cards. But it hates coins, the slim profile is gone once you start to have a few.

  • +1

    How do you get free shipping? I have it in cart and Express/Regular shipping is $5.95? Shipping to Sydney.

    • +3

      shipping is free for orders over $50 according the website…

      It shipped for free when it was $55.97

      Now it $45.93 shipped

    • Agreed. Me too. How?

  • Been waiting for these to go on sale!

  • Yup. the free shipping seems to be only for over $50. No matter which of the two wallets I choose it adds $5.95 for shipping as they are less than $50

    • Thanks for that, ordered the blue.

    • Thanks!

    • Thanks for the links. That is where i actually bought mine from, i will credit you. Just a quick question, we usually allowed to advertise eBay deals?

  • I don't get it. What do you do with all your coins?

    • that's what pockets are for.

      • you keep all your coins in your pocket? Do people do that now?

        • yep

    • +1

      From my pocket during the day to my coffee jar.

  • If you're a student you can use code EDGE for 15% off….

    • Can anyone use this code?

      • So long as your a student i believe……

  • Bought one last year , U won't regret

    • +2

      U won't regret

      I'd regret getting it for here for $45.93, when I could get the same item on ebay for $35.98…

  • +1

    I apologise. Use their eBay deal for free shipping. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Bellroy-Slim-Sleeve-Wallet-Le…

    • +1

      It's not just the free shipping, it is also $5 cheaper…

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