Please note: most flights are now sold out although some odd flights, particularly inbound, are still available
As I predicted 2 months ago: !!
Lowest Fares Ever!
Booking Period: 12 March 2015 - 13 March 2015
Travel Period: 1 September 2015 - 18 November 2015
Travel Notes
- Advanced booking required.
- Fares are not available during embargo period.
- Booking valid from 6:00pm AEDT 12 March 2015 until 6:00pm AEDT 13 March 2015.
- Limited availability, until sold out
Gold Coast Penang AU$ 67.00
Gold Coast Langkawi AU$ 67.00
Gold Coast Phuket AU$ 67.00
Gold Coast Ho Chi Minh City AU$ 67.00
Melbourne Penang AU$ 78.00
Melbourne Langkawi AU$ 78.00 Sold Out
Melbourne Phuket AU$ 78.00
Melbourne Ho Chi Minh City AU$ 78.00
Perth Penang AU$ 78.00
Perth Langkawi AU$ 78.00
Perth Phuket AU$ 78.00 —-> $120 return !!
Perth Ho Chi Minh City AU$ 78.00
Sydney Penang AU$ 87.00 —-> $132 return !!
Sydney Langkawi AU$ 87.00 —-> $132 return !! Sold Out
Sydney Phuket AU$ 87.00 —-> $143 return !!
Sydney Ho Chi Minh City AU$ 87.00 —-> $145 return !!
OP: return prices checked are all early Sept (sorry, no time to check them all)
Whats the catch?