• expired

FREE Spirax Student Planner (Facebook Required)


Found this while scrolling through Student Edge deals, but it doesn't seem to be limited to students. Just visit their Facebook page and like it (or don't), then go to the Competition tab, click on small link on the left that says Already liked our page and fill out the form.

Youโ€™re not the only one panicking, and everyone gets lost. Keep your cool collected self organised with this Spirax Student Planner. Enter the competition on our page to receive a free sample.

UPDATE: The form now says Valid Student Edge email required. Not sure if the email is actually checked but just a heads up.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    So is it free… or a competition to win one for free? Am confused :P

    "Enter the competition on our page to receive a free sample."

    • +1

      I think they just named the tab as "Competition" for whatever reason I don't know, but to me it looks as though it is completely free as it says

      FREE Student Planner when you register your details below

      so I'm guessing it's a competition to claim one before the promotion ends?

      • +2

        lol how confusing, you can only post what you see though :)

  • +1

    Anyone know why I can't see the form? I've liked the page, but this is all I get…


    • You need to click on the small link on the left that says Already liked our page.
      Not sure why they make it so discreet. Added to description in case others have this issue.

      • Thanks. That worked. Just worries me a little when I see 'zip code' and 'country' on forms. Let's hope we get these :)

        • Page actually looks pretty sketchy so I used a PO Box. Looks pretty unprofessional plus it prompts you to share some strange survey upon completion of the form. I wouldn't use my street address on a form like this.

        • +1


          i used a parcel locker

        • @leekatdel:
          Not to mention the typos.

    • Same here

    • Click "Already liked our page" and a form should pop up.

      • And never like the page!

  • i cant see any form

    • You need to click on the small link on the left that says Already liked our page. to open up the form.

  • theres no form no matter what i click

    • Can you show me a screenshot?

    • You can't do it via mobile need a pic. Or if you do it via mobile type in facebook.com/home.php to bring up desktop site (think you need to log on first)

  • no form shows…
    edit: my bad, you click the link below

  • Look for the link in the bottom left corner. Just submitted my entry successfully :)

    Thank You!
    We'll get your Spirax Student Planner sent to you ASAP!

  • Direct link?

    • The link on this deal is the direct link, but you still have to click the Already liked our page button on the left side of the Facebook page.

  • Thanks, great freebie! :)

  • All I get is
    The page you requested is not found.
    Searching fb direct shows first 50 well maybe another oz b bomb?
    Perhaps a link and not screen shot?
    Thanks anyway

    • +1

      Still working fine for me and I'm pretty sure it's already a link and not a screenshot.

  • +1

    Thanks OP :D

  • What exactly is a student planner?

  • +1

    Thanks worked when got off tablet to pc thanks op

  • Thanks

  • My mind just jumped back at least 25 years when I saw that Spirax logo.

  • Worked. Liked Spirax and the form came up straight away. Filled in and pisto. Says we will have the planner sent to you :)

  • +1

    Ozbargain you've done it again! ๐Ÿ‘

  • "studen edge email" ?
    Do you need a student email?

    • Yeah most likely will receive an email, please provide your student edge email address.

  • Personally I dislike the feeling of squashing my hand into the spiral binding of diaries. Even for free I'd avoid it.

    • +1

      When applying for one they asked your favourite type of book (ie. Case Bound). Not sure if you'll get the type you chose.

      • +1

        I have a feeling that was just a survey question and they just send everyone the same type.

  • +1

    Any one received them, or is it too early to say?

    • Deal is now over, so hoping it will come…

  • Still haven't received anything… Doesn't look good so far…

    • Same. Doesn't look you can contact Spirax to ask them wtf is going on.

    • +1

      i received mine today!

    • I received mine as well today!

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