• expired

Unlimited Data & Unlimited Calls to 5 Countries on Vodafone Prepaid $30 Cap & above Weekend Only

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Unlock every weekend from 7th Feb 2015 until April 26 extended to August 16 on selected Prepaid Caps.

Right now, connect or recharge on the $30, $40 or $50 Cap, and go wild. This weekend, and every weekend until April 26, 2015, August 16 we’re giving you all the data you want in Oz plus unlimited standard calls to India, USA, UK, NZ and China (excludes Hong Kong). Our fair use policy applies, and see below for T&C.

Surf the web, and stream music and video to your hearts content. Tell your mates overseas about all your adventures, every single step of the way. Grab a Prepaid Cap, and call and stream like no one’s watching.

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Geez, are they trying to get their network overloaded and ruined again???

    • +5

      Last time they did Unlimited data weekend for Post-Paid, Pre-Paid and Mobile Broadband services, it handled it fine.

      Or are you talking a few years ago before the network upgrades?

      • 1 weekend compared to 12 consecutive weekends is the unknown here.

        Seems like a crazy idea given how allegedly expensive mobile data is meant to be. Also seems odd to offer this to prepaid customers but not postpaid customers. If it's to appease those who were thinking of signing up around a year ago (when Vodafone withdrew their data add-ons for new customers which could be paid for using funny money) but didn't get around to it, it seems an odd/delayed response. Yeah, I can't work it out.

        Good luck Voda.

        • +1

          Its meant to be expensive, data is dead cheap now a days as TPG owned Pipe is serving backhaul at like 1/10th of price compared to Telstra. Telstra's 4G backhaul data pipes are not even filled 40% at most peak periods but no MSP would like to bring an era like EU (Europe) where 8GB of data, 800 sms and 800 mins of calls all over WU costs just 18 Euros on a full services provider.

        • +1


          The data cost on 3G/4G isn't international or domestic cost that is expensive it is air interface data that is expensive. That is there is only a limited amount of actual 3G/4G data that can be carried at any one time. This limited licensed spectrum is very expensive, look at how much Telstra spent on the 700MHz spectrum. New towers and upgrading old ones is expensive. Then you have the power and all the power backup systems. If it was all so cheap and easy, the other companies would have entered the market or bought out Vodafone.

          One would hope that Telstra's 4G backhaul pipes are not very full at peak times, as they will need to carry much more data in the coming months as more 700MHz capacity is added.

          Comparing with Europe is just a joke. Have you seen the size of Europe compared to Australia. Now look at the population densities. Big difference. Even when you look at Australian cities, they are very low population density by world standards. Tokyo's population density is 7 times (700% higher) than Sydney's.

        • Keyword: allegedly lol

        • @not a bargain: That's hardly good reasoning for data being expensive.

          And then you finish with er … how much less we actually use the spectrum compared to cheaper markets?

      • Yeah where you live. I tried to download a 5GB movie and normally I get 6Mbps downloads but on that weekend it was hard to even get a website. There were people bragging they had used 1.2terrabyte of data over that weekend, we failed to download a 5GB HD movie and it was only when normal service returned on monday morning that I used 200 MB of my allowance to complete the download.

        I guess that this was the main city/regional town divide in play again.

        Vodafone allowing individuals to download more than a TB over a weekend was imo gross negligence on their part. I wouldn't be surprised if there was something in the T&C for this offer which indicates a fair use policy.

  • Does this work on data prepaid too? I will be able to make calls from it?

    • +3

      It's only on prepaid caps.

  • +7
  • Hmm. Shame Vodafone don't have any 700MHz spectrum or Carrier Aggregation like Telstra 4GX or Optus. But then again they do have a lot of continuous spectrum.

    • Not sure what Vodafone's data speeds are like elsewhere, but they are easily the fastest network in Perth. Mind you, I haven't tested Telstra's 700Mhz yet.

      On my Nexus 5 with Telstra 4G I can average 10-20Mbps on a good day.
      Work phone with Vodafone 4G I just did a test and got 38Mbps down with 2/5 bars of signal, I've seen with my own eyes results of 100Mbps in the Perth CBD.
      Optus is a complete basket case in Perth, lucky to get 10Mbps on 4G most of the time.

      Sure, Vodafone don't have the best coverage, but their 4G data services are pretty good.

      • +1

        I have tested personally Optus 4G i get 68 mbps DL & 11 Uploads in Perth

        • Was that before or after they implemented the new 700Mhz?

          I must admit it has been a good 6-8 months since I've tested Optus personally, but my mate was with them and he never stopped complaining about slow speeds and dropped calls.

        • @bonezAU:
          Yes this is recent test i did few weeks ago..In the past as well i haven't had any problems in Slow speeds or dropouts etc..

        • @bonezAU: Was your mate in Adelaide by any chance?

  • +9

    Combine with their current online offer

    $15 for the $30 pack

  • Noice one Voda, way to go bit of heat in the market.
    T-$ & optus won't like that:) :) ..I hope it catches on.

    Although I get this deal at present throughout the month as a Favourite packs/legacy-prepaid-VHA user.. . well, technically to 18GB, or 2GB+($750/16)*350 MB.
    This make things easier. ->AFAIK limited by 2gb sessions per each modem 'power cycle' .

    Tel-cos were questioned lately on WHY don't they instate monthly rollover data, given the poor options in Australia. Now I see this as what VF rumoured as it hinted big upcoming plans in the new year. It opens the gate to consumers, as if to one up counterparts' probable rollover products and harder to obtain $5-$0.50-per-gig supermarket 'specials'.

    Of course, all-you-can-eat & "flat-rate" is hardly so especial in the United kingdom +united states +where it's offered on 24x7 days. May voda's ingenuity here mark the beginning of shining a light on two twins who have held us back.

    • +3

      Why congestion is such a big thing here in Oz whereas density is 5x or 10x in cities of US and UK. They have all you can eat data and calls and after Fair Usage falls back to Unlimited HSPA+. People consume many 100GBs and here even if you mention the word unlimited the Whirlpool members (some of them Big T employees of course) say it will lead to congestion

      Why not try unlimited data for 4 hours a day off peak between 2AM to 6AM and see how it goes. Its a very controlled market here and we sheeps are happy and never complain.

      • +1

        When we visited the UK Nov'13 we bought a GiffGaff simcard for £10 calls & data for the month. It included something like 250 mins of calls and unlimited 3G internet. The speeds were not that flash and they had a T&C normal usage and kick off policy. When I looked at GiffGaff's forum there were plenty of grumpy kick offs whingeing on there.

        This idea that Internet and 3-4G is brilliant everywhere other than Australia is not borne out by my personal experience and we've been to a dozen countries over the past couple of years.

        • 3G and 4G speeds are probably the best in the work here in OZ, I am talking about data allowances and the mentality of that 1GB data allowance on a $50 plan with a new mobile !

        • From Malaysia here. Our fibre optic struggled to go past 5mbps. 4G speed that's only up to the standard of 3G+ here. Very happy vodafone customer choosing their 4G because it's better than "fibre optic" back home. Also very happy FTTH subscriber averaging 30mbps down while only subscribed 25mbps down. It's a lucky country at least in terms of telecommunication.

        • @regenade: Please don't say you meant world …

      • Australians never complaining about telcos … really? :D

    • I'll give you a hint … they don't get paid more money by doing it that way.

  • So will it work for user who already got it recharged like last week? or will it work on new recharges from now?

  • +2


    • I am a current Vodafone Prepaid customer, am I eligible for this offer?
      > If you are a new or existing $30, $40 or $50 Prepaid Cap customer, this offer will automatically apply to you on weekends provided you are within your 28 day expiry period. Our $10 Cap is excluded from this offer.

    I have used my Prepaid Cap inclusions before my 28 days is up, am I still eligible?

    Yes! So long as you are within your 28 day expiry period, this offer is available on the applicable weekends.

    My Prepaid Cap has expired, but I have a Prepaid Data add-on that is still within its expiry period. Am I eligible for the unlimited data weekend offer?

    No, this offer only applies to Prepaid Cap services that are within their standard 28 day expiry period.

  • "Unreasonable use

    1. It is unreasonable use of Vodafone Data Services where Your use of Vodafone Data Services is reasonably considered by Vodafone to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the Vodafone Network or other Vodafone customers' use of or access to a Vodafone Service or the Vodafone Network."

    So I suppose Voda is free to decide whether 2, 20, or 200GB is unreasonable.

    • If you head over to whirlpool, some people did download towards 600-700gbs and no problems at all.

    • The ol' limited unlimited plan. You know, selling you something that isn't as described and it being legal due to some "best effort" clause that allows this deception.

    • Unlimited — style/marketing, over unmetered — substance; nothing new 4 these arguments. Most mobile hdds are constrained with 120gb, so I'm going with that.

  • Voda is catching up. Capacity/Coverage improved a lot, especially around outter suburbs.

  • Is it applicable to portable wi-fi modem Vodaphone sallying through Coles?

    • Unfortunately no. It only applies to prepaid caps

  • Can anyone recommend a modem that makes full use of this? Or will an iPad Air 2 get the maximum (Cat4 device I think)

  • I don't think you can use it as a hotspot to share for other devices use. Correct me if i am wrong.

  • as per terahammers post don't forget the 50% off $30 starter packs at the moment.

    Picked one up from dse (Sydney cbd) today and they were low on stock.

    $15 for weekend 4G data hammering for a month is a pretty good deal to me.

    It will also go nicely with the telstra 4g hotspot that I picked up for $59 and that bagman unlocked.

    • I think you need to buy the starter pack and then top up with $30 or more. That is the way I read it.

    • nice……………..is the 50% available online, couldn't find it :(

  • Activated a sim just after midnight and recharged. Was going well til I went over the included 1GB and then nothing… Will see if it works again saturday morning I guess.

    Nevermind. Restarted phone and it's baaaack :D

    FWIW: $2 sim pack and a $30 recharge from 7/11

  • Just need to setup a reconnect script on my LTE router, every ~2GB or so.

    • +2

      I plan on using a Dovado Tiny to overcome this issue, It can ping a set of 3 public IPs and reboot if they can't be reached. It can also shut the power off to the USB port totally thus fully restarting the USB modem.


    • +1

      4G Pocket Wifi Web Interface - Scripted Browser Plugin - Every X mins, changed settings to 3G, wait a bit, change settings to 4G. Done. Initiates a reconnect to the network and its reset again. Just set X mins to whatever time it takes you to hit 2GB.

      I'm getting 25-30mbit average download. Works out to around 3 MB/s with peaks up to 4MB/s.

      • @MetalPhreak
        If your zte is anything like mine you could prolly poll the data usage from the device and only reconnect on 2gig (seems to be 2.01gig?).
        Im making a browser plugin for chrome for the mf60 by zte and was able to find the two urls it gets its info from, on my device their….
        /refresh_data.asp … gets the status data including how much you've downloaded.
        /logo_data.asp … gets the device stats like signal strength, network, blah, blah
        …never know, might work on yours too. What comes back is a js object. its not jsonable but I made some code to turn it into json so you can parse it simply, if you need it just say. Ive already got my library for getting the stats and connecting and reconnecting, now to tie it all together and make a gui…urgghhhh, hate doing html/css.

  • Tethering works fine. Seems to occasionally throw up a 'Insufficient Credit' message but a quick 'airplane mode' cycle sorts that out. Done about 6gb.

  • has anyone tried using a pocket wifi modem with this or with tethering are you able to connect your phone to a pc to use th data or a wireless hotspot from you phone? thanks in advance

    • +1

      Tethering/Wifi Hotspot worked fine on my iPhone 6+ but I still want to use my Optus number for calls (and so people can contact me).

      Went and bought a 4G Pocket Wifi today (and a nano-sim adapter). It works just fine :)

      $99 at Dick Smith for the pocket wifi. Just grab a normal sized $30 sim starter pack if you have no intention of putting it in a phone that uses a microsim. Or a $2 sim + $30 credit.

    • Yes, as my ADSL has been down this has worked out perfectly.

      Ive been using the Telstra ZTE 4G MF910 wifi modem with a usb connection to my PC, as well as wifi connecting other devices.

      Over the weekend speeds have been anywhere between 20Mbit/s and 50Mbit/s. This averaged out to be anywhere between 2MB-5MB/s but mainly about 3MB/s.

  • +1

    wow this is insanely good for people like me without any adsl or cable connection. Can update all my steam library and download movies!

    • Finally utorrent on mobile :D

      • +1

        That is exactly what i'm doing all weekend:)

  • I've been limited to around 500-600kb/s this weekend:

    Last weekend during our unlimited offer your data consumption breached our Fair Use Policy. To regulate your usage, your data speed will now be limited for this weekend only. To find out more about our Fair Use Policy, head to http://vfau.co/pynkv

    • How many gigs did you download?

      • ~500-600kb/s:
        15th February ~32GB used
        14th February ~17GB used

        Full speed:
        8th February ~46GB used
        7th February ~37GB used

        • How long did it take to download roughly say a gig on full vs limited speed?

    • Second that, love to know how many gigs.
      I got 30something this weekend, hope thats not too much.

      • I've got 20 GB so far. They really need to publish these guidelines of what's fair or not.

    • I've been completely blocked for this weekend according to sms, used a lot less data than you guys too.

      • Hmm have to check
        edit: all ok

      • Wasnt for using a mobile broadband thingy was it?….I got banned for that.

    • "during our unlimited offer" you used too much data. LOL

    • Reads as tough it might merely demote one to 3g signals only. Seems fairly innocuous.

    •   ~500-600kb/s:
           15th February ~32GB used
           14th February ~17GB used

      Finally. A tel-co getting into the iSP game
      Midnight hour> Awesome power 8)

  • Yeh, I've got around 25gb, for $15 is a great (Oz) bargain. I have to reboot every 2 Gb or so

    • Same… gets kinda annoying when you have to do it manually too… anyway of automating the process for the huawei e5372 modem?

  • +1

    Well I got band this weekend for "using a mobile broadband device that breached their Fair Use Policy"…even though there is absolutely NO mention of devices in the FUP any where!!!
    Screw Vodafone, who the hell wants to deal with a company that cant be upfront with its customers and just makes up rules as it goes along.
    The device by the way is an e5331, the optus one.

    • +1

      Did they SMS or email you?

      My device just shows up "SMS only" on the screen. No messages or emails from them. It's one of their own devices too.

      Our rights

      1. Where You are in breach of this Fair Use Policy, Vodafone may contact You to discuss changing Your usage so that it conforms to this Fair Use Policy.

      2. If, after Vodafone has contacted you, Your unreasonable use continues, Vodafone may, without further notice to you:

      a) suspend or limit the Service (or any feature of it) for any period We think is reasonably necessary; and/or
      b) terminate Your agreement in accordance with the relevant Part of Section 2, Terms & Conditions of the Standard Form of Agreement.

      Skipping step one is a breach of their own policy. Might just send this one to the TIO. They know damn well they shouldn't advertise unlimited if they can't supply it. If it's not unlimited, put a number on it.

      • They sent me an sms and only one, to say Ive been banned…..

        Last weekend during our unlimited offer you used a mobile broadband device that breached our Fair Use Policy. We've now blocked your account from further data consumption for this weekend only. To find out more about our Fair Use Policy, head to http://vfau.co/pynkv

        Ive never contacted a TIO before, what should I do?
        If theres a way to make a fuss over this then I want to, I HATE shonky business.
        One thing that caused me a buttload of hassle was I planned on using the phone this weekend and couldnt, because they didnt just ban my free weekend they banned my from net and phone!

        • I would contact TIO, its shonky to me.
          Unlimited is meant to be unlimited. Not some 30gb or whatever limit. Their fair play policy is a piece of dog shit with doesn't explain anything. One employees view of fair data usage could be 2gb to another's 20gb.

          At the least, they should let you use your stored data e.g. Not unlimited

          Discussion here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/183960

        • @Food:

          At the least, they should let you use your stored data e.g. Not unlimited

          Hell yeah. Lucky for me I still had megs on my optus sim and minutes (luckily Optus gave me 60minutes for my bday, I never buy minutes, just use it for net, hate phones).

          I would have still bought the sim (luckily I got it for half price from coles for some reason) if they had of said it was just 2gig each weekend, but no they have to lie to get customers.

          One good thing did come from this, it helped me convince my neighbour to leave Vodafone….haha, you suck Voda!

        • I'll check mine again this weekend and see if it's only a "for this weekend only" ban.

          Chuck it in my iphone and make up for last weekend :D (phone line installed next week and I'll finally have a real internet service)

  • Uncharged. unmetered. free period. Take your pick. Or perhaps would they change it for a 1 in 100 oafs who lack common sense. 150 is typical to fixed line, wireless is one-fifth as efficient, not hard to do the usage math.

    • adjective
      not limited; unrestricted; unconfined:
      unlimited trade.
      boundless; infinite; vast:
      the unlimited skies.
      without any qualification or exception; unconditional.

      If there's a limit, then it's not unlimited. It's that simple. If I downloaded at max speed 24/7, then I can see it being unreasonable - still not an excuse for the misleading word. However, to be disconnected without any communication for an entirely not unreasonable amount of usage, is entirely unacceptable.

      They know exactly what they're doing by choosing to advertise it this way. If they don't want to provide what they promised consumers, then they can face the consequences of the ACCC and TIO like all the other telcos who've abused the term unlimited in the past.

      • Certainly no qualm with a dictionary definition. I only advocate keep it 'Uncharged.' 'unmetered.' 'free period.' No dilution.

        But I see the term being a bit vibrant, if supply is being cut off abruptly without communication etc.

        How do the voice unlimited products skirt this one. Class it for Non-business, proscribe an arbitrary low quantum (i.e 2400 mins)? /Possibly grandfather it.

  • I can't access anything saying insufficient funds! I would not have downloaded more than 1GB last night. WTF?

    • You need to disconnect and reconnect every 2gig, maybe that was it?

      • I got the same message and I'm guessing I went over 2gb.
        The 4G makes it go so fast!

  • Discussion on not so unlimited unlimited data here

  • Thank you.

  • Has been extended to August 2, thanks to holden93.

  • So question - I have a prepaid cap with 12 days or so remaining - all good. Data included in the cap is running out, something like 125mb left, so i've added a data add on pack of 2gb.

    Will the weekend be free or will it eat out of my data add on pack?

  • Merged from Vodafone Unlimited Data Weekends for Prepaid, Now through 2 August

    cniminc posted this deal regarding the plan itself, at https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/192266.

    For some of us, the real deal on this page is the unlimited data weekends for a minimum of $30/month, previously scheduled to end in May, but now extended through August 2, 2015 — which takes us almost through the footy season, for those of us with the free AFL-watching phone/tablet streaming deal we got by creating a fantasy league a couple months back. :-)

    Vodafone, picking up the $3 tethering-allowed Optus Data Days slack since 2015! (An equivalent amount of data was available on Optus Data Days for $24-$30, if you total up the cost of Optus Data Days on the 4-5 weekends of a month, but Voda's 4G network is faster in the non-student areas of Sydney than Optus's has been recently. So this is a good deal if you want to do a lot of net'ing on your phone (or mobile broadband connected laptop) on the weekends.)

    • Does this work for other companies using vodafone network ?

    • +1

      Will this work if I just buy a prepaid sim?

      • +1

        I'm prepaid and it works.
        I used 15gb this weekend uploading all my photos.
        Keep on mind it limits you to 2gb sessions and then stops. You then need to turn your device off and on again to reset for another 2gb.
        Its a bit of a pain but way quicker than my ADSL2 upload speeds.

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