I know this code was posted before but it seemed it didnt work. Today 7.43 pm it does. Just purchased JACOBS CREEK CANCELLED EXPORT MIXED CASE (12) price $75 delivered for only $45 delivered.
Will make great christmas pressies.
I know this code was posted before but it seemed it didnt work. Today 7.43 pm it does. Just purchased JACOBS CREEK CANCELLED EXPORT MIXED CASE (12) price $75 delivered for only $45 delivered.
Will make great christmas pressies.
not working 08:44 on 19th
I shouldnt… but i did… thanks.
Great find. Was 30, now 27 of the Jacobs Creek left.
Thanks - I got the Mclaren Vale Shiraz Clean Skin!
good cheap presents…some to myself. 15 left now! thanks
Thanks….. 4 left.
woot got the last 1
works out to be under 4 bucks per bottle!!!!
yep…$3.75 to be exact! Same price as a bottle of coke from 7-Eleven!
yep, thats the one I got! Awesome….just AWESOME!
bought a case Bin 28 for $125 delivered, good price
Cheers for that - bought the same
:) yeah, the 2004 Bin 28 is awesome!
more cases being mixed for despatch within 72 hours….
I hope the jacob's creek is sweet.
Anyone know?
Doesn't seem to work for Coronas
Yeah, it says beer is excluded from vouchers.
Where do you actually enter the code to get the discount? Is it after the cc details screen?
Worked for me, thanks for posting this.
Just got money back through moneyback co, didnt go through them though, made wine even cheaper.
jacobs creek is a very good wine. A favourite overseas.
Would love it BUT not working 08:44 on 19th……….
" Coupon code is invalid or unrecognised
Please correct or remove the Voucher code and click Apply "
0 stock. voucher doesn't work.
Bought the cancelled export mix last night and the coupon still worked, however there was zero stock left? Hopefully the back-order doesn't take too long… but at this price I'm happy to wait! :D
Those who purchased, can you post when you receive the deliveries?
not working anymore… p*ssed off!
Yep, it no longer works. Seems like you snooze you lose
looks like the $30 off expired
hmm this one is $20 off, works for me: FLYINGSTART
Doesn't work, limited quantity. Thank you.
Where is the beer section? can not find it anywhere
recived my wine delivered today. Very good wine. Had it for breakfast.
Got mine today. 12 bottles from a 4 star rated winemaker for $30 delivered!!!!!!!!!!!!
Might tell you what it tastes like if I have time :)
Received mine. Cheers.
It's funny… They've replaced the old case (sold out) with a new case. The main differences being 3 Merlot being replaced with Shiraz, and the following clause:
Someone finally caught on. I'm glad my $45 transaction went through, but I'd rather have it on my doorstep than their warehouse, just so they can't change their mind.
Hmm I still haven't received my order, however the amount has been deducted from my credit car BUT it doesn't give me details of the business deducting the amount… I would rather have mine already too! When you say your transaction went through, does it say on your statement 'Winemarket' or something?
They debited the full amount of my purchase ($75) not including the $20 "FLYINGSTART" code above, despite sending me a confirmation email stating $55.
The courier company they use are completely inflexible. It looks like the wine was left at my door (as the courier company wouldn't give me a choice) and went missing.
Waiting to see what their response will be.
Any updates on them debiting $75?? I have the same problem .
Yeah, nothing on my statement regarding the purchase either. Suss.
Edit: I called up my bank to check the items that haven't yet appeared on my statement. There has been no recent $45 transactions on my credit card, despite me receiving the confirmation Email from them. I think Winemarket are cancelling the transactions… I'll be Emailing them.
a lot of items have the no further discount line now :( Even the expensive stuff, oh well, still the cheapest place on the net for moet
I didn't receive any order yet. Has anyone get it?
Sent this email:
It has been a week and I have received no further correspondence regarding this order. Could you please confirm when this order is expected to be sent out?
Received this reply:
I apologise for the delay on this order, we have had some stock delays which have held this order up. Your order is currently on its way to our Melbourne warehouse where it will then be distributed to your local area for delivery. I am following up with the carrier for an eta on this order and will advise shortly.
Puts my [alcoholic] mind at ease.
Received it today. Got Shiraz Cabernet instead of Merlot. I'm fine with that, since I bet years of beer, vodka and other Pub/Club alcohol has desensitised my tongue so much that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. ;)
Thanks for posting the offer Rack.
Imh86, are you near the CBD? I'm about 40 kms out and still haven't received mine. However I did call them and they told me the same thing, that it was on its way. Hopefully I see it soon!
Yes, I am close to the CBD (~10 mins). I've already cleaned up 1 bottle. :) GL getting yours soon!
@TimeOrMoney: Yay received mine today, funny that they deliver on a Sunday? Oh well no complaints at least I was at home. Keen to have a taste!
still havnet received mine, anyone from perth got theirs?
got mine last week on wednesday. tried on friday. not bad……
hey guys hope you's have all recived your wine. I am loving mine. Still hunting for more codes. I'll post when i find them. Loving the jacob creeks wine. Beautiful
Excellent - worked for me - thanks