• out of stock

HP Stream 7 32GB Windows 8.1 Tablet (Free Office 365) $125 Delivered @ Amazon

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Great deal, same price from the Microsoft store and shipping is cheap.
It's out of stock at the moment however you can still order for when it's back in stock

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • With an atom processor and 1gb of ram, I'd wager it would be very slow, I'd seriously consider what I would be using it for and check wether an android could also do it,as the android would be much quicker and at this price point it will be the only thing that could do it. (I was also going to say Ipad for apple fans but they aren't this cheap.)

    • Well, Windows is an operating system geared for productivity.

      You can't run Office 365 on an Android tablet, I guess this is where Microsoft thought they could beat Android at by bundling these tablets with a personal Office 365 subscription. And it's not like you need top end specs to run office anyway, so this is in fact a very cheap solution for a student or low income earner to get a chance to run Windows and have access to a high quality office suite.

      7 inches however is a bit too small for a Win8 tablet.

      • hence the "I'd seriously consider what I would be using it for and check wether an android could also do it" comment…

        • But any consumption activities android can do windows also could do.

          This comment is suggesting that windows can also do much more powerful things. On a low end device it might do them poorly, but at least you have the option. Android can't do them at all.

          I love android and develop apps for android, but on a tablet it doesn't come close to windows.

        • @jazoom:
          my point exactly.

    • It is also worth keeping in mind that a standard office 365 subscription is between $90-120 roughly. If you have a need for the subscription this is a bargain buy for a tablet

    • Actually windows devices run far better than android devices at low specs. Sourse: I've used many of both.

      • *Sauce

        • Haha nice. Yeah, I don't know why autocorrect would choose "sourse". That's not even a word!

  • +1

    I have an older win 8.1 tablet, with a slower atom processor and the performance for basic tasks like web surfing, ebook reading and watching movies is perfectly fine. I imagine this one would be also perfectly acceptable for such tasks.

  • +2

    It's one of the newer Atoms, they tend to get a bad rap still. Have one and they're pretty proficient at getting alot done. Can multitask and everything but 1GB ram will be a limitation.

  • If only it was still in stock. I would buy it in a wink

    • You can still order it and Amazon will ship it out when they get stock back in which shouldn't be too long to wait. Basically a back-order.

  • +1

    Noticed this & was going to post this yesterday, but it was out of stock. OzB doesn't take to that well.

    That aside the Atom Z3735G CPU in this is ~92% of the speed of Z3740 which is used in the T100 or ~73% compared to the Z3775 refresh. Comparison(cpubenchmark.net).

    I don't imagine it would be sluggish with just 1-2 programs open, but the 1GB does limit it substantially for heavier multitasking. From this review(youtube.com) apparently already has 84% of RAM used up on bootup. This model is mostly for media consumption than productivity IMO. Also no BT which would have been useful for some light gaming with Steam.

    Some vids on YT(youtube.com). 3D gaming is pretty laggy(youtube.com).

    I still might get one though; minus the Office 365 sub its almost a free tablet.

  • +1

    Its the RRP.

  • May be temporarily out of stock but still available on back-order for the same price.

  • Question:
    Is the Office 365 OEM subscription locked to the device or is it transferable before activation?
    (i.e. Does it come in re-saleable serial key cards?)

  • +2

    Back in stock now.

  • Back in stock - 1 , thanks

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