Applecot » user profile

Member Since | 04/04/2014 |
Last Seen | 10/02/2021 |
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Usually find shipping is within about 10 days to Brisbane

Applecot replied to
norkle on Cards, Dice and Meeples - Online Board Game Retailer: Mansions of Madness Second Edition for $130 + $10 Shipping

$140 for P&H within AU + 3% paypal surcharge or 2% bank deposit surcharge apparently

It does happen. Remember to upgrade the BIOS! Recently assembled a system that inexplicably would POST but freeze during bootup with a 3rd…

Not entirely sure why people are commenting on the 2600K, etc as they are a completely different class of processor to this one. I'd…

Applecot replied to
Sam Tea on 50% off Contact Lenses Online with Specsavers. Free Shipping. VIC (MELB CBD)

Rx - Latin is Recipe: to take.

I thought it ran down from when you first launched the game.

Applecot commented on Sony Xperia Z3 Compact 4G $499, Samsung Galaxy S5 Dual Sim $575 Delivered @ DWI
While it doesn't normally come with a stylus, the Z3 normally does come with a OTG USB cable.

It's one of the newer Atoms, they tend to get a bad rap still. Have one and they're pretty proficient at getting alot done. Can multitask…

For some reason the 32GB version will ship but the 64GB version won't.

Yes. Resolution is only a small part of why you'd get these monitors. The bigger part is the amazing colour reproduction.

Applecot replied to
PainToad on UBER Brisbane - 2x Rides (up to $30 Each) for Uni Students at QUT or UQ

What on earth. The URL says they've been approved, everything in the article would suggest they've banned it.

Applecot replied to
PainToad on UBER Brisbane - 2x Rides (up to $30 Each) for Uni Students at QUT or UQ

Pretty sure if this service requires payment it contravenes some kind of law. At minimum it opens a huge can of worms when it comes to…

Gone up by 15 USD to make it about 260 AUD shipped.

Applecot commented on Gigabyte Radeon R9 290 Windforce 4GB - $449! + Shipping Limit 1 Per Customer @ PC Case Gear
Anyone in Brisbane can pick this up from Computer Alliance for the same price, comes with a free copy of BF4.

On some of the Amazon fulfilled orders where they do not offer the free shipping, I've found adding a game which does offer the free…

Had a shop around, decent number of games do have free shipping although the occasional one will not. YMMV.

Applecot joined OzBargain.
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