Hey OzBargainers,
Autobarn are selling H4-ballast Narva Plus 50 headlight bulbs under $20. Considering you can pick up normal H4 headlight bulbs from SCA/Repco/Bursons for $8 each, these are a great pick up. 50% off compared to Supercheap auto's current price (I don't know what the normal shelf price is at Autobarn). This kit include matching 5w wedge bulbs so your parking lights complement your new super bright headlights!
These Plus X headlight bulbs really do shine brighter; a worthy investment!
Here's the latest AutoBarn catalogue (check last page for this deal) here
Blurb from Autobarn:
"H4 Plus 50 Long Life Twin Pack
• Increase safety with 50% more light & 20m longer beam
SKU EL08438"
Autobarn also now do 'Click & Collect' which makes comparing prices b/w SCA and Autobarn easier.
perfect timnig, I just replaced my RHS headlamp….with what I found to be a failed globe that I'd been carrying around in my centre console for 12 months.