Castrol Edge 5W-30 Full Synthetic Engine Oil 5L $39.99 (Member Price) + Delivery ($0 C&C/In-Store) @ Autobarn


Castrol EDGE 5W-30 A3/B4 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil suitable for use in automotive petrol and diesel vehicles, where the manufacturer recommends an ACEA A3/B4, API SL/CF or earlier specification 5W-30 lubricant.

Castrol EDGE 5W-30 A3/B4 is approved for use in vehicles from leading manufacturers, please refer to the product performance section and your owners handbook.

Industry Specifications:

BMW Longlife-01
MB-Approval 229.3 / 229.5
VW 502 00 / 505 00

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  • +2

    price beat at supercheap auto get $38.99

    • +1

      Supercheap price beats a members only price?

    • Mine only got 50 cents lower but got free delivery

  • +2

    I stocked up. Thanks. Price beat with delivery from supercheap

    • +1

      How did you get delivery included from SCA?

      • My order of 4 bottles was over the $130 required for free shipping

  • Is this stuff fine to mix with Nulon Apex+ 5W-30?…

    Asking cause I got a couple of bottles of the nulon last sale but had to use one on another car so only have one left which isn’t enough for my Mazda 3.

    Otherwise I can probably find the nulon stuff for 45 ish Aud which I don’t mind, seems to have the latest API rating compared to this Castrol which is a bit older. Not sure if there is a general consensus on this castrol oil vs the nulon.

    • +2

      For such a small cost, I would never suggest mixing oils.

    • can but shouldn't

    • -1

      Don’t mix oils. It’s not worth it for such a mediocre saving. Unpredictable performance and interactions.

    • +6

      I don't see any harm as long as it's the same viscosity and same blend, synthetic/mineral etc

    • +1
    • -2

      Mixing synthetics is fine, mixing mineral oil with synthetics is not.

      An example, if you get your car serviced and then later check and "top up" the oil, you're mixing.

      Or … get an EV and avoid this nonsense altogether :)

    • Yeah someone said the additives in brands can be weird. So they can mix if different. Mazda 3 should be under 5ltr in most cases. If you have the 5.1 ltr requirement, you can buy a small bottle.

  • +1

    Thanks Mate, bought 2

  • +3

    I just checked and I have like 6 of these from previous deals, better give it a miss haha

    • -1

      Those are rookie numbers. I still have 2x 20L from that $15 per drum deal, think it was repco.

      Bought 2 bottles still.

      • +1

        I am getting through it, do a lot of driving and change my own oil.. maybe I should get more, could be the last time it's this cheap 😄

        • See comments below, you need to think up other uses for it. Salads is a good idea.

          • @Calvin27: I was legit wondering if I could use it as outdoor decking oil

            • @jjsnacks: I use used engine oil from my eGas Falcon to coat the plywood base of my trailer. Used engine oil from LPG engines often looks like new.

      • how long can these be stored for? i founded 2 new bottles for 10 years and afraid to use them.

        • A good video here about it. The conclusion is that it depends, you just need to physically inspect it really.

        • All PREMIUM-brand oil can be stored 10+ years…cap sealed & away from sun-light, lol

          Off-course observe-oil & feel for smoothness for any sign of degradation ?

  • -1

    They were previously on $25 each. I still have 6 from that years ago. I use it in cooking-not so good on the salads.

  • Thanks OP, also pricematched with SCA

  • How long can i keep these on the shelf?

    • +1

      According to the guy above who cooks his salads in engine oil, many years.

  • Serious question: how often / how much do you all top up your engine oil?

    • +1


      Toyota you just run it until it dies. No oil required.
      Audi, you fill up a litre every time you fill with petrol. No need to change the oil, burning is a feature!

      • I'm asking because I have problems with my BMW X5 petrol V8 leaking and burning oil. Are these problems really that common?

        • +1

          It was a joke. But yeah, not uncommon for a lot of euro cars to burn a lot of oil. I'm not sure if the bmw v8 is one of those engines, but I wouldn't be surprised. I recall some owners were told buring up to 1L per 1000km was 'in spec', ridiculous if you ask me but this is pretty far from an oil problem.

        • That's not a BMW problem it's a feature!

    • +2

      Corolla 2009, approx 185,000km mileage. Top up (approx 200-500ml) maybe once in between my service interval (annual or 10,000km whichever is the earlier). Sometimes I don’t bother and just wait for the oil change.

      • +1

        2003 Rav4, 360k km, uses zero oil between changes.

  • Can I use this for top up only( for VW Golf 2014) ? since engine oil light is On normally after 8000kms.

    • +1

      You should be doing your oil at least once a year, regardless of the engine oil light. That light means things are generally getting critical, and will result in a lot of gremlins in the car later in life.

      Top ups don't and should not replace full flushes. Your oil will build up with gunk and metal shavings from your engine over time. You need to flush that out once a year so it doesn't stick around, becoming an abrasive on the inside of the engine. Old oil also becomes thicker and impacts engine performance/economy if it gets really bad.

      • with cheap oil, nothing hurts a few extra changes. Mechanic I know just says, keep changing the oil…..

        • +1

          Agree. Regular oil changes outweighs any benefit you would get from buying a top spec oil or other additives.

    • +1

      Dude you need to check your oil more often… The oil light coming on means it's dangerously low.

    • Some VW (VAG) engines have two oil lights - amber is a level indicator which basically means it's too low so top now, red means stop NOW or you're up for a new engine.

      Hopefully you have this system and are topping up the oil when amber shows? If you're only getting red then you will be up a new engine sooner rather than later.

      What does your user manual say? If this spec is okay in the manual then it's 100% okay to top up with.

  • Why it says doesn't fit your vehicle, whereas some oils it says compatible and some not, though both are fully synthetic…

    • Different vehicles need different thicknesses, compounds and are temperature sensitive.

      • Oh. But even if this bottle says it's for Petrol and it is also 5w 30, like same 5 W 30 of penrite fits my car but not this one.

        • +1

          I would say if Penrite 5W-30 matches, this should too. It’s top spec oil.

          • @JSONBourne: Check on Castrol website the Autobarn website said it doesn’t fit my car but on Castrol’s website it says it fits.

  • Anyone know if we can add supercheap family code after price beat? Thanks

  • Anyone know why Castrol Edge 5w-30 is still API SP spec? 5W-40 is SP.

  • Any comments from Gulf Western Oil fan ?

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