This was posted 10 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FrootVPN Free VPN Allows Access to Netflix, Hulu, etc


Found this being promoted online. I'm getting into the idea of using a VPN since the gov't seems to want to know about every obscure torrent I want to download. Also I use netflix, so a free region unblocker is always nice. Anyway enough about my life story— here's some info from their FAQ, hope it's useful :) :


What is Frootvpn?
Our Goal is to provide you with censor free internet accessible to everyone. And protect your privacy online

Which Operating system and Devices does Frootvpn work for?
Frootvpn work on almost any platform such as Iphone, Ipad, Android, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Ubuntu. Frootvpn even work on your home router as long as it as VPN support.

Is FrootVPN free?
Yes Frootvpn is complete free! we dont charge you anything!

Do you keep logs?
We dont keep any logs of any kind. all we ask from you is your email address and username. and thats it. no other information is keept in our system.

Where are you servers located?
Our servers is located in Sweden and we operate under Swedish law which offer high internet privacy law for your safety

Do you have any bandwidth limitation?
There is no bandwidth limitation our servers are connect to 10Gbit backbone and you use full speed in our network.

Do you keep ANY logs which would allow you or a 3rd party to match an IP-address and a time stamp to a user of your service?
We do not maintain any VPN logs or data logs on our servers. all of IP addresses are dynamic and you will receive a new one everytime you connect and there is no timestamp or logs of which ip address you receive. Which will make it impossible for any 3rd parties or our staff to tell what ip address you got asigned.

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closed Comments

  • sweet, thanks!

    • +4

      negative, your isp will send you a few emails, usually to scare the user ;).

        • +3

          oh yes, ive known many who have, Got myen from tpg, several. Some must of hacked me o.o, i dont download : D

        • @drazenm:Are you new in the internet? I received plenty of email from TPG for downloading stuff using torrent. It depends if your torrent have tracker that checks for copyright infringement. Of course not all of them have it and rarely it does but for some older titles with very little torrent, the torrent is usually tracked to alert ISP.

          Still no biggie for now as they won't disconnect the internet for now. Our government is trying to do some stupid 3 warning and you are out system that if you are caught 3 times you will be fined or something like that.

        • +2

          Haha, thanks for the morning laugh mate.

          As for your conspiracy letters, just have a read of whirlpool. Someone is going to a lot of effort to make all those fake accounts to report they have received a letter from their ISP..

        • @forkus: I got one from Dodo ages ago but just ignore it. The copyright holders contact the ISP and the ISP just send you a letter and you throw in bin and that's that. Back in like 2007 my friend was with a budget ISP that would cut off his internet every time they got sent an infringement and he had to write his name in a box on the page it brought up saying that he wouldn't do it again lol

        • @Agret:

          Yeah mate, well aware of the letters and I know they exist as I have received a couple myself. At first they didnt really mean much but a few ISPs obviously now have the 3 strikes and your out policy to protect themselves.
          My comment was to drazenm suggesting the letters were a complete myth when they are obviously real.

      • +1

        ISPs are not legislated to do so presently, any system doing so has been previously automated and is probably 'missing' a large amount of 'copyright infringement claim' emails.

    • read below…
      "This may include looking carefully at the merits of a scheme whereby ISPs are required to issue graduated warnings to consumers who are using websites to facilitate piracy.

  • -1

    ive stoped downloading torrents ages coz i had no need to but i do know personally my mate got his ISP cut off because of it like 5 years back.

    • +4

      Then sign up for another ISP? There are plenty out there that want your money and will turn a blind eye.

    • Then they're a shitty ISP.

  • thanks OP.
    created an account, downloaded tunnelblick (as i'm a osx user) but can't seem to connect… perhaps their server is getting hammered.

    edit: hmm, after getting connected, i'm not able to surf anythiing at all. :(

  • I have Windows 7. Which one do I use - PPTP or OpenVPN?

    • +1

      OpenVPN if you want privacy
      PPTP if you want the best possible speeds and are willing to sacrifice security i.e people finding out your real location

    • +6

      Yes pptp is unsafe, I read any ISP or sniffer can pay a fee (down to $20), send sample traffic of your session, and then decode the session.
      Keep sessions short if it matters.
      The only safe way to surf I think, is with a device you found/buy without id. And use free Wifi outside of cafe/hotspot.
      Enabling Ssl/tls, using flash etc can bypass any vpn's anonymity afaik.

      I use Openvpn for sytemwide, along with AdvOR (tor) program for browser 2nd level. And (to surf ssl sites with ssl disables locally) and/or for nontracked surfing (no js or ssl required).
      pheew that felt good. best.

      • +5

        Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you…

  • +5

    Pretty slow:
    with VPN
    429ms ping
    2.42Mbps download
    0.28Mbps upload

    without VPN - yes my internet is not the quickest, but the above is 3 times slower, and the ping is horrible.
    28ms Ping
    6.73Mbps download
    0.75Mbps upload

    I didn't do a tracert, but I can only imagine.

    • +6

      Server located in Sweeden = EU region.

      AU -> EU are always above 350ms

    • +7

      That's expected, I suppose. I've used other VPNs, and the speed tends to be a little slower as opposed to using a proxy.

      I'm just a little sceptical. Why is this free? Over the years I've learnt that if something is too good to be true, it probably is.

      • +1

        Agreed with that comment. It does sound too good to be true. I remember this one episode on the Simpsons about pirating and they had to take shelter at the Swedish consulate.

      • Not only free, but too good to be true free!
        No logs
        No bandwidth limit

        It's either a lie, a scam or a launch where the first month is free and then they'll send you an invoice for month 2.

        • Or may be some agency started this up to see who all take the bait to find out all the pirate-rs? ;-p

        • +1

          @superm86: Well it's being promoted on the pirate bay homepage so pretty safe to say it is legit

  • +3

    How does this compare with paid VPN's like Private internet access?
    I've been using PIA for years now. Cheap, lots of servers in many countries, fast and each account can be used simultaneously on 3 devices.

  • the gov't seems to want to know about every obscure torrent I want to download.

    what do you mean by that? can you explain your story? what ISP do you have??

    • +8

      Govt recently passed a bill that they can now monitor the entire AU internet and every god damn PC they want off just 1 warrant. They claim this is to fight terrorism. But they have also been talking about issuing fines and sentences for pirates in general. Guess what do you get when the Govt has access to your entire meta data+can see anything you do on the internet with just 1 general warrant….specially if they want to take the anti-piracy stand?

      • +3

        But would someone think of the children?!!?!?!?!?

      • Monitoring torrents doesn't require special laws as they're basically broadcasting to the world what they're doing. I know for a fact it's been happening in this country for a while though I don't believe the system I'm aware of is related to copyright (and no not heard in a pub or online). Have a read about mirror switches and CALEA compliant hardware if you're interested.

  • +3

    How to use VPN with user & password saved on Windows.

    <NOTE: Most below is from memory, so it may be a tad wrong?>
    Also, Frootvpn is working on XP sp2 for me currently.

    Go to AceVPN & download their OpenVPN version.

    If you have other OpenVPN version installed, UNINSTALL it, and reboot now.
    Install AceVPN's OpenVPN version, and go to <yourdrive>\OpenVPN\config\ (you can remove all existing files here)

    Create a file "anything.txt" in …\config. Open "anything.txt" in Wordpad and add just your username on 1st line. And password on 2nd line. Save file.
    After saving "frootvpn.ovpn" to …\config..Open it in Wordpad, and add anything.txt to the line: auth-user-pass

    So you now have "auth-user-pass anything.txt" in .ovpn file. Save file.

    Connect. No need for pw entering again!

    Hope it works for you.
    Any questions I'll try to help tommorow.

    • +1

      Wow. Great idea storing a username and password in plain text.

      That was sarcasm. Don't do this. It is a terrible idea.

      • More important to me and maybe others is to not have to enter their password everytime. Its stored on your hd anyway.
        A vpn will never be a secure or anonymous comm channel anyway, with other technologies like ssl, script, flsh … working outside the box when they choose.
        Not a bad idea in reality, for many it saves time & effort.

  • Great deal, registered, thanks!

  • +2

    Netflix/streaming through a foreign proxy sucks a lot. You're better off with going with something like Getflix that simply avoids geoblocking and almost wholly preserves your download/upload speeds. I pay $2/month for Getflix and it's totally worth it. Unsure of other alternatives though.

    Of course this doesn't have the security of a full VPN/proxy server solution.

    • media hint is better

      • I'm interested. Care to elaborate?

      • Isn't Media Hint a browser plug in? That's not really a "better" solution. A "better" solution is one that is transparent, like GetFlix or UnblockUS - where you can set the DNS servers in your router and never have to worry about running an app or a silly browser plugin.

  • So when using a VPN, does it mean that I get the VPN's network speed?

    So assuming I have the lousiest net but if i use a VPN, my net becomes the speed of the VPN (ie, faster)?

    • Nope. The connection is bottlenecked by the slowest link in the chain, unfortunately. The VPN will actually make your connection slower, as its travelling physically further.

      • +1

        Plus encrypting and decrypting at both ends takes time too.

  • How can the server being located in Sweden let you access US netflix? Doesn't make sense to me lol

    • It's about routing traffic. Getflix has DNS servers in Australia that just route trafiic for particular destinations through US servers.

  • +2

    Where are you servers located?
    Our servers is located in Sweden and we operate under Swedish law which offer high internet privacy law for your safety


    Does anyone remember this?……

    Total internet traffic in Sweden went down 30% on the first day their anti piracy laws were introduced.

  • +3

    Free bird seed!
    What could possibly go wrong?

    The only person who we know is anonymous here is the person or agency running this "service".
    But perhaps you could go to their registered address in Panama and ask?

  • all these hoops and hurdles, they should be begging for your hard earned dollars..better off investing any money into Usenet access, enough 1080p bluray and tv to make your eyes water!

    • +4

      Just curious what Usenet do you use? I've been struggling to get content after nzbmatrix died.

      • Really? Wow you have missed some stuff. You can try oznzb, I don't personally use them as I have other indexers that went underground during the matrix shutdown, but I hear good things, as for actual servers its still DMCA'd pretty quick but if you use a always on SAB/sickbeard solution you rarely miss anything. If you are worried about power usage with an always on setup, use a Pi and a external drive.

        • Most of what you said didn't make sense to me :)
          I could understand oznzb. I think I tried but they simply have raw files. So, couldn't really get it to work.

      • I use a couple of closed sites, and usenet-crawler (open). Still use sabnzbd+ as my client. provider is Astraweb @ $20/3 monthly

  • Just pay for a decent VPN

  • +1

    How do they make money if it's always free?

  • Fyi: i did comparison between unblock and smartydns. Smartydns even gave us special discount:

    Wasn't aware about possibility of free DNS. Having said that paying $3-$4 per month for something that is working and good quality is not worthwhile changing. Won't be required soon anyways when netflix is officially launched next year.

  • I use Unblock US for Netflix for $4.99 per month. Works perfect no affect on download speed. I'm with Telstra ADSL2+ 17mbps down - 1mbps up. Streams in the highest quality. Well worth the money. All these VPNs affect download speed where Unblock US is simply changing the DNS

    • +1

      Try smartydns. I used both more for my comparison research. See link in my earlier post. Pretty much same setup. It was 2 minutes to update new DNS. Smartydns was slightly cheaper. So might as well save money. Having said that you are saving like $1-$2 per month. So you need to see whether 15 minutes of effort is worth that small saving :).

      • Cheers, I'll look into it. Setup isn't much of a problem could be worth it

    • Quotationz, do you use Telstra router? If yes, how did you change the config. I have Telstra Technicolor TG587n v3 and cannot change DNS settings.

      • Hey, I don't change DNS on modem just on the devices I use it on

  • -2

    Aw.. Just set up my VPS as a VPN before seeing this..
    That's a bit of a shame.

    Anyway, what speeds can you get through this service and where are their servers located?

  • Whats the best free software to secure P2P (uTorrents) downloads?
    Our OZB famous Cyberghost doesn't seem to protect P2Ps (or at least unable to find that option)

    • +3

      I was using PeerBlock for a while. Very basic software and very lightweight

      • +1

        I use PeerBlock as well.

  • thanks..

  • for nzb file sharing sites, use omgwtfnzbs

  • I am in china at the moment and it does not work

    • We'll probably be lucky to ever hear from you again! ;)

      • +1

        hey there, I'm in China too, we get our voices heard over the internet on ozbargain :p censorship is not that bad here.

  • +1

    So, how do these guys make money?

    • Don't ask, don't tell.

  • mine says pptp-vpn erver did not respond :(

  • Used it with no problems until recently. Router keeps freezing and started doing some good ol' research online. The last few comments on this article raises some concerns.

  • So, I pay $5 pm to change my DNS settings to access Netfix, Hulu via a Roku… What's the difference between what I do and this?

    I currently max out my connection.

  • Can't access Hulu via this, told me based on my IP address I'm trying to access hulu through an anonymous proxy tool and Hulu is not currently available outside of the US.

    any suggestions?

  • +1

    Guys, my guess is this is a honeypot, just like vpnbook. Check out the analysis conducted by an lulsec/anon member.

    If you can't determine how a service is making money, then chances are it is making money from the user. The same applies to the open proxies that are on the internet. Do some research on why you shouldn't use publicly available proxies.

    TO Quote:

    If you aren't paying for the service, you are not the customer. You are the product.

  • good

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