Also receive 4 double-sided cards!
Price Guarantee - If the price reduces between now and release date, you will be charged the cheaper price.
Pre-Order now, item will be dispatched 1 day prior to release date (3-12-2014).
For those that don't have a 3D TV or don't care for it, here's one of the last steelbooks available (Zavvi has sold out). 3D Bluray is about $40 for pre-order. Considering it's released just before Christmas, I wouldn't expect much stock around the place when it's released.
When purchasing pre-order items other than by credit card, please be aware that your payment will be taken in full as soon as your order is received. If the price drops before we send the goods to you, we will refund you the difference.
When purchasing pre-order items using a credit card we will take a $1.00 card pre-authorisation but full payment will not be taken from your card until the item is dispatched to you..
not sure this is really a bargain.