From Debbie LaChusa, author of this course:
I was probably a lot like you when I started my first business.
Full of ideas, passion, motivation and drive. But no experience running a business. I’ve learned so much in the past 16 years that I feel an obligation to share it with those who are just starting out, or those who are struggling.
Whether you’re thinking about becoming a coach or consultant, you’re just starting your business, or you’ve been in business for years and things aren’t going quite the way you’d hoped, I believe understanding the things I share in this course will help you.
There's no reason you have to discover these things the hard way.
Consider this course your sneak peek into the future of what it takes to run a successful coaching or consulting business. Your opportunity to learn from someone who has been there-done that and is now sharing it with YOU!
Enroll for free with a Tweet!
OK, lemme guess:
Thing 1 - have a twitter account
Thing 2 - be prepared to pimp it for free stuff
Thing 10 - greatly increase your market reach with a free offer (in return for a tweet)