Hi guys,
This is a deal that's been around for awhile where most ACT tertiary students and members of some other organisation have access to free Palace Cinema movie club membership.
ANU: http://www.palaceshop.com.au/anu-student/
UC: http://www.palaceshop.com.au/uc-student/
CIT: http://www.palaceshop.com.au/cit-student/
Clayton Utz: http://www.palaceshop.com.au/clayton-utz-complimentary-one-y…
National Gallery of Australia (Members?): http://www.palaceshop.com.au/the-national-gallery-of-austral…
The Department of Climate Change: http://www.palaceshop.com.au/the-department-of-climate-chang…
The terms and conditions for free membership appear to be the same as usual membership, which is discounted tickets during the year, a free ticket on sign-up and a free ticket for your birthday month.
There is no verification of identity prior to signing up but if you aren't a member of any of the above organisations you'd probably be breaching some terms of service by signing up - no idea if they'd contact people to verify afterwards (I wasn't contacted when I signed up earlier this year).
Thanks OP