Keep salespeople at bay with these simple but effective stickers, delivered totally free of charge by AGL.
Maximum 5 stickers per person.
Keep salespeople at bay with these simple but effective stickers, delivered totally free of charge by AGL.
Maximum 5 stickers per person.
Be sure to thank the ACCC , not AGL for your sticker. (And subsequent peace and quiet)
AGL are just trying to limit their competitors sales.
AGL can't doorknock anymore since the ACCC fined them 1.5million, but their competition can
Surprised TA didn't link to previous own deal,
ACCC: This sign is no longer produced. A digital copy is available for you to print and display
Origin: not showing any stickers available in search.
sorry, thanks - i should've checked :(
perhaps post this as a deal to avoid agl:……
btw… :)
Yeah, such a shifty tactic. I remember getting one with my bill, I'm like of course you don't want other people knocking on my door to change suppliers.
awesome, now when i'm having sex with my fish no one will interrupt. THANK YOU TA, YOU ARE GOD
agreed. wait what?
Where can I get "Do not raise my power bill by 30% every year!" and "Do not manufacture a 'gas crisis' just to export Australian gas to Asia" stickers?
Thanks TA :)
done and thanks
Thanks TA :-)
Why did someone neg this reply?
"Beware of rotweiller"
Do you want me to come to the door? I'll bring the treats.
Sorry @TheOneWhoKnocks
Do you want a medal?
yes please, wear that on my work shirt.
Who do you work for?
PS I don't take these from doors, I order the free ones……. anyways I work for (insert local solar company)
How much was your last power bill?
Ooh you're good! How much can I save?
Depends, my target audience is $300 and over. Would that be your household? :P
I'm sold. Where do I sign?
Woah nelly! Do you even get enough sunlight. Not gonna sell you anything till you've had a assessment.
Wish it was that easy at the door :P
@The Land of Smeg: Woah nelly! Do you even get enough sunlight. Not gonna sell you anything till you've had a assessment.
Wish it was that easy at the door :P
Your fridge must be ugly
I'm the one who knocks
No, you're Dobio. TheOneWhoKnocks will be here soon
Quick, look busy!
I won't be knocking anytime soon that's for sure.
Probably TheOneWhoKnocks is not interested in this deal…
It is a deal breaker for the poor guy…
the funny thing is, it's now the out of work doorknockers who are delivering these stickers to your door!
Are you knocking the door knockers? ;-P
certainly not if they have big knockers
Can this be placed on the security/screen door in a rental unit? Should I get the permission of landlord first?
Could be a good idea to keep the landlord or real estate away.
Knock knock…
who's there?
<nobody> nobody knocked. damn sticker.
I wish It works on my home phone
Try the "Do Not Knock Off" variety on your phone.
And remember you have to re-list after a while.
"Registration is free and is valid for eight years."
Please do not suggest this. The Do Not Knock signs are legally protected, the Do Not Call register is a scam.
"Some groups can still contact you after you register. These include charities, research companies, political parties and educational institutions"
You're basically signing up for a 'Do Call' register.
the Do Not Call register is a scam
It has worked for me. I haven't didn't have a sales call for years and then a few months ago we received three sales calls in as many days. I went onto the Do Not Call website and saw that my registration had lapsed (5 years or something). So I reregistered and not another call since.
No, worked fine all the work fax numbers I placed on it. Used to get a few advertising faxes each day. A few days after listing the numbers, nothing….
Their confirmation email [email protected] is perhaps the most depressing government department account known.
Haha. Remember home phones?!
I thought power companies were already not allowed to door to door knock?
Can I get a phone sticker that says " do not ozbargain"?
How do I get 6 TA?
They should read: "No Sales preachers and religious spruikers "
The irony…… keep not only AGL's but other companies parasites away
This will ruin my reputation…
This sticker has stopped 0 salespeople in last year at my place. It just confused genuine callers, who thought they should not knock, or "but you've got a door bell?" :-(
When I asked "Josh", a solar salesperson from Modern this week, why he ignored this sticker & a far more prominent Office of Fair Trading "No Door to Door Traders" one, he said it did not apply to him. He started full on swearing when I ask him to leave. This really upset my frail Father who had just come back from hospital.
I rang Modern and was told the PR Manager would ring back… (still waiting)
Filed a formal complaint with Office of Fair Trading. Might contact ACCC.
I rang Modern and was told the PR Manager would ring back… (still waiting)
they probably couldn't call back because you are on the "Do Not Call" list!
Thanks, our Chicken will love this.
I have solar panels on my roof that are clearly visible as you walk up my driveway. I still get the door to door salespeople asking if I've considered reducing my power bills by going solar.
They will use the bell for sure
Time to get rid of my bell & see what excuse they can make now
I've had one of these on my door before but took it down when a courier decided to card me instead of delivering the parcel. The next time I saw him I asked him why and he said because of the sticker…nothing more annoying than being home and getting carded! The card says no salespeople but only in fine print, they just see the DO NOT KNOCK part!
??? Depends on the individual.
I have delivery people knocking all the time. They know it's fine for them to knock.
I wish people would stop knocking at our place as we can't hear them at all. We have a large loud bell on a cord as our doorbell they can see and use. Yet there all too stupid to use it and keep knocking.
Consider it quality control;-)
Put a "You have to be this intelligent for us to bother answering" sticker on the door bell.
AGL are also not very bright. They came to read the gas meter a few months back. Claimed they couldn't because of a dog, that we don't even have/own. Didn't even bother to knock. Just carded us with there we couldn't be bothered kind of excuse.
Lazy meter reading contractors.
These work really well- keeps visitors away as well.
There's are free all year round however, a better way is to print a NO DOOR KNOCKERS sign and place that on Windows, it deters not only sales people but everyone else except your family and friends. Much better option. I never get sales, charity, Jehovah witness. With the AGL you still get a lot of different people knocking.
But I like knockers…
Do they have a sticker for Mother In Laws?
You like your mother in law's knockers?
Maybe a
sign, would be far more effective in keeping people away
"Religious door knockers will be forcibly converted"
Now all I need is free 'No Junk Mail' stickers and I will live in Serenity.
These work well. When I work from home I was surprised at the amount who visit. After putting a sticker on they don't bother.
Jehova's witnesses can't seem to read, through. Nothing stops them.
Jehova's witnesses
call up head office and be firm, they have a list.
Cheers, didn't know about this.
yeah they have a list…….. of people's houses they will try to burn down
how about a 'do not rip me off for my electricity' sticker?
I ordered one a few months ago but it never arrived. Thanks for reminding!
+1 me too
Bit rich considering the aggressive sales tactics AGL have been caught breaking the law with in the past… makes things like the do not knock register a necessity in the first place.
Bit like maccas sponsoring kids sport.