This was posted 10 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PINCH ME: Free 70,000 Samples of Kleenex Flush-Able Cleansing Cloths [Now Active]


Dry toilet paper alone doesn’t always provide a good enough clean. That’s where Kleenex® Cottonelle® Flushable Cleansing Cloths come in.

I just saw that on facebook and it is available now. Be claimed over their website as usual, at

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closed Comments

  • +37

    That's pretty good, but I don't know where I'm going to store 70,000 of em

    • +7

      Maybe where the sun don't shine…

      • +1

        70,000… go Broden! Not sure how the used second hand market is holding up for these though.

        • +6

          Not sure how the used second hand market is holding up for these though.

          i heard its gone to shit, but your mileage may vary….

    • oops, my fault, I meant 70,000 available for people :D

  • tomorrow …

  • Just don't use them all at once because this can happen:…

    • +24

      I admit that I tried to use baby wipe once, and it's just like a unicorn lick my butt, which is very nice. But never try again

      • +5

        Ouch, those god damn unicorn horns!

        HoleWhole new level of clean.

      • +1

        Once you've had kids, you find all sorts of uses for stuff like that.

        From the bedroom, to camping/backpacking.

        • can't agree more! I use it every where

    • Flushable ones will break down and not cause fatberg yeah?

      • +1

        apparently the answer is 'depends who you ask'. The manufacturers say it's fine, the sewage operators say they cause clogs and overload the system. There was a show on TV that showed how the flushable wipes were not breaking down and were causing major issues with treatment plants.

  • +1

    Thanks ntt I got these from there last promotion. Not sure if i will get this again.

    • Same, still got a box. but free is free

  • +1

    They are good to keep on hand the morning after a Mexican feast, lol.

    • Need menthol flavour wipes

  • +1

    plus'd for the comments.

    • -2

      I expected more tbh, these comments are terrible.

  • Just down the toilet.

  • -1

    Would it take a whole load however? Better stick to the crusty sock.

  • These are so much better

  • Wonder how many wipes in the sample pack? Maybe like a free wipe from KC/Red Rooster…

  • +1

    Flushable wipes are beginning to appear not so flushable afterall, please consider the environment when using……

  • A flush deal

  • +1

    Great for the bottom if not for the environment.

  • Its on now..

  • 'Claim now' button doesn't seem to be working for me

    • The website needs to log you in

  • +6

    I love the euphemisms when it comes to toilet paper.

    "Dry toilet paper alone doesn’t always provide a good enough clean."

    What they really mean to say is "Dry toilet paper can leave turd remnants on your arsehole".

    "That’s where Kleenex® Cottonelle® Flushable Cleansing Cloths come in."

    What they really mean to say is "Kleenex Flushable Cleaning Cloths remove the excess turd remnants and faecal marks on and around your arsehole".

    • hahahahah I can just imagine the ad over-dubbed with your words.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, on a side note I don't think I received the finish tablets from the previous deal.

  • Aren't these just wetwipes?

    They are a life/comfort saver when camping.

    • I don't think wetwipes are flushable

      • Not to disagree with you, but I'm wondering what the definition of flushable is? Does it have to be biodegradable?

        Wetwipes seem to be made of a fibre like material too (maybe synthetic) what is the difference compared to other stuff that people flush down the toilet everyday.

        • To be honest I have no idea why. My plumber said wetwipes get stuck in drains, these flushable wipes don't (break down easier?). Given the price of flushable wipes compared to regular toilet paper I'm not about to switch.

        • +1

          yeah it would mean they break down after a certain amount of time.
          If they didn't break down, they would easily get caught on roots (which most sewers have) and block the system.

          Believe me you don't want raw sewerage coming back up from a blockage. Had it happen twice now due to neighbours flushing plastic bags (probably dog poop)

    • These are a lot better as they are not as slippery/slimy

  • I must say, these are actually pretty good. Bought a couple from Coles when my free sample from last time was finished.

  • I'm setup to flush

  • Sandpaper grade?

  • +1

    Anyone who buys this stuff is just throwing their money down the drain

  • +2

    great timing after jlaw noods

  • +1

    pinch me samples don't usually last this long..

    • I'm still pinching myself over missing out on the automatic air freshener!

  • +1

    I wash my bum with water then pat it down with toilet paper….:/

  • Deal's still active. Just ordered.

  • I've got heaps of this stuff free but I am very hesitant to flush it down the crapper. I suppose I'll use them as face wipes.

  • Received mine in the mail. It is a 10 pack without the box

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