nickster9999 » user profile

Member Since | 27/01/2013 |
Last Seen | 21/05/2023 |
Badges | 1 1 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

nickster9999 commented on Deliberate car damage
You have no option.

nickster9999 commented on How Can Auspost Be So Slow?
Welcome to the new norm for Australia Post. I'm a small business owner, sending hundreds of items each week. Registered Post can take up to…

Think of a lease just like how you would for any other contract. I agree to sell you my card for $10,000. You accept the offer and take…

nickster9999 commented on Should I go to court over speeding fine? NSW
Send them a written letter explaining everything. Tell them if they do not remove the fine you will pursue it in court and if you are…

nickster9999 commented on Ongoing Symptoms Without Diagnosis
Many who espouse the benefits of natural/alternative treatment go on about how "big pharma" (ie the big pharmaceutical companies) are just…

nickster9999 commented on What to Do if Previous Tenants Don't Change Address after Moving: Endless Mail from Previous Tenants
I'd give them 3 months max then just throw in the bin. It's not your responsibility.

nickster9999 commented on Which MacBook Pro for Uni?
I have the new Macbook Pro. My advice: buy an Apple certified refurb of the previous model. Seriously, there is no justification whatsoever…

nickster9999 commented on I Always Find Very Difficult to Kill Time When No Work Is Being Assigned to Me at Office!
Jar of vaseline, a roll of paper towel and a quiet bathroom...

nickster9999 replied to
Imdad on Bought a Unit at Auction - Wanna Get out of The Contract Is It Possible?

[@ghostdom](/comment/4254090/redir): "i didnt look at it much" <------ Well there Sir is the problem. The ceiling height was not a hidden…

Really? Cops aren't employed to re-unite lost items with their owners. If there was evidence it was stolen, they might get involved (eg you…

nickster9999 replied to
nickster9999 on Free Calls to France for Telstra, Optus & Virgin Mobile Customers + Free Calls to France on Google Hangouts

[@McFly](/comment/3858519/redir): And there proves my point. The closer the personal connection to anything in life, the greater the impact…

nickster9999 replied to
King Tightarse on Free Calls to France for Telstra, Optus & Virgin Mobile Customers + Free Calls to France on Google Hangouts

"It's a natural human instict to group with and care about people with whom you are similar" EXACTLY. There's nothing wrong or mean about…

nickster9999 replied to
cocomelon on What's Your Mortgage Rate? What's The Best Mortgage Package You're Aware of?

Yes CBA own Bankwest. But Bankwest couldn't match the rate

nickster9999 commented on What's Your Mortgage Rate? What's The Best Mortgage Package You're Aware of?
3.94% with CBA. 100% offset. Fee free Diamond Rewards Mastercard/Amex They paid me $1200 to switch from Bankwest (the $1200 covers the…

nickster9999 commented on Scam in the making
Poor punctuation gives it away. Over the top exaggeration too. You know the way this response is written is very deliberate? This isn't the…

Why should the taxi driver have to clean the spew and vomit? Isn't he entitled to take it somewhere to get cleaned? He has to pay to get it…

Just do what Larry David did in order to drive in the T2 lane:

Politely decline. As others have said, you're committing a criminal offence. And a very serious one at that - making a false statutory…

nickster9999 replied to
kiribatian on Hair Loss - my advice and experiences, plus a request for advice!

These actual clinical results are what people should base their decisions on. Anecdotes mean nothing. First, it is one person's experience.…

You do know that once you transfer it to your friend, your friend owns it, can sell it and you can't do a single thing from him/her taking…

Yes. At law the concept of "damages" is to put the person in as close to the same position as possible but for the negligence taking place.…

nickster9999 was awarded a badge.

nickster9999 commented on [AMA] I'm an Accountant
Are there any maximum time periods that a company can pay an employee a "travel allowance"? Under ATO guidelines, the daily travel…

Reminds me of the episode in Seinfeld, when George gets a fortunate parking spot right in front of the hospital, which becomes unfortunate…

If I buy an apartment for $500,000, and 10 years later my suburb is re-developed and thousands more apartments are built, causing my…

That's the result of living in an extremely unionised country, where employers have to pay double time or more on public holidays. Totally… I've used to ship probably 20-30 things to me over the last few years. Has always worked well.

nickster9999 commented on How Would You Invest $1000?
Invest in an index fund. By definition, you cannot lose over the long term (7-10 years). Index funds mirror the growth of the stock…

[@Talonparty](/comment/3477873/redir): I have to sympathise with you there. I haven't had lots of instances, but there have been enough…