Back again on sale. Very popular monitor here on OZB. I've been waiting for one as my old TN monitor is degrading. Pulled the trigger today. Hope you like this deal.
Dell UltraSharp U2713HM 27” Monitor $573.30 (30% off)

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Don't buy 5k monitor 10k is likely to be announced soon.
Don't buy 10K it can't even show you your 20megapixel camera shots, wait for next gen.
Cmon everyone you many to by 25 5k monitors and join them together to have a display with acceptable resolution.
actually 8k or 7680x4320 is around 33 megapixels, 1080p is around 2 megapixels
Not that I at all agree with what watwatwat said, but the "more megapixels" argument doesn't really work if it's just up-scaled MP as opposed to native MP.
Any good as a gaming monitor?
I'm using it to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive without any issues.
Yes, I am pretty sure it is (I don't own one - haven't the funds)
If you're looking for a reasonable no-frill monitor, the one I use to game is decent and very reasonable (it does feel a little cheap, but great clarity and colour representation as long as you tune it right) - AOC AH-IPS 23.8" I2470swq 5ms 1920x1080 SPK D-SUB DVI HDMI DP LED Backlight LCD Monitor - $215 from MSY.
No caveats if you were buying two years ago. But today, you'd be getting one just as G-Sync products are starting to appear, which (along with FreeSync/Adaptive-Sync) is one of those game changer techs that might soon leave you wanting. Contrary to the thread above, there isn't always something significantly better just around the corner such that there's no point timing a particular upgrade - can in fact be better times than others.
This is a good monitor, but remember you need a dual link dvi output from your graphics card. Most motherboards will not have a built in dual link dvi output. This monitor does not support the high resolution with HDMI. Be warned.
The easiest solution is DisplayPort. Not sure why it isn't as popular as it should be. Most graphics cards have them and they support high resolutions too.
Yeah I'm using DisplayPort on this monitor.
FWIW, my exp with the last Dell U2713HM deal (this is my 2nd one) was very bad. The first one came with yellow tinted problem. The replacement came with the same problem. I have to wait for 2 weeks since I asked for a refund before they approve my refund request. Now have to wait 2 more weeks for the credit to come back to card.
Can I use this monitor with Surface Pro 3? (I mean can the SF3 handle this monitor?)
There is always a solution to mirror your laptop to a monitor/TV. Hit me if I am wrong.
My mate has this monitor but he struggled with it because his graphics card on his PC wasn't powerful enough. Ended up getting a better graphics card and monitor runs perfectly.
I'm going to get the Surface Pro 3 and I need to make sure the SP3 can handle this monitor before I buy them both.
Appreciate any help.
I had my surface pro 1 mirrored to this monitor without any issue. What problem did your friend have?
The screen is lagging due to his not-powerful-enough graphics card in his PC. And he didn't do rendering or any serious graphics design, just plain CAD drafting.
That is true. The latest version of AutoCAD is not running smoothly when it is mirrored to a monitor. The solution I had was to install the old CAD 2002 which runs perfectly. I don't know if the surface pro 3 is capable of doing all this but I doubt it.
i'm using this monitor with the surface pro 2 (displayport), no issues at all..
I don't get the fascination with Dell to be honest? I use the 23" version of this Dell at work and I just bought an AOC for $215 and I like the AOC way more than the Dell monitor :)
The selling point of this monitor is its higher resolution. You get more screen estate. Great for me to work on design drawings.
And the wide 99% sRGB color gamut, excellent viewing angles, factory-calibrated colour, zero-bad-pixel guarantee, 3-year warranty, solid swivel-tilt-portrait stand, USB 3.0 hub, full set of inputs…
IMHO if someone doesn't get the fascination with Dell Ultrasharps, they are probably not in the Ultrasharp's target market.
I understand the screen size difference is an advantage here but overall I think Dell is massively over rated when we have monitors that are equally as good (in every aspect) for half the money.
It's not so much the size but the resolution. 1440P looks stunning compared to 1080P on a 27" monitor.
we have monitors that are equally as good (in every aspect) for half the money.
Such as?
Only 1440p ones that are half the price are the Korean monitors, so maybe those?
How are they equally as good in every aspect?
The Ultrasharp has:
- solid swivel-tilt-pivot-height stand
- DP, HDMI, DVI, VGA inputs
- built-in scaler as everyone would expect from a normal monitor which means you can run games at a lower resolution if your video card can't handle WQHD
- USB 3.0 hub
- 3 year warranty
- zero bad pixel guarantee
- non-glossy screen
- reliable power supply
- backlight bleed? Exchange it without having to ship the monitor to Korea.
- factory-calibrated color
- wide color gamut
I love my older Dell 27", especially for screen real estate on production apps like Logic, Nuke etc, but when I am not doing stuff like that it can seem a little excessive and hard to read everything. Just throwing that out there. Having used 2x24", 27" and 2x30", I am tempted at the 2x24" as being optimal for me. All palettes on one screen, main work on primary screen. Although with Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen, perhaps a three monitor setup … yeeeeessssssss … a THREE monitor setup!
Does this monitor come "anti-glare" coated? Although I like my Dell U2412M monitor it has the anti-glare coating that is quite annoying to look at because screen looked "dirty/dusty", especially hinders productivity when graphics editing/design.
I have the U2412M and know what you mean. Several previous Dells I've owned have had a similarly 'dirty' coating. But reviews describe the U2713HM's anti-glare as less aggressive than previous Dells, e.g.:
The screen coating on the U2713HM is a normal anti-glare (AG) offering. This is contrary to a lot of other screens using variants of the LM270WQ1 panel which offer a glossy screen coating. Readers will be pleased to hear though that the AG coating is actually nice and light and is not the usual grainy and aggressive solution you would normally find on an IPS panel. In fact in practice it is almost what you might call a semi-gloss coating being quite similar to AU Optronics AMVA offerings. Dell seem to have toned down the AG coating which is great news. It retains its anti-glare properties to avoid unwanted reflections, but does not produce an overly grainy or dirty image that some AG coatings can.
it has anti glare but its not intrusive at all. Its not noticeable when the screen is in use even in a well lit room.
I was very close to buying 2 of these. I have a 2007 27" dell. However going by dell's history they seem to release a new 27" every 2 years. We should be seeing a top range 2015 model soon. :)
What do people think is better? This or the U2711?
Depends on what you're looking for. U2711 has a wider gamut, so if you're in photography or print design, that would be better if you have a card that can output 10bit. Has a SD card reader built in.
As previously noted, the U2713 has a less aggressive AG coating so won't look as grainy. Is LED backlit so uses less power and won't run as hot.
I'm a mostly print designer and would actually go for the U2713HM over the U2711. But there is also the U2713H if you have the extra money.
Having watched the whirlpool thread pertaining to the U2711 and witnessed my housemate return his and receive "refurb" models passed back to him, getting stuck in this horrible chain of receiving different repaired monitors that have other problems, I would personally steer clear of them.
Trouble with negative opinions, of course, is that's really the only type of opinion you see on the internet - everybody else is too busy using their stuff and content. I'm just saying that I personally wanted to buy a U2711 for a long time and watching all the crap from people who had bad ones convinced me to not get involved.
This was about 4 years back, but there's no doubt they were not replacing defective monitors with new stuff.
think these would be good as a tripple Monitor setup?
I think U2414Hs would be better for triple monitor.
I have 2x u2711 monitors and it is a bit difficult to see things on the far edges. My eyesight isn't wonderful, but I imagine having a lot of trouble with using 3 of these.
Uh oh.. got 3 of these……
I'm not saying this is better, but it extremely enticing for the price.
I have a crossover (another brand) 30" IPS at home and a 27 Korean IPS at work and they're certainly good for their money.
$473 and you have my attention, moving along
Make sure they send you screens with LG panels.. The old Samsung panels have problems
Thanks OP. I picked one up for work. Need a new monitor.
Bought one at 12:30am, got a phone call 11 hours later scheduling delivery!
Hope the monitor is as good as the service thus far :)
How to know if they send the LG or Samsung panels?
Are they sending the new, not refurbished, monitor at the first time?Ps. I have ordered one. Will be delivered tomorrow or Friday at latest.
They will send you a brand new one first, replacement screens are all refurbished.
They are not all bad, but in my case they sent me one of each and I could tell the difference.XXXS > serial ending in S = Samsung panel
XXXL > serial ending in L = LG panel
its pretty good for cutting onions