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Nando's - Two's A Party Meal for $22 (Normally $27.25)


Spotted the ad on tv last night, will update when they decide to post on their Facebook! Not as good as last time when they did it for $19.95, but over a $5 saving is still a saving off Nando's!

Don't forget Peri Perks will give you $2.20 credit back also.

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Nando's Australia
Nando's Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Nandos is pretty crap now. You pay a fortune and you get very little. I remember one time ordering a chicken meal and getting two pieces of chicken the size of 3 20 cent pieces lined up. Thought it was an anomaly then the next time I went to a different store it was the same.

    • +2

      It is odd how a Nandos half chicken quite often comes in smaller than a quarter from Reddies.

      • and reddies ones are not big so that's pretty bad

    • +1

      I thought I was the only one that thought this. Nando is so expensive for what it's worth. Chicken aren't exactly big ether.

  • Wasn't worth it when this deal was for 20$

  • This is a bad deal.

    The one or two whole chickens with two large sides is better value and tastes better.

    The last time I had this I was very unsatisfied and still hungry its almost a kids meal.

  • i know i don't get nando's charge so much for a meal from what i remember it was like $16, but everything about the burger and chips were terrible. I will never go back to any nando's again unless its a free birthday meal.

  • Assuming that you get chips for both of the sides, this meal is around 900 calories (off the top of my head) even when you half it with a friend. Considering that a normal adult should eat around 2000 calories a day, Nando's for lunch would actually be excessive if you have a reasonable breakfast and dinner.

    I don't think their portion sizes are small at all, and definitely not for kids unless you want them to gain weight.

    • Yeah but 2700kJ/645kcal each of that is chips. The chicken itself is only 1700kJ each which is pretty reasonable - grab a sugarfree softdrink/salad/corn on the cob and you're doing alright.

    • +1

      That uses poor logic you can't talk about calories and portions when you are talking about deep fried chips.

      • Freedom of speech.

        But one can totally eat enjoyable food while calorie counting for whatever purpose.

        • +1

          My point is that calories that fill you up with regular food doesn't often equal the same calories that fill you up at take away places and my point is that this is especially true with Nandos chips.

          Now if you enjoy being left hungry and unsatisfied then go ahead match your calories but I can't see why you would.

      • I think everybody should be more aware of their calorie intake, even with fast food places. Complaining about small portion sizes means that people think they need more food after finishing their meal - even when technically, they should be satiated with the calorie intake.

        • yeah well this is ozbargain so when comparing the price its expensive for the portion you get. if the portions (and therefore calories) are small so should the price.

        • thats not exactly accurate. Coloric intake does not map to satiating hunger. Humans are adapted to low density food (eg unprocessed vegetables). The problem is that stuff like nandos (or candy) is high density food so you will feel hungry even after eating enough to meet your needs.

          Foods high in fibre or protein help reduce hunger.

  • +1

    Best advice guys - Buy a roast chicken from Woolies/Coles, and chuck on peri-peri (or any other sauce) on top of that. Same taste at a fraction of the price.

    • +6

      Are you a smoker or do you have some sort of tongue issue?

      They are both chicken but past that they taste very different.

      • No to both.

        I find that I can't taste the diff once you get the sauce on, it's all the same to me

        • +1

          Sounds to me like you should buy Tofu and Nandos sauce and go nuts.

    • Or you can buy Peri Peri chicken from woolies, just 1-2$ more.

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