This was posted 10 years 8 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Smart Shortcut Dustproof Plug for Android Phone $0.44 Delivered Limited 1 Per Person @GearBest


Cheapest price I have ever seen this product. Previous deal was $1.81 @ Tinydeal.

Video review:

From Website:

  • Revolutionary: The most powerful way to communicate with your phone
  • Get started: Plug it into the headphone jack
  • Power at your fingertips: The ultimate shortcut device
  • Slim and smart: Just 15.5mm x 5mm
  • Customize gestures and shortcuts to for your perfect digital life
  • Achieve full control: Set yourself free with over 50 kinds of shortcut
  • Superfast access to camera, apps, maps and more
  • Staying safe made easy: Emergency SOS function

Update from GearBest: If you do not receive the package after 45 days, please contact cusomer support to arrange resend or refund
Email: [email protected]

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closed Comments

    • +48

      This is a damn lie.

      Have been waiting for my bluetooth speaker for over two months.
      I opened a pay pal dispute after 45 days and asked for my money back.
      You told me to "wait some more time" so I escalated and was told again to "wait some more time".
      Then I replied back saying I will not wait and I want my money back (third time)
      You finally agreed but told me to contact you guys if I eventually receive the item to make sure I pay you back.

      I see you posting with awesome customer service promises on Ozbargain but it's fake. Dealing with you guys through Pay Pal was painful, treating people like idiots. Just Fake.

      You guys are a JOKE

      • +17

        I have to agree. Bought the same item as here, got an email on the 8th of May saying it was shipped, and still haven seen it.

        Sure it's only 44c, but it's still not worth it.

      • +12

        Yes, it is ridiculous. Its been over 60 days and I still haven't received anything, when asked about my item. You guys responded "Because it is an unregistered parcel, it may be slower than other shipping methods. " and "If you still have not received the package after a long time, please contact your local post office and also contact us to check on your behalf.".

        You seriously think the post office have lost ALL of our orders at the same time? Stop treating us like idiots and give us our refund.

        • +14

          I'm still waiting for my last one!
          Plus the waterproof speakers…it never arrived…

        • +8

          but it's fake.

          just like most of the things they sell on there site.

          i used to like gearbest, the first couple of things i got from them were good and arrived timely. since them i have had nothing but trouble from them. and after contacting them had nothing but issues trying to get things resolved. unfortunately i have to agree that there claims are mostly BS

          the last thing i got resent caus the original was faulty came in perfect packaging with pins completly bent and damage to the circuit board where it looks like it had been thrown around the office before they sent it to me..

        • +2

          Almost two months for two orders. I'm seriously thinking open a dispute in PayPal as well as write a blog about that.

      • +10

        Great business opportunity… offer to sell items for cents to hundreds of thousands of people and don't deliver them… 100% profit.
        You will get away with it for a very long time before anything is done and by then you would have made your fortune… :-)

        • +1

          I would also add that the genius of this deal is that people will not be wasting time raising / escalating PayPal disputes over 44 cents. Simply brilliant!

        • not counting the personal information database that they can sell to advertisers

          and the credit card database that they can sell to hackers

        • +4

          And the 45 days wait period (post-dispatch) policy that coincides with the 45 days within which you must open a PayPal dispute.
          These guys have really thought this through!

        • +2

          Yeah I just found out. I guess I'm going to write a blog about this, and an email to PayPal to complain.

      • +7

        You read my mind. My order number is WW1404200821154929. I paid by Paypal at 04/20/2014 15:21:20 PM. It is almost 2 months and they told me to wait more time.

        • +9

          whats your credit card number mobile number and address btw?

        • +3

          Sorry I don't have credit card. I would get one if I have a job.

      • +3

        Same thing happened to me, never received the bt speaker ordered in April. Opened a case in Paypal and GB asked me to wait and provided a tracking number which can't be tracked. Left comments many times but got no reply.
        Think this way, how could GB afford the $0.44 deal? They pays $0.31 to Paypal and at least $1 for postage. But they definitely makes money. How? They just post these unreal deals and wait ppl to buy and forgot. Worse case, they refund, no matter how, they win.
        I ordered one, if I don't receive this time I will open a case not for money back but for reporting fraud, hope all other OZBs do the same to get this rubbish company removed.

      • +1

        Never order with gearbest, keep saying wait for 1-2 week more, still waiting my last order cree after 2 months.

      • +3

        This is where the power of the internet as a public forum can empower the consumer.
        Shame Gearbest, SHAME !

      • +3


    • +7

      I am still waiting as well for the Bluetooth speaker that has not arrived, some thing doggy goes on with there shipping, i always buy cheap stuff from Asian country's from eBay and always arrives with in 2-3 weeks MAX, with gearbest it always takes ages or never arrives

    • +13

      Please send your order number and other details to [email protected] with the subject “ozbargain”.

      why do we need to specify "OzBargain"? is this because you accept that in general you treat your customers poorly but want to give OzB'ers some special treatment that no other customer would receive? is this just some publicity stunt here? i dont quite understand it. why shouldnt you treat all your customers the same way?

    • +5

      Also never recieved the bluetooth speaker. This company is a joke. Many people never recieve items at all. Stay away from them

    • +2

      why you mess up with us?

    • +2


    • +1

      I never got the speakers either, opened the paypal dispute too late

  • Man the prices are getting ridiculous now. Pressy is pretty much doomed. Seems like you need an account to buy btw (and the Facebook account creation doesn't actually do anything - javascript:void(0);)

  • +4


  • Can't get the discount for more than one?

    • +4

      It's impossible to get more than zero.

  • +2

    paid $0.43 yeshh. saved 1c.

    • -1

      Me too :)

  • 0.39 saved 5c. and you can actually login with facebook account from
    or click login from their homepage.

  • Mine just arrived today, very good quality, works great. :D

  • +1

    Does this mean that the annoying camera shutter sound can be muted?

    • There are a few camera apps that don't play the shutter sound, but those apps also say that some versions of Android force the shutter sound to be played.

      Here is one that I use, it's free and has some good features, like a good anti-shake sensor:…

      However, it is quite slow to store each picture, and occasionally brings up a nag screen (the back button makes it go away, in the version I have - version 5.95)

      • If your phones rooted you can disable the sound on the default camera app.

    • don't know if this is universal, but my HTC (sensation) is not rooted, and the stock android camera app doesn't make any sounds if the phone is in silent or vibrate mode…

  • +2

    Are there any other good apps that work with this? I looked at the permissions of the 'helloklick' app that gearbest recommend. The permissions for the app are a bit ridiculous. Don't feel too sure about using it.
    I bought one during the last deal, it arrived yesterday.

  • Grabbed one, thanks! The lock/unlock key on my phone hasn't been working properly for quite a while. Hope this little thing helps.

  • It says "The code you entered is expired."

  • +1

    can somebody please tell me how to hide deals from gearbest?

    Edit:NVM found it.

    • +2


      • Click the "hide from listing" button in the deal above.

        • +1

          Or go to My Account -> Settings -> Deals and edit Blocked Stores/Users/Commenters

  • Any one had luck with using paypal express checkout?
    Because when I apply the coupon it forces me the non express checkout option.

  • +6

    Got to say GearBest is super slow, you would have totally forgotten about the order by the time it arrives, if at all. They are definitely number one in slowness.

    • +2

      could be worse, I ordered a pressy…

  • that seems like a pain to get out

  • Just ordered one.
    How wrong can I go for 40 cents?

    • It probably won't arrive… thats how hah.

  • +11

    GearBest is dodgy.
    I have placed two orders on April and May, haven't got anything.
    Send complaint, IGNORED.

    • Not meant to be mean, but find it slightly funny. Apology in advance.

      Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me… Might arrive if you place an order in June….

      • i somehow foresaw gearbest's problems and tying to be clever bought the bluetooth speaker from buyincoins.
        BUT i still havent received it and its been over a month now.
        somehow these stores have related supply issues?

  • Interesting device.

  • +1

    Giving this a go - thanks OP.

    Hope it turns up :)

  • +1


  • +1

    39c.. I've dropped more in the floor over the past week

  • +7

    I got the Bluetooth speaker on 4th May, it never arrived and too late for PayPal dispute. I just sent them an email, let see what they say.
    Also ordered 10 led watches in May as well. They too never arrived….

  • +9

    never trusting gearbest anymore, after multiple failed orders. Disappointing.

  • +8

    Never had good experiences with Gearbest.. had a few failed orders as well.

  • +6

    so many bad reviews

  • +1

    WTH? I haven't paid for my order but they're already giving me a order number and telling me that it's paid too.

    • +1

      which they will cancel if you haven't paid within a few days

      • Hmmm I see. That makes sense.

  • +7

    Ha! I too have been burned by these guys with the shower speakers. Also, this deal just reminded me to make sure that my refund request is escalated to a full claim on Paypal.

    I hope many others in my position do the same so Paypal stops allowing these guys to use their transaction service as they have been proven on OzBargain to be very dodgy and potentially fraudulent.

  • doesnt work on LG g2

  • -1

    I got my shower speakers after a month. It works well so I have ordered this item.

  • Sorry to hear some of you guys have had a bad experience with this seller but my experience with my last order was positive, the shipping wasn't the fastest but the item i received was DOA, contacted them and went through the usual RMA process…sent photo's etc. and they fully refunded my money within 48 hours.

  • +1

    Where is my shower speaker that I ordered and paid for two months ago, Gearbest?!?

  • +2

    I see GB is up to its usual antics and template replies again. Bought from them previously outside of ozb. Item never arrived. Dispute lodged and guess what? "Please wait some more." Fake tracking number given too. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and waited until PayPal's time limit was up and still no word. Had to escalate it for resolution to get my money back.

  • Cheers OP - worth a shot ;)

  • +1

    Just cut the mic jack off of a broken set of earphones.

    also works as a "silencer".

  • +4

    how on earth did this deal get 53 upvotes? what a mess of a deal

    • +3

      The next GB deal will be 53 negs once they realise they've all been scammed.

  • Ordered one. Thanks.

  • +4

    Negging because my waterproof speaker never arrived. Scam. Should be banned from OzBargain.

    • +5

      "Should be banned from OzBargain"

      I think that is a fair stance.
      Sounds to me like this business has quite a history of disappointing OB'ers.

      • +3


        On a more general point, I question whether ultra-low prices like these are actually bargains once shipping time and enormous delivery uncertainty is factored in. It reminds me of the phrase "Linux is free only if your time has no value".

    • My order from Gearbest

      Ordered 20th May and shipping notice received on same day
      Arrived 19th June

      The shipping note said 15 to 25 business days so they made it within time.
      Slow but it did arrive.

      Having said that I don't think I'd chance a large purchase given the number of negative outcomes posted here and elsewhere.

      Issue that I have with them is you can't make an enquiry without having an account - other sites you can just email or live chat

  • +3

    I never got my speaker either after 2 months. Buyer beware.

  • +2

    Don't buy from them. Never received my order.

  • "Your subtotal: $2.02"

    Not working for me…

  • +9

    These guys should be banned from ozbargain for the following reasons.

    1 They never keep their promises about refund, resend
    2 Most of the items are never received by the customer
    3 They spam you after getting your email address.

    how about you choose a 5usd item, I can arrange ship it to you free.
    If any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Best regards,

    Never kept the promise. Didn't reply a single email after this.

    Imagine the profit they get by posting fake cheap deals and getting thousands of ozbargainers to buy it (of course item is never sent)

    Everyone please complain to authorities at least to prevent future scams from happening!

  • +2

    Sound like, they're trying to make 44cents from thousands of people which add up to lots of $$$. Will avoid

  • +6

    Guys how can we report gear best as fraud and to which authority? If we collectively do it maybe someone will do something about these guys.

    EDIT: I find it funny that they say "If you do not receive the package after 45 days, please contact cusomer support to arrange resend or refund Email: [email protected]".

    So basically they want the PayPal time to raise a dispute to expire first before you chase them up so that you close all your avenues for ever receiving a refund. Nice!!

  • +2

    Never received my 1c iphone usb cable. Scammers scrounging cents here and there obviously adding up to some substantial dosh…

  • +8

    Never received my bluetooth speaker either.
    Judging by the sheer number of similar comments and negs, I'm going to pile on to request them being banned. The level of service being provided is abysmal.

  • +2


    I did receive my torch eventually, but it wasn't anything special for the price, specs not as advertised. It's pretty clear these guys are just all round dodgy.

  • +1

    Just a question… 3 straight Gearbest posts and you're not a rep? That's super efficient of you.

    edit: I guess that's not really a question, huh.

  • +14

    Let us suggest ozbargin to ban gearbest !! One vote from me!

  • +4

    I agree with other downvoters, don't buy it. You'll either receive your item in 2 months time (if they have stock) and if they run out of stock, they won't tell you, keep your money and hope that the 45 day PayPal dispute window runs out. In my book, that makes these guys scammers.

    In my case, they provided me with a FAKE tracking number for the item, it spent over 50 days in shipping (now sitting around 65-70?) and they advised me to wait longer. Opened a dispute with PayPal and they instantly gave me my money back. Why? Because they know they didn't post the bluetooth speaker and that they outright scammed me.

    I echo the call for a ban.

    • -6

      Hi, jack,

      We send the parcel by unregistered parcel without tracking number, it is reference number, we did send it out, we will ask the forwarder to check and give us reponse. We don't want the Gearbest customers to wait so long, so we have refunded you first.

      If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

      Best regards
      Gearbest Customer Servi

  • +2

    In my experience, a deal from GearBest is not a deal at all.
    Still waiting on two orders placed exactly 2 months ago today. No response to my email requesting a refund either.

  • +1

    GB is a hit and miss. The torch still works, the iphone cable doesnt, while the 2 items are in the cloud somewhere. I'd be on them like shit on velcro if i had paid more than a $1 of for those items.

  • +2

    I also never received my bluetooth speaker. im never buying from these guys again

  • +2

    Waiting for bluetooth speaker

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